Chapter 16: Oh Regulus

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"Well folks after today's Navel battle I am not sure what to expect in this next part but I am sure that it will be just as exciting and thrilling as the other battles that has taken place during this years Grand Magic Games" Chipati Lola exclaimed.
"Today it seems that instead of the regular one VS one battles, it's going to be two VS two battles" Yajima explained.
"So without any further delay we will start the first match. From Blue Pegasus it's Ichiya and Rabbit Verses Fairy tail's Erza and Lisanna" Chipati Lola announced making the crowd burst into yells and screams of delight.
"To think that we would have to verse the wonderful Erza" Ichiya said as he offered his hand to Erza while Rabbit did the same to Lisanna in a show of good sportsmanship.
"I was hoping to be able to verse her but it seems like luck isn't on our side" Loke said with a glare of hatred towards Lisanna. No matter what anyone said to him, Loke would never forgive Lisanna. He would continue to hate her even long after her death should it come to pass.
"Eww don't touch me" Lisanna sneered before stepping away from the offered hand.
"Oh my, it seems that Ichiya and Rabbit were simply offering their hands in a show of good sportsmanship but Lisanna wants nothing to do with it stepping back like they had offended her" Chipati Lola said making most of the crowd boo at the take over mage who flushed in embarrassment.
"The time has come for you to unmask your true beauty" said Ichiya and everyone started whispering since everyone was dying to figure out who was in the bunny suit.
"So who do you think is in the bunny suit?" Gray asked, looking at the rest of Dragon's Heart.
"Honestly with Ichiya being the one who recruited him? Who knows" Sting shrugged.
"I'm not sure that I want to know" Rogue shivered a little. It wasn't that he disliked Ichiya, it was simply that he was not used to being around someone so.....Sparkly.
"It can't be that bad can it?" Loke asked.
"Well me and Luce already figured out who it is so it's not fair for us to answer that question but to answer your question Loke, yes it can be that bad" Natsu said shivering while Lucy just paled a little. With that the rabbit mask came off showing that the secret member was Nichiya, the exceed from Extallia who looked exactly like Ichiya.
"WHAT?!" Everyone yelled in complete shock or horror it was hard to tell.
"Double stud muffin attack" they both said together as everyone reacted in disgust and Erza looked like she was going to pass out. Ichiya then went on to explain about how he had gotten lost in the woods but when he collapsed the exceed's found him and Nichiya helped him. Lisanna seemed to have enough of that since she used her cat take over to hit Nichiya and send him flying. Making Ichiya crying out but then insisted Nichiya could fight only for the cat to pass out. "Let's just get this over with" Erza shivered as her and Lisanna attacked Ichiya sending Ichiya flying over and over again. It seemed though that they had forgotten just how powerful Ichiya was as he used his muscle perfum to grow in both muscle and mass.
"I feel bad for hitting a woman but it is what must happen" Ichiya said. Lisanna and Erza went to attack him only to be blind sided by Ichiya's smile and then sent flying smashing into the arena wall and being knocked out.
"Well I'm not sure if you believe it folks but it really happened, Nichiya and Ichiya from Blue Pegasus have won against Fairy tail's Erza and Lisanna" Chipati Lola announced as Ichiya began blowing kisses towards the crowd before picking up Nichiya and checking on him before leaving the arena.
"Well I always knew that he was powerful but to beat Erza is something different" Gray said.
"The only reason he managed to beat Erza is because of that ferocious smile of his, it knocked them off their game" Lucy shuttered just thinking of said smile.

"Well folks let's dive straight into round two it's Lamia scale's Lyon and Yuka Verses Mermaid heel's Kagura and Millianna" Chipati Lola said while Lucy stretched. After having battle in the water sphere she was sluggish.
"As much as I know Lyon and Luka have grown I am pretty sure that Millianna and Kagura have this one in the bag" Gray sighed, he really wanted to cheer his brother in all but blood on and he intended to but he still believed that the two girls were going to win.
"They are driven by a bloodlust towards Jellal because they don't know exactly what happened so they are dangerous" Natsu noted.
"Yeah but Lyon and Yuka also have skills especially since it seems that Kagura is overconfident in their abilities" Lucy said rolling her eyes. Millianna threw the first attack with her kitty restraint tube. Lyon tried to get Kagura involved by attacking her but Millianna stopped the attack before racing towards Luka and using a fake attack before going straight to punching him in the face over and over.
"How......disappointing" Loke said rolling his eyes as Millianna scratched their faces. Luka used his wave to nullify one of Millianna's kitty tubes before she sent out lots of them and soon enough Lyon and Luka were all tied up. Lyon then make an ice mouse at Millianna's which made her let the ropes go to chase the mouse all around. He then made a blizzard making Millianna dove under a kotetsu. When Lyon realised that they were starting to run out of time Lyon summoned an ice tiger that made Millianna run straight into a wall and knock herself out. Kagura then stepped into the battle and took Yuka down in just one blow. It was then that Lyon unleashed an attack of ice dragon flies before trying to release an ice hawk attacked before getting knocked down to the ground.
"Going to say something Gray?" Natsu asked.
"Of course. OI LYON! What the hell do you think you're doing? If you call yourself Master Ul's student then get up and show us that you deserve that title" Gray yelled out, making Lyon get up with a grin.
"Of course I'm not about to let them win after all I still have to deal with them as well" said Lyon as fury passed over his face while his eyes drifted to where Fairy tail was. Not only had they hurt Lucy because of Lisanna but they had also hurt Gray and Lyon would not forgive anyone that hurt his little brother. Lyon then summoned an ice tiger, an ice ape and an ice dragon. In retaliation Kagura used her gravity magic to draw Lyon into the sky and destroy the ice figurines. The bell then went off just as Kagura was about to hit him to get a draw but it seemed Lucy was the only one that realised it.
"Did you notice it as well?" Lucy asked with a smile.
"Of course, they all seem to think Kagura would have won but it seemed no one noticed Lyon's ice eagles were seconds away from Kagura" Gray grinned.

"Another amazing match from our competitors but I am sure that everyone can admit that this next match is what everyone has been waiting for. It's Dragon's Heart's Lucy and Loke Verses Sabertooth's Rufus and Olga" Chipati Lola said as Lucy and Loke headed down to the arena with their friends cheering them on while the crowds were the only ones cheering for Sabertooth. It made Lucy frown a little looking up at where the Sabertooth guild was but they weren't cheering just looking down on Rufus and Olga as if daring for them to lose.
"Ever since the games there has been tension between Dragon's heart and Fairy tail and now we can see how it will turn out" Yajima said.
"Who will win Dragon's or Tiger's, everyones dying to turn out so begin" said Mato with a cheer.
"Damn we are stuck with fighting the spirit and the woman, we were hoping to be fighting Rogue and Sting" Olga said.
"As if we would let you anywhere near either of them, they were tortured in Sabertooth for long enough. If we weren't part of the competition we would have already crushed your guild" Loke sneered.
"We should be focusing on the battle at the moment after all we only have thirty minutes" Lucy reminded them.
"You may try and win but I have all of your abilities memorised" Rufus smiled before he started to use one of his starry night spells but both of them just moved out of the way. Olga attempted to hit Lucy with a lightning god slayer fist but she just ducked out of the way and kicked his feet out from underneath him.
"I don't know what your master thinks a guild is for but I promise you that we at Dragon's heart aren't going to abandon and leave you to be hurt like the rest of the guilds have done" Lucy whispered so only Olga could hear before jumping back to Loke and Olga pulled himself up and went over to Rufus whispering. The memory-make mage's eyes widened as Olga told him what Lucy told him and he nodded his head, his eyes looked watery before he shut them.
"Looks like it is time to pick this up a notch" Lucy grinned as she placed her hand on her chest.
"Stardress: Capricorn" Lucy said as her clothes and hair changed. She was now wearing a black and purple dress that had her left thigh bare that showed the capricorn mark, on her feet were white boots that came up past her knees, she had two black sleeves that weren't attached to the dress, a pair of tinted sunglasses and finally on her head were two small horns with ribbons around them and her hair was in two plaits.
"Plan one or two?" Loke asked with a grin as his hands started to glow.
"Let's go with plan three" Lucy said with a match grin. The next thing that anyone knew was that Rufus and Olga were on the defense as both Lucy and Loke attacked. The two Sabertooth mages weren't given time for anything but dodging and blocking as Lucy and Loke continued to shower them with hits. Unfortunately they couldn't block all the hits so they were both also getting pretty beaten up but both Olga and Rufus could tell that Loke and Lucy were both holding back in their hits. Finally Olga managed push them back with a strike of lightning and it was Loke and Lucy's turn to go on the defensive though neither Sabertooth member managed to get even one proper hit on either Dragon's Heart member.
"Okay we only have ten minutes left so we are going to have to put a lid on this even though it's been a rather fun match, we have a point to get through to the other guilds and people watching" Loke said and Lucy changed her star dress to her Leo star dress and both of their magical power started to rise.
"Something tells me that this isn't going to end well" Rufus gulped while everyone watched with baited breaths.
"Star of Regulus lend us your guidance and power" said Lucy as she grabbed Loke's hands as they stood back to back.
"So that we might destroy our enemies and protect our friends" said Loke as the sky darkened and the Leo constellation started to glow brightly. Rufus tried to use one of his memory-make magics but it was destroyed when it got too close to Lucy and Loke from the sheer amount of magic the two were letting off. Olga on the other hand grabbed Rufus and pulled him close to himself while using his lightning magic to make a barrier around the both of them to hopefully stop most of the attack that was coming.
"Shine your light oh Regulus" both Lucy and Loke said and with a large boom it looked like the stars themselves descended into the arena and hit around where Rufus and Olga were standing. While the lightning barrier stopped some of the attack most of it still went through so it was no surprise when the bright golden light disappeared Rufus and Olga were laying knocked out.
"Oh my! Just when we had thought we had seen the extent of Dragon's Heart's abilities they come and shock us once more by beating two mages in just one hit" Chipati Lola said while the crowds went while nearly sending the dragon slayer's deaf from how loud they were. Lucy dismissed her star dress before the two of them headed over to Rufus and Olga as they started to wake up. Offering them a hand to be helped up both Rufus and Olga took it while Lucy slipped something into Rufus's hand with a smile.
"Just in case you need us" Lucy explained when he gave a questioning look.
"Don't be stupid enough not to ask for help when you need it, asking for help doesn't mean that you are weak" Loke said before they headed back to their own sections so that they could hear the score for the end of the day before everyone went their own way for the night. The next was a rest day before the final day of the Grand Magic Games but what no one knew was that trouble was brewing and it would take them all by surprise.

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