Chapter 10: Chariot

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When the three teams met up they all decided that they would head out to have dinner together so that they could catch up and so they were silent until they got to the restaurant.
"So are you guys going to explain why you just disappeared for two years?" Hibiki asked curiously.
"You even quit Fairy tail and made your own guild" Eve piped up.
"Now, settle down boys, we should order our meal first" Ichiya said, making Ren, Eve and Hibiki praise him for being smart.
"So?" Lyon asked, looking at Gray.
"Two years ago I was involved with an.....accident I guess you could say. Because of this accident I lost any and all respect I had for Fairy Tail so I could not longer trust them so I decided to leave the guild, Happy, Natsu and Gray found me and they decided that they would join me in leaving the guild" Lucy explained making Loke clench his hands and grit his teeth.
"I see it must be hard for you to speak about so we will not push the issue, we are just glad that you are alright" Jura said as he bowed his head in our direction.
"We appreciate that so how have you been? I don't think we know you" Natsu grinned looking at the pink haired girl who had been announced as Chelia.
"Right, I'm Chelia Blendy, you know my cousin Sherry" Chelia smiled.
"That explains a lot" Loke nodded as he took in just how much she looked like Sherry.
"I thought that she was Sherry's daughter the first time I saw them together" Sting chuckled making Ren choke on his drink. When he finally calmed down he had a blush on his face before looking away making every snicker at his expression. Rogue gently elbowed Sting who was sitting next to him making Sting clear his throat and get everyone's attention.
"I know that not all of you guys think that good of me and Rogue but we would both like to apologise to you all for the shameless things we have done while part of Sabertooth" Sting said bowing his head and Rouge bowed his head as well not meeting anyones eyes. His normal shyness becoming worse with being around people that they had both beaten at one point or another.
"That's in the past, we don't hold it against you or anything" Luka said and Toby nodded along with him.
"......Everyone kind of knows what happened when you got kicked out of Sabertooth, it wasn't exactly a quiet affair" Lyon said not really wanting to bring it up in case it brought up bad memories for the two dragon slayers. When Rogue and Sting were kicked out of Sabertooth, it was after they had lost a match against Laxus and Gajeel. They had been made to remove their own guild marks and if that wasn't bad enough they had been beaten by Jiemma so much so that they had been in hospital for over a month trying to recover from it.
"That is one thing that they will pay for I promise you that" Natsu growled, his eyes narrowing and starting to glow. Lucy reached out and grabbed Natsu's shoulder making him take in a breath before letting it out and repeating it as he calmed down.
"As I'm sure you have realised we will give no mercy to Fairy tail and Sabertooth but we are looking forward to seeing how you and the other guilds have grown" Gray smirked. This made Lyon match his grin and start to boast about how much, Lamia scale had grown and then Ichiya joined in saying that Blue Pegasus was the best. Even when their meals were served they continued to talk about the things that had changed as well as who's guild was better but it was a friendly argument.
"I can't help but see how much you have grown as well Lucy" said Hibiki as he started to move a bit closer only to be cut off by Loke slid in between the two of them with a glare towards the archive mage.
"It's okay Loke don't worry, I am glad that you have noticed but your archive magic is also impressive though I have yet to see how you have improved it I am looking forward to it" Lucy smiled as she placed a hand on Loke's shoulder but the spirit didn't move. It was then that Hibiki fully looked Lucy over and realised that her hands were shaking slightly and her shoulders were hunched, almost like she was trying to shrink in on herself. It was then that it dawned on him exactly what type of accident that Lucy had been involved in and he had to hold himself back from snarling in anger and hunting down the people that had done something so disgusting but he managed to rein it in and hide it away so that he didn't make Lucy any more uncomfortable.
"Master Ichiya, shouldn't we be heading back to our inn? It's starting to get late and Master Bob will start to get worried. It was a pleasure to catch up with you guys, we will have to meet up like this again sometime" Hibiki smiled as Ichiya agreed that they should get back to the inn and rest since they still had the grand magic games tomorrow.
"We should be getting back to our inn as well, I look forward to seeing how all of you have grown" Jura said as the members of Lamia scale stood up to leave as well.
"Don't think our talk is over yet Gray, I am going to give you a good tongue lashing later so that you never decide to disappear on me again understand?" Lyon barked and Gray nodded with a smile as they left.
"Fro is tired" the little exceed yawned rubbing their eyes.
"I agree, today has been a rather draining day" Rogue said as he picked Frosche up while Lector jumped on Sting's shoulder and Lucy scooped Happy into her arms even though he was still eating his fish.
"Let's head back to our inn, even if we don't go to bed straight away we at least don't have to worry about looking over our shoulders there" Natsu commented as they left the restaurant, finding out that the other two guilds had paid for the whole meal including theirs.

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