Chapter 2: The rage of a demon

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When the two fairy tail wizards arrived at the place that they could hear the cries and screams coming from both of them froze in shock at the sight that greeted them. There was Lucy Heartfielia, the girl that both of them saw as a sister being held down by five bandits in nothing but a bra and her skirt. Before anyone could even more, Natsu let out an inhuman roar before he raced grabbing the first bandit and slamming him into the ground with a snarl. Gray moved with just as much fury as he fully froze the bandit that had been touching Lucy to only smash it seconds later. The two boys made short work of the remaining bandits leaving none of them alive after all they had dared to harm their precious little sister who was still sitting there with tears streaming down her face. 
"Luce are you okay?" Natsu asked gently as he approached her, taking his jacket off and gently wrapping it around the girl. 
"N-N-Natsu....G-G-Gray" Lucy sobbed her arms up making the ice make mage and fire dragon slayer instantly pull her into a hug between the two of them as they tried to calm her down. 
"What happened to you Natsu?" Gray asked once Lucy's sobs had calmed a little and they noticed that Natsu's body had changed slightly. The left side of his face and some of his arm was now covered in what appeared to be black tattoo-like markings that looked a lot like dragon scales. He also had a red aura around him as well as his onyx eyes gaining red flecks through them that would send anyone scampering away from Natsu. 
"You should worry more about your own change after all, I'm not the only one that has different markings now" commented Natsu and it seemed that his voice had become deeper as well. Looking at Gray he as well had black tattoo like marks on the right of his body though his looked like a frost that covered his right arm completely as well as half his chest and neck but there was only a sliver on his face that went over his right eye that had turned purple. He also had a frosty blue aura coming off him but both of them couldn't care about the fact that they had changed and they had felt their magic change, all they cared about right now was the girl in their arms that was still sobbing quietly. 
"Luce are you calm enough to tell us what happened now?" Natsu asked gently, taking his scarf off to also wrap around the shivering girl. Gray, who had already taken his jacket off from habit, placed it around Lucy's shoulders and zipped the front up since Natsu's vest wasn't exactly the best thing to help cover someone up. 
"I-I-I was, was coming back from...From a mission. They, they....they" Lucy tried to get out in stutters making Gray gently rub her back while Natsu gently held her hands in his. 
"It's okay, they are gone now and no one will ever hurt you with us by your side" Gray whispered. 
"Their was t-t-two of, of them. But then they, they.....Three more t-t-turned up and they said, they said they had been hired" Lucy whispered and both boys patiently waited for her to calm herself down and explain what happened. 
"L-L-Lisanna, she, she appeared and she. She took my keys t-t-then she said that, that they could do a-a-a-anything they w-wanted" Lucy managed to get out before collapsing into hysterics again making both boys hug her once again. Once Lucy had calmed down enough that she had fallen asleep Natsu got to his feet. 
"Where are you going?" Gray asked looking up at Natsu only to shiver at the muderous rage gleaming in his eyes making the red stand out even more. 
"That bitch has taken this one step too far so I am going to get back to Magnolia to get Luce's keys back before collecting our stuff. We aren't going back to that pathetic place that calls us their family members" snarled Natsu. 
"I have most of the stuff I want to keep with me so there is all a small amount of stuff that you'll have to get from my dorm room but you'll have to pack up a lot from Lucy's place" Gray said handing over his apartment keys. 
"I know, take care of her until I get back, I'll be picking Happy up as well as letting Gramps know that we won't be coming back" Natsu said before he turned and started on his way to Magnolia. While Natsu did that Gray picked up Lucy gently and headed back to the town that she had the mission in and checked into an inn with three seperate beds, placing Lucy on one of them but he continued to hold her hand since she whimpered when he let go.

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