Chapter 9: Day 1, one Vs One

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Once Flare and Lucy were in the arena everyone but Mato, who was going to be the referee, headed back to watch from the stands with the rest of their guild.
"I'm gonna make you scream in pain blondie" Flare gloated with a sadistic smile. Lucy didn't reply back to her instead she looked over the different wounds and scars that covered the flame haired mage's body.
"I am not sure that you will be able to make me scream in pain seeing as I don't intend to allow you to hit me but if it is any consolation I will apologise for the pain that you will suffer when you lose this match" Lucy said making Flare's eyes widen.
"Okay is everyone ready for the first battle to begin? Here are the rules, these beautiful ladies have thirty minutes to make it so that their oppoinate either gives up or can no longer fight so are you both ready?" Mato questioned with his high pitched voice.
"I'm gonna make Blondie scream so delightfully" Flare grinned.
"I am ready for the match to start" Lucy said with a nod and Mato made a gesture and someone hit a gong. Flare sent her hair after Lucy but the celestial mage instantly dodge out of the way of every attack that came her way waiting for the opening that she knew Flare would leave. What she wasn't expecting was for Flare to tilt herself slightly towards where the rest of Dragon's Heart were watching and Lucy realised that some of Flare's hair was floating near Frosch making Lucy freeze before her fringe covered her eyes.
"I was going to show you mercy, I was going to all you to walk away from this with minimum damage but now I have decided that you will be in the hospital by the end of this" Lucy snarled out before putting her hand out and grabbing a book out of what looked like thin air. What she had actually done was open up a space of air between earthland and the celestial world, it was where she now kept her celestial keys, demon books and other summoning objects.
"Here my word and obey, come forth into the land of Earthland and bow to me for I am your wielder, Demon Jackal of explosions" Lucy chanted and instantly a dark light appeared in front of her and Jackal stepped out of the portal dipping his head to Lucy.
"You called Princess? Need me to rough someone up?" Jackal asked with a malicious grin stretched across his face.
"Yes, this is Flare Corona part of Raven's tail and she is also trying to harm those close to me, I would like you to show them what you can do if you don't mind" Lucy said with a small smile at the jackal demon.
"HA! You think that this spirit will help you blondie? He is nothing but an overgrown house cat" Flare taunted, making Lucy and the rest of Dragon's Heart flinch as they saw the tick mark appear on Jackal's head.
"Oi I'm a Jackal you red headed bimbo and I'm gonna make you regret your words" Jackal snarled as he dove towards Flare not bothering to dodge her hair as it had no effect on him.
"Don't kill her Jackal, only no lethal wounds" Lucy called out as she crossed her arms having Jackal's book in the middle of them. The demon didn't give Flare any time to recover since as soon as he got close to her he sunk his knee into her stomach making her cry out but she couldn't get away since Jackal had a hold of her hair to bring her down for another hit. His hand started to glow golden and he placed it on her ankle making her cry out in pain before he spun around and slammed her into the wall knocking her out.
"Flare is down for the count meaning that Lucy Heartfielia from Dragon's heart is the winner" Mato announced as Jackal disappeared into a dark portal once more and Lucy placed his book back into her library in the celestial world.
"Now a few questions before we begin the next match Miss Heartfielia, I may not be an expert but your magic is celestial magic correct? Which spirit did you use just now?" Mato questioned.
"Yes most would think that I have celestial magic but in truth the magic that I possess is stronger and rarer then celestial magic. I have what is known as summoning magic meaning that I have the ability to summon celestial spirits, demons, animals, angels and other things so long as I have something that belongs to that life form. As for who that was, that was Jackal and he is one of Zeref's demons" Lucy explained, making everyone go silent.
"W-Well there you go folks, it seems that there is more to Dragon's heart then we all thought, what else will their members show us?" Chipati Lola asked,  making everyone break into cheers once again as Flare was taken away on a stretcher while Lucy headed back up to her guild mates.
"Now then don't leave your seats next up with have the dark and mysterious Ren from Blue Pegasus and his oppionate the fierce beauty Arana from Mermaid's Heel" Chipati Lola announced.

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