Chapter 11: Old friends

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A/N: hey guys sorry that this chapter is late but I had some family issues to deal with and also I am still not sure who to pair with Lucy but i have narrowed it down so if you could comment who want her to be with ot woupd be much appreciated, the choices are:





Other (comment the name)

Thanks, hope you enjoy this chapter :)

"Now then folks it's time to begin the second days one on one matches, today's first match pits the dark python of Raven's Tail, Kurohebi against Lamia Scales own Toby. It's serpent verses hound, which one of them do you think will end up top dog?" Chipati Lola announced making everyone look to the arena.
"I expect to see a clean fight out there, understand?" Mr Yajima said with a frown.
"Toby is ferocious bad dog" cheered Jason.
"So who do you think is going to win this match?" Gray asked leaning on the railing with a frown as they all looked towards Raven's Tail guild.
"Well we know for a fact that Raven's tail isn't going to play fair" Natsu glared.
"Not to mention that the magic that Kurohebi has is mimic magic meaning that so long as he has copied it he can use it" Rogue said.
"He's just a copycat, there is no way that someone that uses mimic magic can beat someone using magic that they have developed themselves" Sting huffed.
"That's true but Toby's magic is only condensed into his finger nails so it has him at a disadvantage" Loke pointed out.
"Don't forget that Kurohebi is also as slippery as his name implies" Lucy said her eyes narrowed as they watched the two wizards attack each other, though most attacks missed their oppoinate.
"You're pretty good" Toby said.
"You aren't too bad yourself" Kurohebi said as they came to a stand still.
"You also have a pretty cool name, it's Black snake right" Toby pointed out.
"It's not my real name, it's just my wizards name" Kurohebi pointed out. That seem to set Tobi off into a mirage of attacks against Kurohebi and they made a deal that if Toby was to win Kurohebi would tell him, his real name. If Kurohebi won on the other hand Toby would tell him some super secret that he had never told anyone before. Unfortunately for Toby it seems like he bit off more than he could chew without knowing about his oppoinate, therefore the end result was Toby laying on the ground defeated while Kurohebi was standing victorious.
"Well that's it folks, Black snake slides away with another win for Raven's Tail" Chipati Lola said and the crowds burst into cheers.
"Now then, you owe me a secret" Kurohebi said looking at Toby on was still on the ground crying.
"What a creep" Lucy muttered under her breath.
"Yeah, he can't even wait until Toby finishes mourning that he has lost" Happy huffed.
"It's my sock it just disappeared man, it's been driving me crazy because I feel like it's right under my nose but I can't see to find it anywhere I'm so ashamed. I've been keeping it to myself for months now" Toby cried.
"Maybe that's because it is right under your nose" Lector commented since Toby's missing sock was hanging around his neck like a necklace.
"Fro thinks so too" Frosch smiled. Kurohebi then actually proved his heart wasn't completely black by pointing out that it was on his chest making the crowd shocked that he only just realised it. Then he proved that he didn't have a heart at all by ripping the sock up right in front of Toby and walking away.
"Please tell me that I can beat the hell out of that guy" Natsu growled as fire coated his fists.
"Cool it flame brain, you aren't in the games and if we attack a guild then we will be booted out of the games but rest assured if we are out in the arena with Raven's Tail members then we will wipe the floor with them" Gray growled.
"Not even Sabertooth is as cruel to find something that means so much to another person just to destroy it" Rogue glared, making Sting grab his shoulder and giving it a reassuring squeeze.
"It's ten minutes until the next match starts so I'm going to head to the bathroom real quick, do you guys want anything from the vendors while I'm gone?" Lucy asked as she stood up from the seat that she had sat down on.
"Maybe some cold drinks, even in the shade it's still rather hot" Gray said.
"A hot drink for me please" Natsu grinned while Rogue and Sting just asked for some water for themselves and the exceeds.
"I'll come with you Princess after all I don't trust the other guilds or people in general not to try something if you were to go on your own" Loke said making Lucy smile and nod as they walked off.

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