Chapter 13: Pandemonium

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Arriving at their room Rogue put Frosch into bed and the other exceeds all decided to sit on Rogue's bed. Once everyone was settled and sitting down they all waited for someone to break the awkward silence that they had fallen into.
"Oh for all things magical aren't we here to catch up with Lucy, Gray, Natsu and Happy? If so why are we all just sitting in silence" Carla huffed out breaking the silence.
"She is right, how have the three of you been? And you Rogue, Sting and Lector?" Lily questioned since Frosch had fallen asleep. While they walked up to their room Loke decided that he would head back to the celestial world since he really didn't want to be near any Fairy tail member no matter if they were friends to Lucy or not.
"We have been good" Natsu shrugged with his signature grin.
"We've had our ups and downs but we have gotten through them with each other's help" Gray commented.
"All of us are a lot better now then when we first started" Lucy said as she looked at her lap where she was clenching her hands together.
"Lushee, you shouldn't do that to your hands" Happy said as he grabbed a pillow and brought it over so that Lucy could grab onto that instead of her own hands. When Lucy was feeling uncomfortable or like she couldn't deal with what was going on around her she tended to dig her nails into either her hands, arms or thighs so whenever the boys or exceeds saw her doing it they would find something else for her to hold onto.
"Rogue, Frosch, Lector and I are going great now that we aren't part of Sabertooth anymore" Sting said while Rogue nodded in agreement while Lector had decided to curl up with Frosch and go to sleep.
"Ah yes that reminds me I have been wondering how you met each other" Makarov piped up.
"It was nothing special. Once we healed from being kicked out of the Sabertooth guild we wondering around looking for odd jobs. That was when one of the people that hired us told us about four other people that had been doing odd jobs for a little over a year and so we decided to meet up with the other four" Rogue started to explain.
"When we met them Sting challenged me to a fight but unfortunately for him, he was rather loud and frightened Luce. That set me off a little and he ended up beaten pretty bad but we got him to a healer and he was better within an hour" Natsu admitted.
"After that they told us what had happened to them and so we invited them to join us and since we had enough people we decided to start a guild and do small missions and jobs. When we heard about these Grand Magic Games we decided to give them a try" Gray finished.
"Wait four people? But Happy is an exceed, wouldn't they have said three people and a cat?" Freed asked, confused.
"Oh right, I haven't shown anyone yet" Happy said before he got up and flew to an open space and once there he took his human form.
"H-H-How?" Gajeel stuttered out looking shocked at his human form before turning to Pather Lily.
"Happy trained hard with us and he eventually was able to take on this form as well as learn fire magic" Lucy smiled. She liked seeing Happy in his human form since it made her think that maybe that was what Natsu had been like as a kid except with Pink hair of course and different clothes.
"No, I can't take a human form like Happy does. When it came time for me to choose if I wanted a human form or not, I chose to have my bigger form instead of a human form" Lily explained.
"Does that mean that I would be able to have a human form?" Carla asked a little jealous but she didn't show it.
"I am sure if you train you could do anything. You should probably get back to your hotel soon, I am sure that Wendy is getting worried about you" Lucy suggested. She wasn't trying to get rid of the female exceed but she knew that Carla and Wendy were always together. Most would think that Lucy would hate Wendy because she forgot about Lucy's existence and ignored her but she couldn't bring herself to hate the small girl. Wendy was only a child and couldn't be blamed for her actions since she had seen the adults around her doing it so she just followed suit.
"I will make sure to train and I will catch up to you Tom-cat, for now I am heading back to Wendy so all of you take care" Carla said before she left with a happy smile. She was glad that the others didn't blame Wendy for what had happened but that didn't mean that Carla was going to go easy on Wendy. Ever since Lucy had left Carla had become harsh and strict with Wendy so that she would learn that what she had done wasn't right.
"We should probably be going as well" Bixlow yawned, holding his babies in his arms.
"Just because you are ex-fairy tail members we aren't going to hold back in the games" Laxus warned as he stood up with one of Freed's arms over his shoulders since the rune's magic looked like he was going to fall asleep on his feet.
"We are going to have another fight soon Salamander, not that you'll have a chance to win Geehee" Gajeel smirked.
"Why you-" Natsu growled but Gray grabbed him to stop the fight that was going to happen and Natsu took in a few breaths and calmed down.
"We will have to meet up later for a girls only day Lulu after all being around those boys all the time must be tiring" Evergreen said as she hugged Lucy before pulling back.
"It was lovely to see you again my children" Makarov smiled, his eyes glittering as he looked at how far they had all grown.
"We aren't part of Fairy tail anymore Makarov and Rogue, Frosch, Lector and Sting weren't ever part of Fairy tail" Lucy pointed out.
"Whether you are part of my guild or another guild or even guildless you will always be my children and yes Rogue, Frosch, Lector and Sting have never been part of Fairy tail but they are precious to the four of you therefore they are precious to me as well" Makarov said in a gently scowl.
"Thank's Gramps" Natsu grinned. Seeing the fairy tail members out they all waved before shutting the door and collapsing onto their beds.
"Geez that was a lot of drama that I didn't need" Sting groaned, rubbing his head.
"Tell us about it, we didn't expect to see Zeref-onii-chan here" Natsu said.
"At least we have nearly everything sorted now, we don't have to worry about Jellal, Meredy and Ultear hunting Zeref for a while until they make up their minds on what to do and we also sorted things out with our friends from Fairy tail" Lucy pointed out as Happy shifted back into exceed form and curled up on her stomach.
"Well Lucy has a point there. We should all turn in for the night since we have another day fighting tomorrow" Rogue said. One by one they pull themselves off their beds to go for a shower before coming back to the room and collapsing on their beds asleep. Gray, who was the last one to shower, smiled as he walked into the shared room to see all of them asleep so he turned off the light and collapsed onto the first bed he came across. If he had pushed himself to open his eyes he would have noticed that he had collapsed on Natsu's bed and the owner of said bed made quick work of rolling over and cuddling into the ice-make mage.

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