Chapter 21: Final showdown

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Arriving at the arena they all looked around and saw that the other guilds had already arrived and the spectators were already starting to flood in.
"What do you think the last event is going to be?" Sting asked as they got to their box, making sure that no one realised who Orga, Rufus and Dobongal were in their disguises.
"No idea but we are going to have to look out for Sabertooth and Fairy Tail, something tells me that Minerva and Lisanna aren't going to go down quietly" Rogue said with a look towards the mentioned teams. The only person that they recognised from the Sabertooth team was Minerva while the Fairy tail team consisted of Juvia, Mira, Elfman, Erza and Lisanna. Laxus and Gajeel were the back-up members of the team though all of Dragon's Heart could tell that they would rather be anywhere but where they were. Even Makarov was looking at the Fairy tail team with disappointment in his eyes but it's not like they paid enough attention to realise.
"If we run into Sabertooth I will deal with Minerva" Sting said, his eyes glaring into the woman that wouldn't leave his partner alone.
"Not alone you won't" said Rogue grabbing his hand and squeezing it.
"They lllllove each other" Happy grinned like he normally did.
"Fro thinks so too" Frosch beamed up at their friend/Father figure.
"Of course after all Sting-kun only wants the best and Rogue-kun is defiantly the best" Lector said. Meanwhile the two dragon slayers were spluttering and trying to protest that they had any feelings other than the friendship they held for each other but the rest of the members including the visitors just looked at them not believing a word that they were saying.
"Okay that's enough teasing them, Mato is about to announce what the final challenge is so we should get ready after all this is our chance to leave a mark on the world that no one will ever forget" Lucy said sending a knowing look towards the two dragon slayers that had them flushing.
"I really want to make an impression as well" Natsu whined with a pout.
"Geez how childish can you get, flame brain?" Gray asked, making Natsu look ready to throw a name back at him before Gray flicked his forehead.
"Leave this up to us and be prepared in case someone interferes with the games after all Jellal, Ultear and Meredy told us that there was a magical signature like Zeref's around here so we have to be careful" Gray said and Natsu nodded with his signature smirk and they all got ready for the the battle that awaited them.

"Welcome back everyone to the last day of the Grand Magical games kabo. Whichever guild has the most points after the challenge today will be the victor and the strongest guild in Fiore kabo so before we announce the days challenges let's look back on the highlights of this years games kabo" Mato announced from up in the announcement stand with Yajima and Chipati Lola. As soon as he finished talking large lacrima screens appeared all around the stands so everyone would be able to see the highlights. It showed bits for each day but the Dragon's Heart guild couldn't help but realise that they were the ones that were the most featured in them.
"Now that everyone has seen what each guild has done threw out the games it is time to announce the last challenge  so if you would Mr Yajima" Chipati Lola smiled.
"Today is going to be guild verse's guild, not just one person no, all five people from the guild team will be in the arena against another guild and the guild that stands at the end wins" Yajima announced making everyone go silent before roaring with applause.
"Well it looks like we might just get our revenge match after all" Gray grinned.
"Hell yes" Sting yelled fist pumping into the air.
"You guys do realise that there will be only be four matches and the fourth match will be guild verses guild verses guild, right?" Lucy asked just to clear up any misunderstandings.
"Yeah we know that Luce but look at the board" Natsu smirked and Lucy looked up at the board and felt a smirk come over her face at the same time. The first match would be Fairy tail verses Mermaid Heel, the second match would be Sabertooth verse Lamia Scale and then it was Dragon's Heart verse Blue Pegasus.
"Looks like we get to pound on the pretty boys first off" Loke grinned.
"You shouldn't say that after all you are basically insulting yourself" Natsu replied making everyone look at him.
"You think I'm pretty?" Loke asked not sure if he should be honored or worried.
"Hey! I may be dense when it comes to knowing if someone has feelings for me but even someone like me can appreciate someone's looks" Natsu protested.
"You can say that again" Gray muttered so Natsu couldn't hear but the rest of them could make them all burst into laughter that just made Natsu protest even more.

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