Chapter 18: A day off

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Lucy was the first one awake the next morning and the first thing she did was grab Happy, Lector and Frosch who were all awake and took them with her to Rufus and Orga's room seeing the two of them were still sleeping soundly.
"What happened to Rufus-san and Orga-san?" Lector asked quietly as he looked over the two men that used to be his friends.
"Fro wants to know too" Frosch sadly commented with a frown.
"Whoever done it we will beat up and make sure that they won't be hurt again" Happy reassured them.
"You guys don't have to worry about them. they are on their way to recovering and I promise that nothing like this will ever happen to them again. Now how about I whip us up some breakfast?" Lucy asked before picking them up and leaving so not to wake up their guests. When she got downstairs she bid the owner of the inn good morning and let her know that they had two extra guests staying but no one was to find out they were here or who they were. After that was handled Lucy asked to borrow the kitchen and made a large breakfast for all of them including the owner who thanked her. The smell of food woke the boys up and they came racing down the stairs pushing and shoving each other so that they could be the first person at the table. Of course Lucy leveled them with an unamused stare that had them stopping instantly and sitting down without fighting.
"What's the plans for today?" Sting asked after swallowing his mouthful knowing that Lucy would send a glare like daggers at him if he spoke with food in his mouth.
"Well there is that theme park that I have heard everyone in town talking about" Gray said.
"Too crowded and more than likely Fairy tail will be there, that's where they go every year on their day off" Rogue muttered, not much of a morning person.
"We could always look around the markets, I heard that there is meant to be a test of strength there today" Natsu grinned.
"I want to go fishing, I heard that Crocus had different types of fishes" Happy beamed and for the first time in a while he was in his human form.
"Hmph what's so good about fish? I want to go hunting for some real meal" Lector said, making Happy glare at him.
"Fro wants to look for some froggies" Frosch called out, adding their opinion on what to do.
"Well how about we split up so we can each do what we want?" Lucy suggested making them fall quiet while they thought about it.
"That's a good idea but for now we should finish breakfast and make sure that our guests are comfortable before we leave" said Natsu.
"No need to worry about that I am going to spend the day in the Inn today so I can make sure that they are taken care of" Lucy said with a tight smile that had no one arguing with her since it was obvious she was having one of her days. Once they finished breakfast and returned to their room to get changed and ready for the day they all split up and headed out for their day of fun except for Lucy who went to check in if Rufus and Orga were ready for some food. 

Natsu and Happy decided that they would head to the market to look around at the shops as well as asking about where they could fish and also where the best fish were. After finishing there and getting the information that they needed they headed to a locate river that was only just outside of town and set up their fishing poles before relaxing in the shade of a tree.
"Natsu is that you?" A voice called and both of the boys scowled as they already knew who that voice belonged to.
"What do you want, Lisanna?" Natsu asked with a glare.
"I just wanted to talk with you, to catch up after all we haven't had the chance to talk with each other with those other.....people around" Lisanna said with a scowl.
"Watch it, those are my guild mates and family you're talking about Strauss" Natsu growled much like his dragon father.
"Honestly Natsu, why don't you just stop this stupidity, I mean you grew up with Fairy tail you belong with us, with me. Don't you remember that time when we were kids and we promised we would marry each other? That was the happiest day of my life" Lisanna giggled but Natsu just stared at her.
"We were only children, I have never seen you as nothing more than a friend but after what you done to Luce you are nothing but an enemy that I will make pay for what you done" Natsu said and Happy stood up and grabbed his shoulder since he could tell his father figure was two seconds off full on attacking Lisanna no matter the repercussions.
"Maybe we should head back to the Inn Natsu, we don't have to waste any of our time on someone like her" Happy said as he packed up their fishing rods. Even though they didn't even catch any fish they no longer felt like fishing.
"Natsu everyone knows that we belong together so you don't have to play hard to get anymore just come back to me and we can forget all about this" Lisanna smiled and that was when Natsu noticed a glint on her finger that had him reaching out and grabbing her hand.
"A love charm and a compulsion charm?!" Natsu roared out in anger as he started to visually shake in anger as he backed up a few steps to stop himself from killing the white take over mage.
"Why aren't these damn things working, they said it would work on anyone" Lisanna scowled as she shook her hand that had the rings on. Natsu walked over to her and lent down his normal onyx eyes glowing like molten lava making her flinch back.
"See charms don't exactly work on demons, just wait until the Grand Magic Games and then I will give you all the attention that you want" said Natsu making Lisanna perk up with a smirk.
"After all I am going to enjoy hunting you down and ripping you apart I am not even going to stop if you beg, the only thing that will stop me is when you are dead" Natsu whispered making her freeze and go white while Natsu and Happy brushed past her heading back to the Inn.

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