Chapter 12: Surprise guests

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Standing in the lobby of the inn that they were staying in was Gajeel, Laxus, Freed, Evergreen, Bixlow, Makarov, Patherlilly and Carla from Fairy tail. Also in the lobby was Jellal, Meredy and Ultear from Crime Sorciere, Hibiki from Blue pegasus was also standing there. Finally the worst d person to have shown up at this time was Zeref since he had decided to visit us to check and make sure that we were still keeping up with Dragon's Heart's training. From the glares that they were giving each other they knew who each of them were.
"Jackal can you put a mine field around them as well as a bracelet on them, Gray could you please place a barrier around them so that if anything happens it will be rather contained and Rogue could you please explain to the owner of the inn that we are handing a tense situation and we will pay for any repairs should they be needed" Lucy whispered so that only those near her could hear while grabbing Jackal's book out. Jackal appeared and certain areas around the group of mages started to glow golden while around their left arms they had a circle of gold as well. Gray slammed his hands into the floor and erected a barrier around them as well as the Dragon's Heart group other than Rogue who had gone over to the pale owner. Once he had explained to the owner who calmed down knowing that we wouldn't allow any fighting in his Inn he smiled and told us that he would just close up early for the night and give us the lobby so that we could get things sorted.
"What are you doing here?! Don't you know that Lucy doesn't want to be hassled by you guys" Hibiki glared angrily at Fairy tail not caring that their guilds got along well.
"Back off pretty boy we are just here to see our friend, more of the point what are you three doing here?" Gajeel asked while glaring at Hibiki before he switched to looking at Jellal, Meredy and Ultear.
"What is he doing here?" Ultear snarled, her killer intent poured off her while she didn't take her eyes off Zeref.
"This is an odd bunch of people to meet up isn't it? Tell me Makarov how is Mavis?" Zeref asked softly, not glaring at anyone.
"You should be more worried about yourself" Meredy glared as she and the rest of Crime Sorciere got their magic ready to attack.
"That is enough" boomed Natsu, making them all freeze and turn to the new arrivals.
"I am sure that you have noticed the glowing spots on the floor as well as the glowing bands around your wrist, if you step on one of those spots or activate your magic then those will explode so I would watch your step" Gray warned while he let Rogue into the barrier.

"Now to get to the bottom of this you can all talk one at a time, Hibiki you can go first since you're the least complicated one here" Loke muttered while Happy, Lector, Frosch, Lily and Carla went over to the side to talk amongst themselves so that they could catch up and not get in the middle of the fighting if it happened.
"Well I was....I was just passing by and I thought that I would ask Lucy to get some sweets with me from a bakery I heard about since I remembered that she enjoyed sweets" Hibiki said as he looked anywhere but towards Lucy since he knew that the boys near her were probably giving him looks of death for daring to suggest getting something to eat with Lucy.
"And what gives you the right to think that you can ask Lucy to get some sweets with her?" Laxus asked with his eyes narrowed.
"The same right it seems that you have for trying to be protective over her" Loke glared.
"Enough all of you, Loke I know that you are just trying to protect me but it's okay I can handle myself and Laxus stop trying to provoke him" Lucy glared making Gray, Natsu, Sting and Rogue hide smiles. Even though they were just as protective of Lucy as all the others were they didn't show it in front of Lucy unless they needed it since she tended to glare at them if they did. So they would rather find the person that was trying to hurt or be around her and then make them regret it behind Lucy's back though she always found out no matter how they tried to hide it.
"I would love to get some sweets with you some time Hibiki but as you can see tonight is going to be rather busy so how about after tomorrow's games we go together though knowing them they are going to follow at a distance" Lucy said gesturing to her guild mates.
"I don't mind if they join us, after all they are your friends and family, I could invite Ren, Eve and Sir Ichiya and we could turn it into a group outing if you like" Hibiki offered.
"That sounds wonderful, Jackal can you remove his band and let him out of the barrier?" Lucy smiled, the demon spirit grumbled but he removed the band and Gray lifted the barrier slightly so that Hibiki, who was cheerily waving goodbye, could get out and head to the inn Blue Pegasus was staying in.

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