Chapter 1: Broken cries

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A/N: Hey guys just a few things before the story begins, this is set just after the infinity clock arc but before the Grand magic games so they have not taken place yet. Also I just want to remind people that this is not a Nalu book nor is it a Gralu. Lucy, Gray and Natsu will be like siblings so not romantic relationships will occur between the three. That being said if you have any suggestions about who they should be with please let me know in the comments but for now please enjoy reading this chapter.

When Lisanna first came back from Edolas I was excited after all she was a member of the guild and part of the family so I wanted to get to know her. Lisanna was sweet and nice to begin with but as time passed I noticed that when no one was looking she would glare at me or sneer. Once I realised that Lisanna was basically hanging off Natsu's every word while we were at the guild I realised that she must be jealous that me and Natsu were so close so I pulled back and tried to show her that I wasn't interested in Natsu romanticly. Unfortunately that just made Natsu worry that something was wrong so he would ask me to go on more missions and I couldn't say no to him when he looked at me with his puppy dog eyes so I would go with him. Slowly I realised that some of the other guild members started to ignore me or just forget who I was all together but again I brushed it off after all I still had my friends by my side. After we were stuck on Tenrou Island for seven years it just got worse, not only did we come home to find out that my father had died but barely anyone left in the guild remembered me other than the ones that had been on the island. That didn't last long though, soon after the infinity clock happenings I realised a lot of people were talking behind my back and gossiping. They said about how I was the weakest mage that they had ever seen, they commented on how it was my fault that Fairy tail had once again been in danger and some even gossiped about how I had to be sleeping with most of the guys in the guild just so I wouldn't get kicked out. Of course I ignored them even though it hurt but I still had Natsu, Gray, Gajeel, Laxus, Freed, Evergreen, Bixlow, Master Makarov and the exceed's. Everyone else either pretended I didn't exist or would look at me in disgust and whisper behind their hands about me even Levy, Wendy and Erza would look at me disgusted. Since I couldn't put up with being in the guild hall for long amounts of time I started to take on different missions, sometimes I would tag along with my friends but I had also started to go on missions by myself. 
"Oi Bunny girl, you sure that you wanna take this missions on by yourself?" Gajeel asked looking at the flyer that I had picked up off the board. Fairy tail still wasn't well known like it once was so we didn't get any big missions like we used to, this one was a simple mission to collect some ingredients for a restaurant. 
"I'll be fine, it's just to collect some ingredients and look, the reward is 5,000 jewels and a rare book that no one has been able to read yet" I smiled at him. 
"I've heard that there have been some bandits around those parts lately, maybe you should wait until Natsu and Gray get back from their mission or even take Freed and Bixlow with you Blondie" Laxus said leaning against the bar counter next to us. 
"Give me a break guys, I can handle some bandits so don't worry I will get the ingredients and be back before tonight just you watch" I huffed before I turned leaving with the flyer. 
"Maybe we should at least trail her, Lucy has been pushing herself a lot lately" Evergreen worried. 
"No, we should have faith in her after all she is a powerful celestial mage so we will just have to wait until she comes back" Patherlilly said. 
"You watch Lucy will come back easily" grinned Happy since Natsu had left him at the guild this time. 
"I hope you're right tomcat" said Carla as they watched my back as I left.

It didn't take long by train to get to the mountains which the ingredients grew and it took even less time to pick the fresh fruit and herbs though I did have to deal with some vulcans and sirens. Since the village that sent the missions was a small village there wasn't any train that ran by them so I had to walk to the village but I didn't mind after all it was calm and peaceful without the guild around. 
"Excuse me sir, I'm looking for the Catnip restaurant could you please give me directions to it?" I asked a man that was passing by. 
"Of course miss, if you continue going straight for two streets then turn left at the end of that street you will be able to see the restaurant" he answered. 
"Thank you very much" I smiled before I followed his directions and found the restaurant and they were happy to have the ingredients since they were starting to run out. Taking my reward I decided that I would try and read the book on the way home, I figured since I was so close to Magnolia it would be a waste of money to go to a place with a train when I could walk. Before I started to train more I would have despaired at having to walk so far but now it seemed like a calming walk to me.

"Hm....What type of book is E.N.D I wonder" I thought aloud looking at the swirled letters on the cover of the book before shrugging and trying to open but it wouldn't budge. I tried everything including using magic to try and pry the book open but nothing I did would open it so I shrugged and placed it in the side bag I had with me. Perhaps Master would know something that would unlock the book or at least be able to point me to someone who could. As I walked a little further I could tell something was wrong since the birds had stopped chirping so I casually placed my hand on the whip that Virgo had given me ready to use it if something did happen. 
"Oi girly you're Lucy Heartfielia aren't you?" a voice demanded and I tensed seeing two bandits in front of me. 
"It depends on who you are asking, what do you want with Lucy?" I demanded my eyes narrowed. 
"So you are Lucy then, nothing personal doll but see we've been hired to make sure that you get roughed up a bit" grinned the same guy. 
"Hm the person that hired us wasn't kidding you sure are a babe" grinned the second guy. Without waiting for any more time to pass I pulled my whip out focusing on tangling the first guy's arm in it so I could slam him into his friend. Since I acted first and fast they were caught off guard and I actually managed to slam them into each other and I quickly reached down to my keys so that I could summon Capricorn. What I wasn't expecting was for three more bandits to drop down from the trees behind me and grab me slamming me into the ground making me cry out as two of them restrained my arms and legs while the last one grabbed my keys. 
"Give them back" I yelled as I struggled to try and get out of the hold the two bandits had on me. 
"Now, now I wouldn't struggle too much after all, I would hate to have to break one of these" said the guy with my keys as he held Loke's key between his hands and looked like he was about to break it. 
"No, please don't break them" I screamed tears in my eyes as I stopped struggling. 
"Good now then, these are what you were after right?" the guy asked, turning his head and my eyes widened in horror at who I saw standing there. 
"Of course, thank you for your work" cooed Lisanna as she took my celestial keys. 
"Why? Why would you do this?" I demanded glaring at the white take over mage. 
"That's easy, so that Natsu won't even bother to give you a second look after all he belongs to me and always has. I don't need some fake bimbo trying to take my place" sneered Lisanna. 
"What do we do with her now?" The guy who had my keys asked, seems like he was the leader of the gang. 
"Do whatever you want with her, I don't care so long as you don't kill her we don't need her friends looking into this. It's rumored that she has slept with all of the men in Magnolia but I am sure that she can still pleasure you in some way" snickered Lisanna before she used her bird take over before leaving. 
"Well boys you heard her, looks like we get a bonus this time round" leered the leader and I felt tears gather in my eyes. The one that was holding my legs let go, making me start to struggle again but he helped the guy that was holding my arms so they were each holding an arm. 
"Now then let's see what goods you have" smirked one of the ones I had knocked over before he grabbed my shirt and ripped it off leaving me in my bra and I screamed and thrashed trying to get free but I knew it was no use. There were five of them and only one of them but that didn't mean that I wasn't going to try and get free. 
'Natsu, Gray, please anyone please someone help me' I screamed in my thoughts as tears streamed down my face.

Meanwhile Third Person POV

"Stupid idiot flame brain because of you we have to walk all the way to Magnolia if you had just been quiet we would have been fine" glared Gray as he looked at Natsu who glared straight back. 
"It's not my fault that you tried to force me onto that death trap, you could have caught the train all you wanted but I told you I was going to walk ice princess" yelled Natsu. 
"Idiot you know that I can't get back to the guild without you if not Lucy will ask where you are and when I tell her she will look at me with that disappointed look that makes you want to apologise even if you haven't done anything" Gray protested. 
"Speaking of Luce have you noticed how drawn back she has been these days? I mean she barely even comes into the guild anymore unless she is taking a mission or talking to us about going on a mission together" Natsu said thinking back to the times that he has seen Lucy in the guild. 
"You think that Lisanna and the rest of the guild are still giving her a hard time?" Gray asked. 
"Yeah, I don't get what Lisanna's problem with Luce is but if anything happens to Luce, I will never forgive the guild or her, she isn't the Lisanna we knew as kids" said Natsu glaring for a different reason now. 
"Hang on a second can you hear that?" Gray asked as they stopped. 
"It's cries and screams, come on we can't leave someone that is in trouble" said Natsu as they ran towards the screams not at all ready for what they would see.

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