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kook p.o.v

"i gotta go to the bathroom, don't drink too much, mhm k?" i pleaded for him to stay, but he kept assuring me i'll be fine, and that no one would hurt me. "don't worry, no one gives a fuck about other people right now, they just wanna have fun! relax a little bit hon!" he comes over to me and pats my shoulders in assurance. "alright then.. don't die or something." jiminie hyung chuckles and nods.

andddd, i'm alone. might as well drink some more. technically i'm not supposed to be drinking, but i'm a lil drunk and i don't wanna listen to hyungie this time, so imma do it. "iM iRoN mAn, nO oNE cAn sToP mE!!" i whisper to myself. a person next to me gets weirded out and leaves. i giggle to myself, and drink some more.

tae p.o.v

sure i was making out with a girl but this one guy kept catching my eye. who was he? why was he acting like a stupid child? was he drunk?? "baby i'll be right back ok?" she looked at me with two thumb ups. i got up and walked towards the boy. i wasn't gonna go back to her, she's drunk anyways, it's not like she'll remember. i tap on his shoulder, asking "hey are you alright?" and in a blink of an eye, he turns around and turns calling me 'jimin hyungie' ?

"i'm not your hyung, get the fuck off me!"

then i see it. i saw his innocent doe eyes.

out of every person i played with, he was different. and his eyes... his eyes were so so beautiful. i wanted to corrupt him. "you know, they say the eyes are the windows to your soul," i grabbed his chin to get a better look. "your eyes are pretty," i bluntly say. i didn't realize what i had said until he smiled.

fuck, he had a pretty smile too.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH HIM?!" i hear a few feet away. i turn to my left to see none other than park jimin. then it clicked. this boy was the guy who was always with park jimin. i had never seen him up close because park would always keep him away from others, but damn he was beautiful. jimin however, had to ruin the moment and snatched him away from me. "stay away from him." he tried to punch me, but i quickly dodged it. "looks like the drinks got to you huh? you're slower than before, you turtle." our eyes raged with anger, until pretty boy interrupted. "hyungie he goooooooooood, h-he cull meh pwetty."

"HE CALLED YOU WHAT?! kook, stay away from him, he's bad." the "kook" was pouting and tried to run to me. he kept trying to prove my innocence, saying things that made me blush. "hyungie i lUv hIm, cAn wE kEeP hIm?" or "hYuNgIeEEeeEEEEeE wE'rE sOUlmAtEs."

of course jimin neglected these statements, and blamed it on the drinks. "i won't do anything to him." i mumbled to myself shyly. jimin stopped nagging. "what?"

"i won't do anything bad to him. he's different." yes he's different. i want to make him mine. the other people I've toyed with were just for fun. but him? nah. but i can't do that without his trust. gain his trust, then claim him mine. "prove it then. take him home safe and sound. alright?" i gave him an ok sign. of course i was gonna follow his rules, for now at least. i knew what he was capable of.


heheh cringe

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