ch. 23

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yoongi awkwardly watched the crying boy on his bed. the two walked to yoongi's house so that neither jimin nor taehyung could see the crying beauty. so that they wouldn't barge in with apologies and look at him with pity; it would all be too much for jungkook and yoongi could see that.

suddenly yoongi wished he spent more time with the crying one as he stiffly sat on the chair across the bed. he thought staring would be rude, so he stared at his hands on his lap instead. jungkook wasn't exactly comfortable either, but he thought it was better than those two.

"i-i'm sorry, you must be uncomfortable with a stranger sitting on your bed crying his eyes out." a light chuckle left jungkook's lips as a mere attempt to lighten up the mood.

"you're not a stranger exactly, you're a friend, no worries." yoongi sent back a small smile to him, to let it know it was all good. kook sniffled and brought a tissue up to his nose to wipe out the snot. the tissue box sitting on the bed was already running out, tissues were everywhere as jungkook tried to keep them in one pile.

"it's just that, i fell for that stupid playboy trick. i realize now that i'm in love with taehyung, but he used me and probably didn't even like me. touché, i was playing with him too anyways.." another tissue plucked out of the box and brought up to his nose. tears again started to form in those pretty eyes of his.

"and jimin used me too, my best friend. he could've at least told me.. is it bad to say i miss him? that i miss them?" the question was directed at yoongi, who sat there silent.

"not at all, you can't help feeling that way. you can go figure things out once you're okay, or you can keep things like this, whatever you're feeling like. i'll go talk to taehyung later, if anyone can get close enough to that asshole it's me." jungkook smiled at that, and started to shoot tissues into the trash bin, a fair amount going in.

yoongi was just picking up the ones that unfortunately did not go in, when jungkook got a call. yoongi picked up the phone for him since he was closer, and cringed at the name across the screen. although there wasn't any specific name, yoongi instantly knew who it was.

the name: baby's daddy flashed on the phone, and yoongi couldn't be quicker to turn it down. jungkook already guessed it was either jimin, taehyung, or a random person. yoongi seemed responsible so jungkook couldn't help but trust him.

this time, yoongi's phone rang. he groaned thinking it was taehyung again, but to his surprise it was hoseok. a simple "oh" left his lips, picking up afterward. "ok before you leave i need to explain, we need to explain. we're at the dance studio, please meet us there as soon as you can--" hoseok tried to ramble as much as he could, already knowing that he would be mad and turn it down.

yoongi left the call before he could say anymore. he didn't want to leave jungkook alone, and he most certainly didn't want to go over there. he wasn't ready. "what did they say? you look down."

yoongi looked up at jungkook, doe eyes showing curiosity. yoongi sighed and leaned back in his chair. "hoseok called, he wanted to meet up with me and explain something. i'm also pretty sure he's with jimin." jungkook tensed at jimin's name; a moment of silence erupted in the room.

"are you gonna go?" those eyes pierced into yoongi's soul, telling him that he wanted an answer. "i don't know." yoongi replied, short and blunt, but the truth.

"hoseok always has good intentions, i think you should go." yoongi nodded at that, but didn't move an inch. so jungkook stood up and dragged him up and grabbed a jacket from his drawers. "why must it be me? why not you?" kook giggled at the complaint and shoved the jacket in his hands.

"because you were the one who got invited, not me. i know you wanna go, now come on, outta the door." jungkook was right, yoongi was curious. he wanted to see what they had to say for themselves.

"will you be fine on your own?" yoongi turned around as he was about to leave, the worry evident in his voice. jungkook looked at the shorter one, rolling his eyes and saying he'll be fine. "my parents might be here in maybe 1 or 2 hours, take care--" kook slammed the door in yoongi's face, his laughter could be heard outside the door.

yoongi chuckled and felt the phone jungkook put in the pocket of the jacket. he took it out and tapped on a navigation app, searching up the dance studio hoseok was at. he had no car, so he had to walk. at least it was only a 15-minute walk.


the glass door was so tempting to just take a glance inside the room. yoongi wondered all the possible ways this could go wrong, but he didn't have enough time to take a few deep breaths as the door already opened, revealing hoseok. "yoongi! come in, come on."

as he walked in, yoongi noticed jimin sullen in the corner. the same corner yoongi was in last time he visited. "jiminie, do you want to explain or should i do it?" hoseok crouched down to jimin and gently pet his hair, just like the gentleness in his voice and in his eyes.

"you please." jimin's voice was a whisper, and if it wasn't so quiet in the room, he wouldn't be heard. he stuffed his face in his hoodie to avoid eye contact with the man standing in the room a few feet away. "alright," he said, and placed a water bottle in front of jimin just in case he got thirsty.

then he looked at yoongi, a stern look on his face which yoongi found weird; since the guy was always so cheerful and smiling. he sat down in the middle of the room and pat on a spot, gesturing for him to sit too. yoongi complied and sat down with a thump.

"so. i want to start with jimin's history with taehyung, at one point they were together but didn't tell anyone. i found out when jimin came to me, crying, because taehyung dumped him," yoongi found himself tensing at the statement, he never knew those two had such a history.

"and i guess jimin wanted some kind of revenge, so when he saw that jungkook and taehyung were getting together, he kind of, um, used him." the pieces aligned in yoongi's head, he finally understood. "and when taehyung became a playboy, jimin got extremely cold and defensive, which is why he protects jungkook so much. he doesn't want him going through the same thing. please don't take this the wrong way and consider jimin's side of the story."

without hesitating, he scooted over to jimin, not wanting to stand up only to sit down again. "hey min," he waited for jimin to lift his head. yoongi noticed that his eyes slightly puffed from crying. "i'm sorry, i had no right to judge you when i didn't know the full story. you're not the bad guy here."

"why should i believe you? you used me." jimin was still in denial, he was stubborn at times. yoongi grabbed jimin's hand and caressed it. hoseok read the room and left the two alone, his silent footsteps caught jimin off guard, and waved at hoseok before he left.

yoongi continued when jimin's attention focused back on him. "we're partners in crime, i never used you." jimin let a small smile tug on his lips. "ya know, since the drama is somewhat over, why not stop hiding yourself? you're only hurt yourself more." jimin chuckled, the sparkles in his eyes slowly coming back.

"you have to do the same, promise?" yoongi's pinky intertwined with jimin's. "of course."


cringe but cute cringe

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