ch. 3

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"hYuNgIE hE'S kIdnApPiNg mEeEEeEe!!" jimin once again rolls his eyes and sighs. "no, he'll take you home. what happened to your soulmate thing you two had?" taehyung drags him back to his car with difficulty, as the little one kept on whining and resisting. after what seemed like hours, the two finally made it back. taehyung gently pushes jungkook in the passenger seat and closes the door. jungkook finally stopped resisting at this point and started to doze off. taehyung quickly got in his seat and started to drive to the address jimin had given him.

"you're really pretty you know." jungkook whispers, although tae heard it. they both arrive at a stoplight. this gave taehyung time to admire the beauty. he looked perfect even when he was dozing off, and he could hear him whisper cute sayings. "pretty pretty..." jungkook suddenly sat straight up and went closer to taehyung. his hands on his thighs, both faces an inch away. taehyung became flustered, which was unusual for him.

jungkook examined tae's perfect facial features, his asymmetrical eyes, his soft lips, everything. he gently put the pretty boy back where he belonged. "you ever told me your name pretty boy." they start driving again. "me? i'm j-jungkook, but c-ca-all mE bAbYyYy." he giggled relentlessly. then he kept singing "call me baby" for a good couple of minutes. (a.n: I'm so sorry i had to- IT'S JUST ONE SONG REFERENCE)

"alright then, baby, if you say so." he hesitated on the word 'baby.' why? why was he flustered? before he could think about it anymore, he arrived at kook's house. "we're here baby, can you walk?" he waited for a response, but when he looked to his right, he realized jungkook was asleep. taehyung wasn't in the mood for a round two, so he just simply stayed with him in the car. and he fell asleep like that.

time skip:

taehyung awoke to jungkook crying, non-stop banging his head on the window. "baby, baby, are you ok?" he gently cupped jungkook's face in his hands, making him look at tae. he held taehyung's hands in response. "I DON'T KNOW WHO THE DUCK YOU ARE OR WHERE AM I OR WHERE JIMINIE HYUNGIE IS, BUT IT DUCKING HURTS.. PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME." he had a pleading look in his eyes. taehyung instantly batted his eyes away. he didn't like seeing people cry. he whipped out some pain killers from his bag and some water, throwing them at the poor boy. "only take two. it'll help."

jungkook hesitantly took the drugs, and politely put the water and capsule on tae's lap. he wiped away his tears quickly, and kept on saying sorry. taehyung finally looked at him when he couldn't hear anymore crying. "it's fine, no need to say sorry."

jungkook surprisingly accepted, and quickly moved on, asking questions like "who are you?" or "where is jiminie hyung?"

"jimin asked me to bring you home because you were simply attached to me. my name is taehyung, but you can call me daddy." he smirked at him. kook instantly looked away in nervousness. "n-no thanks, I'll be alright." jungkook was a freaking blushing mess. "but don't worry, i didn't touch you or anything, i just brought you to your house."

that was a total lie. taehyung totally didn't tamper with his pretty boy while he was asleep. taehyung totally didn't softly caress his thighs or held his hands. taehyung totally didn't try and get a closer look at the boy. no, totally not. "although you kept saying things like 'cAlL mE bAbY' or 'hE's mY sOulmAtE.'" he turned around and faced taehyung in disbelief, his doe eyes wide open. "ah fuck, sorry about that.." taehyung kept on laughing, and eventually jungkook joined along.

"well, I'll get going, thank you!" without waiting for a response, jungkook quickly removed his seatbelt and opened the door. taehyung with his quick reflexes held him back by his shirt, accidentally showing some skin. taehyung blushed at the sight. "hold on, give me your phone." jungkook didn't question it and unlocked it. tae quickly inserted his number in there, with the contact "baby's daddy."

"for whenever you need it." jungkook hesitated at the name and blushed once again. "thanks. see you 'round!" both waved goodbye at each other. once jungkook was gone, tae let out a deep sigh. "he's pretty cute."


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