ch. 14

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"nerds we're back!" yoongi yells across their aisle. jungkook just finished landing another strike for jimin and rushed towards the food. "geez geez calm down jungkookie, let me place it down. also, thanks for playing for us; damn you got a lot of points." he was in the lead by 37 points, but kook shook it off as he grabbed a slice.

namjoon and jin were doing fairly well, hoseok was catching up to them, and taehyung was in the last place. as for yoongi and jimin, they were behind kook because he was playing for them, he made sure that they got lesser points though.

"TAEHYUNG, MAN YOUR SCORE IS DEPRESSING TO LOOK AT" yoongi spit out. jimin took a look at the scores and laughed along with everyone. "i blame it on the dang bowling balls, you guysss" taehyung whined. kook noticed a chance and took it. "hey hyungie, i could help you, ya know? come here come here."

tae grabbed a bowling ball and made his way to jungkook. he knew what he was trying to do, and he was quite impressed with how smooth he had become. kook went behind taehyung so that he could show him the position. "so since your balls keep on curving, try aiming for the corners,"

he gently grabbed tae's left hand, interlacing their hands together. "and keep your left arm straight because you look like you're gonna fall every single time you throw the ball."

"ok then, what about my footwork?"

"uh well, since you're ambidextrous, for your left hand, place your left foot forward, and then your right. prop up your left foot like this," jungkook backed away from taehyung to show him how the footwork was supposed to be. "and for your right hand, the footwork is reversed. here let's run it through."

kook went behind taehyung's back once more, their bodies colliding. he held his hands to guide them, slowly going over the hand motions and the footwork. and every time jungkook whispered in tae's ear, whether it was a compliment or some advice, taehyung was on the edge of gay panic.

"ok! i think you got it! try it without me." taehyung followed what jungkook had taught him, and knocked down 9 pins, almost a strike. everyone stopped talking to each other and praised the two.

"he isn't so bad i guess," yoongi whispered to himself, not wanting to visibly praise tae. hoseok heard it (yoongi is not a good whisperer, at all), and chuckled at his statement.

"yo, yoongi said you weren't half bad taehyung!" hobi spilled, revenge for the dare back on the truck you could say. "damn you little brat, tsk." yoongi replied sarcastically, as he added on an eye-roll.

"oh. thank you hyung?" taehyung wasn't used to getting compliments from him, so it was unexpected.



they played a few more rounds; surprisingly jin and jungkook were very close, but kook won by 5 points. namjoon, who was comforting jin was right behind them. hoseok, yoongi, and jimin, and taehyung who were laughing their heads off were too far from the other three, so they had a little war of their own, knowing they couldn't beat the three in bowling.

jungkook knew that all of them had to go soon, and since he didn't want them to go, so he spoke up. "guys, i know we have to go soon, but you wanna have a sleepover? it's been really fun with you guys and i wanna spend some more time with all of you!"

"oh dear sweet jungkookie, of course. joon is free as well!" jin quickly replied.

"i am?--" jin interrupted with a yes, his teeth gritted. joon knew that jin could almost never say no to jungkook, he had a soft spot for the boy. so namjoon sighed, and agreed. although he had a study date with jin, they could study later.

everyone else replied that they were free. and since taehyung wanted some time alone with jungkook, he was definitely free. he knew that jimin would beat him up if he tried anything on kook, which is why this was his chance.

"we have school tomorrow though, so maybe not a sleepover. you know what happened last time kookie, remember?" tae smirked, as he referred to when they slept over at his and jimin's house last time. "o-oh right!"

"EXCUSE ME WHAT DID YOU DO WITH JUNGKOOK MR.??" jimin shouted, and if it weren't for everyone holding him back, he would've killed tae. technically chim was there that day-- spying-- but he had to go due to some extra classes. "nothing nothing! jimin hyungie calm down. let's go?" jungkook reassured.

"yeah sure pretty boy," taehyung responded, shortly flicking jungkook's chin teasingly afterwards. jimin calmed down (for now) but still grumbled on and about. hobi matched his pace with jimin's to talk.

"you're not the only one who's mad chim, look over at namjoon hyung and jin hyung." namjoon was trying to calm jin down since he was a tiny bit worked up as well.

both chuckled at the couple, and when they finally calmed down, namjoon suggested going over to their college dorms. that way they wouldn't be bothering their families with their chaoticness. everyone liked the idea, so no complaints. they would all go back at around 1 am.

hoseok checked his phone for the time, and it was around 10 pm. after paying for everything, the gang (an: THE GANG YEP) hopped on the truck. "hey, min, you're shivering, you good?" yoongi asked. jimin awwed at the nickname, but he bluntly replied that he was okay. although he kinda wasn't because he was extremely cold.

"jiminie you're shaking! take my jacket, you can't say no." hoseok took off his jacket quickly and draped it over jimin's lap. he knew that he couldn't take it back, so jimin just thanked him. "hang on gang, it's starting up!" namjoon warned.

while getting out of the parking lot, they hit a bump on the road. so yoongi used this chance to "accidentally" place his arm around jimin's shoulder. chim didn't mind this at all, in fact, he actually enjoyed it (since yoongi is his crush and all).

jungkook noticed what yoongi did-- i mean it was pretty noticeable-- and made a weird face towards jimin. you know, that kind of face when your friend has a y/n moment with someone. jimin mouthed back a "shut up" though; ouch.

"hey aren't you cold kookie?" taehyung asked jungkook. he didn't have a lot of layers, and neither did tae. "a bit, but it's okay." he raised an eyebrow, suspicious.

"lay down, let me do something." jungkook joked around, asking if he was gonna perform some ritual like they do in video games and shows. taehyung laughed, but told him he was gonna push him down if he didn't, so kook obliged.

everyone except namjin was watching what the odd duo was trying to do. it became clear though as soon as taehyung laid next to kook. "whatcha doing?"

"come closer, we're sharing body heat because we're both at the disadvantage." taehyung pulled jungkook's body closer, until there wasn't any space between the two of them.

he buried his face into his chest, for fear that if it were the opposite way around jimin would attack him. yoongi wouldn't even be able to hold him back.

"hyungie... okay fineee" jungkook hugged him close, everything was going according to plan. but jungkook was feeling out of place, as if something was wrong.

he tried to focus on taehyung, his reflourishing warmth, his steady breathing. the way he was snuggled into his chest, the way tae's hands held his. and then it clicked.

shit. he was falling for him.



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