ch. 12

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yoongi and jimin were startled, while tae and jungkook were just playing at the bottom, not minding a single thing.

"i-i'm-- well-- jimin do you know him?" he peaked inside the treehouse and smiled when he saw joon. "yeah! he's my friend, don't worry we'll make space somehow." yoongi rolled his eyes and went inside. jimin went in between yoongi and namjoon, and the two others sat together on namjoon's side. kook's eyes sparkled when he realized namjoon was there, but he didn't say a word.

"sooooo, how are you guys?" jimin says, trying to stir up conversation. yoongi protectively put his arm around jimin's shoulder and glared at namjoon. jungkook did the same to taehyung, but he didn't glare at his hyung. joon didn't mind this and started talking. "i'm ok, jin told me to stay here because my foot is a bit hurt. he'll come back for me though. is everyone doing ok?"

"i don't think he'll come back for you.." yoongi grumbled quietly. jimin who was the only person who heard this playfully hit him, and replied that they were ok. "guys introduce yourselves, joon you too." jungkook spoke up.

"oh, well, i'm taehyung, jungkook's mine, that's basically it."

"hyungieeee--" jungkook groaned. taehyung started to play around with his ears again to quiet him down. luckily it worked, but he wasn't as sensitive as before which saddened tae a bit. "wow ok, um, i'm yoongi, hi." namjoon waved to the two of them.

"hello! nice to meet you guys, you're a very... well, interesting bunch. i'm namjoon, and i'm in college, and i came here with my boyfriend! but as you know i got injured so he told me to stay here until he comes back." right then and there, jin called out his name, and peaked into the treehouse.

"namjoon i got a medkit! there were no nurses so i just grabbed whatever i found-- which is stealing but i'll bring it back i swea-- jungkookie! jimin! shorties, oh, i missed you so much!!"

jin smiled and waved hello, but didn't come inside since it was already jam-packed. "we're not thaaaaat short jin hyung, back off!" jungkook replied. "yeah back off hyung! we're just as tall as you idiot."

"yeah! back off on my jungkook!" jin looked taehyung up and down with a suspicious look before asking namjoon who in the world was this boy. "oh! baby this is taehyung and this is yoongi, they're friends of the boys."

"excuse me, i'm jungkook's future husband thank you very much."

"WHAT JUNGKOOK I DIDN'T KNOW YOU SNATCHED UP A BOY?? FINALLY IT'S BEEN AGESSSS" jin yelled in excitement, celebrating. jimin and yoongi face palmed, and poor kook was blushing immensely. taehyung on the other hand was smirking, and he brought jungkook closer to him. "n-n-no, hyung he's just a friend!"

namjoon and jimin looked at jin and mouthed out that they'll explain later. so jin let the subject go. "isn't a bit cramped in there? we can all go to my car you know and go somewhere, i assume all of you are done with school for today?" everyone nodded their heads, although technically taehyung and kook still had detention.

"get out then, we'll get hoseok too, poor boy must be dancing again. that boy is always dancing even if he's tired."

"HOSEOKIE HYUNG?! YES! PLEASE IT'S BEEN SO LONG SINCE I'VE SEEN HIM EVEN THOUGH WE GO TO THE SAME SCHOOL OH THANK YOU JIN HYUNG!!" jungkook was rambling on and on about how hobi was joining, and got down from the treehouse. the others followed suit, and when jin patched namjoon up and told him to get on his back so he wouldn't have to walk-- this bitch was strong as fuck-- they started to walk towards jin's car, wherever it was.

"hyung you better know where the car was parked, i will beat you to death if you don't" jimin said, sending the boy death glares. jin ignored his stare downs and focused on finding the car. "calm down hot-head, here hold my hand." yoongi offered out his hand to jimin, but he gave him the death glare so yoongi retracted his hand away. although he grabbed yoongi's hand anyways, which weirdly calmed him down. they covered it up, so no one could see their hands.

namjoon got off the phone with hoseok and announced that he'll be coming along after a few minutes. "who is this hoseok person anyways?" taehyung asked, obviously annoyed that jungkook kept on ranting about this person to him. he was a bit jealous so he played with kook's ear again wanting some kind of attention.

"my friend since middle school! he's jiminie hyung's friend too. now hyuuuungie, stop playing around with my stupid ear." he tried to swat his hand away, but failed so he let taehyung keep on playing with it. kook deep down inside liked it though. "WE'RE HERE SHORTIESSSS!!" jin said dramatically. it was a truck, which meant that it could fit all of them. everyone except namjin sighed in relief.

"where are we going anyways? are you kidnapping us?" yoongi mumbled that last part out so jin couldn't hear. although jimin heard since he was the closest to him and playfully pushed him, trying to hold in his giggles and smiles because he hadn't told namjoon and jin about the real him yet. yoongi felt pity for the boy because he had to hide his true self.

"pfft- if you want, sure we can kidnap you. but no, we're all going somewhere we'll all agree on once hoseok gets here." perfect timing, because hobi popped out from a bush and yelled; trying to scare at least one person. yoongi shivered but relaxed once he saw the boy. taehyung and jimin jumped in fear, and the rest were used to this. "calm down tae hyungie, it's just hobi hyung, hi hoseokie hyung!" jungkook caught tae in his arms and soothed him.

jungkook thought it was cute how tae was so easily frightened. "hi guys! so where are we headed?" hoseok was still wearing his dance attire, he was in shorts and a tank top. he was also sweating a bit, and his red hair (which was dimming to an orange a tad bit) was messy from all the dancing.

"whatever we all want. i would say bowling though, pretty sure half of you youngers would love some fun." namjoon suggested. and he was right because everyone agreed on the idea. some wanted food though, so they all agreed on getting some pizza and some beer (for the ones who can drink). "hop in, everyone except my baby is going at the back though." jin told everyone.

no one minded though, they were pretty okay with it. as usual, taehyung and jungkook kept close and jimin & yoongi kept close. jimin felt bad for hobi so he allowed him to sit with them. this meant getting glares from yoongi every now and then, and hoseok knew it would be dangerous to sit there. nonetheless, he did it anyway, although he was absolutely terrified that 2 playboys were on the truck.

"hey calm down, they're nice when you get to know them. you'll see hoseok hyung!" hobi nervously gave two thumbs up towards jimin. "WE'RE GOING SO HOLD ON TIGHT BEFORE YOU FALL OFF!" jin warned them, not like he cared if any of them fell (joon knew he cared). he did care for the amount of money it would cost though.

and so the car reved up and started to move. when it started to speed up, everyone was yelling, and singing songs from the top of their lungs, not giving a fuck if anyone heard them. there weren't as many cars so thank gosh for that, otherwise, they would've created a scene. we have seven people who barely know each other, yet they're screaming from the top of their lungs singing Let it Go from Frozen.

it was nice for a change.



also go check out my friends: @ SwerVingLanEsrN ; @ Ali_kil1

they're coolio :)

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