ch. 11

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(to explain a few things: namjin are dating and are in college. they are friends with jimin and jungkook as well!)

"NAMJOON SWEETIE I TOLD YOU IT WAS A BAD IDEA TO GO HERE!" jin yelled as he made his way through the bushes. they were going to visit jimin and jungkook, but after some twists and turns, they got lost in the forest. "yeah sorry baby, i just thought this would be a pretty easy shortcut.. but you know me; horrible with directions as always haha."

"still the same as 2 years ago, tsk tsk." before jin could say anything else, namjoon fell with a loud thump. he hissed in pain as jin placed his hand on his foot. "yep bad idea, bad idea." he slowly took off joon's shoe and gently checked if it was hurt or anything. jin was studying in the medical field after all.

namjoon kept on hissing in pain as jin applied pressure to certain areas, and with each hiss, jin would always apologize and joon would always tell him it's alright. "hon, i think it's sprained. let's stand up and get to that school, they'll be able to help you. really sorry i didn't bring my med kit today." he helped joon up and propped his arm on his shoulder.

"it's ok, it's not your faul-- hey is that a treehouse?" jin looked where he was pointing and it was, in fact, a treehouse. it looked safe enough to climb on and it was pretty low, so jin told him to go inside and wait there until he came back. namjoon reluctantly agreed and climbed inside with success.



after that jin didn't answer, he was busy trying to find the school. and after a few minutes, he actually found it. he ran towards the building, unaware of jungkook, taehyung, and yoongi zooming by a few meters away.


"jimin what on earth are you doing here?" yoongi let go of the two's collars and let them relax, shooing them off. "i didn't really know which direction to go, i only remembered up to here, really sorry hyung." he pat jimin's head when taehyung and jungkook weren't looking and forgave him. he only went here once anyways, no need to be harsh on him. jimin on the other hand was bewildered, yoongi wasn't usually this forgiving, it was a bit scary actually.

taehyung and jungkook on the side were, however, very different. "shall we go back to our little game hyungie?" tae violently shook his head signaling a 'no,' but jungkook started to tease him anyways. he came even closer, and closer, until taehyung backed up into a tree. "only idiots would go backward, ah you idiot, kim taehyung." he mumbled to himself.

yoongi and jimin were watching, a bit disgusted. jimin was proud that jungkook had improved so much though! yoongi was just plain disgusted and turned his back on them.

"hm? what did you say hyung?" jungkook whispered into his ear. but instead of replying he quickly flipped kook, trapping him. "my oh my, how the tables have turned kookie. mhm, too bad isn't it?" he started to make his move, playing around with jungkook's ear. tae watched jimin do this to kook before, so he gave it a go.

jimin knew what he was doing, and he knew jungkook was doomed. he loved ear play, he really really LOVED it. taehyung was satisfied with the responses kook had reacted with. he was fidgeting around, and squirmed underneath him. he wouldn't even dare make eye contact. usually, he wouldn't be this sensitive, but damn tae was good.

jimin quickly separated them and reminded them that they were going somewhere. thank gosh for jimin. when tae wasn't looking, jungkook mouthed out a thank you. yoongi was relieved it was over and thanked jimin a million times, just low enough so only jimin could hear.

tae just walked in quietness, pouting. jungkook noticed this and matched his pace with tae's. "it'll be ok hyungie, we can play later ok? you're so cute when you're pouting hehe." he grasped taehyung's cheeks and playfully squished them. both laughed their heads off.

"we're here, get in idiots," yoongi straightforwardly said. they all got in single file. "it might be a bit small so we might have to huddle up, jimin come here-" right then and there, yoongi and namjoon caught each other's gaze.



short chapter today! i'll be accompanying another chapter with this one that's why. ( because i have no idea how to end it here, and it'll be too long if i end it here, so sorry D: )

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