ch. 15

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jk p.o.v

the first thing i do is dive into the couch and curl up into a ball. damn it was cold outside. it's been a while since i've been here, and i really did miss the place. "hey we've got the beer! who wants some?" namjoon says as he places the bottles on the kitchen island. out of the corner of my eye, i see yoongi grabbing one without saying anything. hoseok declines, but taehyung also grabs one. "aren't you underage hyungie?" i ask, and sit up.

tae hyungie sits on the couch and whispers in my ear, "i've drank before. i can handle it pretty boy." his voice sent shivers down my spine, and i prayed he didn't notice. i look at jimin hyung, who was finishing up some homework on the kitchen island, his back turned away from me. "hey, look at me."

he jerked my chin so that i would be looking at him. oh why act now? oh why pounce now? jimin hyung help me !! "you know, the first time we met, i commented on your eyes. how the fuck do they still look so pretty.." he then proceeded to widen his eyes, as if he JUST realized what he said, and took a sip of his beer. i had no idea if i was blushing or not, but that comment made me flustered.

"we have school tomorrow, if you wake up with a headache then don't come running to me." i looked over to my right and saw him smirk at this? "that reminds me of that first time we met, remember? you were drunk, and i took you home." i wanted to ask him why he took me home, but jimin interrupted. "before you ask, jungkookie, he took you home because-"

tae hyungie quickly got out of his seat and put his hand on jimin hyung's mouth, shushing him. "because your precious jimin hyung wasn't near so i took you home." he kept on squirming around, muffles coming from his mouth until he jerked hyungie's hand off his mouth. after that, jimin hyung didn't say anything. i guess what he said was true if jimin hyung wasn't countering.

"hey jiminie, I've got some homework too, wanna do it in jin's room?" jin hyung noticed what they said and scowled. "you guys better not make a mess." i heard him whisper. namjoon hyung came over to him to quiet jin hyung down, circling small circles on his back. "we won't! let's go jimin." hoseok replied, grabbing both of their bags.

third pov:

they've arrived at the small room, it was pretty cramped so jimin climbed onto the loft bed. hoseok sat on the chair, facing the desk beneath the bed. "now, tell me what's going on with jungkookie and taehyung." he started to take out his homework and grabbed a pencil from seokjin's pencil case. not like he'll notice anyway.

"ok so, i told jungkookie to try and dominate taehyung, since i thought it would've been a fun game, but i'm pretty sure he wants to dominate jungkook, since he's a fuckboy and all, so now it's a war between the two." hoseok stood up and looked at jimin in the eye.

"it's because taehyung's your ex, isn't it? this is your revenge." tae was jimin's ex, yes. he didn't tell jungkook about it, and when they broke up, he went to hoseok. therefore hobi's the only one who knows about this. afterward, taehyung became a fuckboy, and this hurt jimin even more; so when he saw the chance to get his revenge, he took it.

"kind of, yeah.." jimin said bluntly. he grabbed his homework and started working on it, hoping it would hopefully help him steer away the tears rising to his eyes. "hmm, alright. you're aware you're basically using him? he's getting involved in something he knows nothing about."

"he agreed to this, now shut the fuck up hyung!" jimin yelled. one or two tears escaped, but he quickly wiped them away as he faced away hobi. the others who heard this didn't exactly mind since they thought the two were playing around. yoongi however had his suspicions. "hey... i'm sorry. let's talk about something else hm?" hoseok dropped his pencil and rubbed jimin's back through the bars. yoongi barged in, truly worried for the guy.

"what happened? what did you do?" yoongi growled as he sent death glares towards hoseok, and pushed him aside. "it's a sensitive topic, let's not talk about it." he noticed that jimin was curled up, hugging a pillow, silently crying. his eyes instantly softened, not giving a fuck if hoseok was there. "min, sorry if i sounded scary. it's ok, i'm not mad." hobi on the side was trembling in fear, gosh yoongi was scary.

jimin turned around and looked at both of them. the pain in his eyes hurt them both on a spiritual level. "okay, thank you." he sent them a small smile before sitting up. jimin's eyes looked slightly puffy, but nothing too noticeable.

they avoided talking about the subject and instead, worked on homework. hoseok & jimin helped yoongi with his missing homework; yoongi tried his best to help them, but he didn't understand a single fucking word on the papers. although due to this, the three bonded even more.


jungkook tried, and oh, believe me, he tried, but he couldn't resist taehyung's little teases (a.n: TAESES-). namjoon and jin helped the best they could, but apparently, nothing really worked. the more taehyung drank, the more clingy he started to become. namjoon noticed a pattern with tae drinking and pulled jin aside to tell him the plan.

"you've noticed that taehyung became even clinger the more he drank right?" jin nodded his head in response. "what if we give him one of our strongest drinks that we have, and he becomes so drunk, he becomes submissive enough for jungkook?" seokjin didn't like this idea, and disagreed.

"he's gonna wake up with one hell of a headache, and they have school babe, SCHOOL." namjoon turned around him to see a clingy taehyung playing around with kook's ear, his hands so close to sliding underneath jungkook's shirt. "karma then, for being a disgusting fuckboy. not like he'll die or anything."

jin sighed, but agreed. he didn't want taehyung over jungkook's body anyways. he walked over to the fridge and took out a bottle. the liquid was clear, so it looked like water. "taehyung, you must be thirsty, here, drink this instead!" jin and namjoon winked to jungkook, but he didn't get it at all. instead, jungkook stood up and poured out some of the drink from the bottle into his cup, thinking it was water.

"no jungkook wait!-" too late, poor boy already drank it. "no no no, joon do something! heimlich maneuver?!" jin knew this wouldn't work, but he wanted to give it a try. "i'm not even studying in the medical field but even i know that wouldn't work. honey, this is why we keep the labels on-"

"it looks aesthetic without the label, honey." jin deadpanned. he did have a point though, without the label, it looked like one of those glass bottles you would find at the beach with a message inside, so namjoon didn't argue. namjoon instead held jungkook back from doing something stupid. jin did the same with taehyung. "jimin and yoongi's going to be so mad, baby we're done for."

"jungkook didn't drink that much, he might just be a bit tipsy." namjoon hoped. seokjin looked back at his room, praying that the three wouldn't come out. "let's hope and pray. you're right though, taehyung's had way more than jungkookie. come on let's hide them in your room."

"hyUuUUuUng, why do i feel so... tipsy?" jungkook's eyes were drowsy, and he couldn't walk straight (a.n: because he isn't straight-). "you accidentally drank something jungkook, we don't want to die so we're putting you in my room." namjoon honestly didn't want them in his room, but he had no choice. the bathroom might be more of a threat.

"oH the pretty guy is hereeeee~" jungkook said as he looked behind him, his eyes catching taehyung's. "wHAt d-dO you mEan? y-yOu're the p-pRetTy guy." taehyung pouted. "but YOU'RE the prrrretty one!"

jin and namjoon successfully got them into the room, but not before without telling them to keep it down, and to not do anything they would regret later on. they closed the door, hoping nothing bad would happen.

a.n: wow so much words

finally did a pov after SO long haha

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