ch. 22

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tw: sexual harassment ish, i'll put "<3" to warn ya!

taehyung woke up before the rest and walked home to charge his phone before class starts. he opens the door, smiling, thinking of what happened the past few hours. his mom was working, so only his dad was home, staring him down with a solemn look on his face. two empty bottles of alcohol on the table. it was only 5:32 am.

"why are you smiling?" taehyung's dad hasn't seen his son smile since he was 14 & deep down he enjoyed it; but because of the alcohol, his head was all over the place. "oh. nothing." taehyung's smile died down to the question as he went into his room to grab a new shirt.

when he went back to the living room, his dad stood up and looked him in the eye. even from a few feet apart, taehyung could smell the alcohol emitting from his dad. he knew his dad wouldn't hit him since he hasn't done anything to bother him, but the scared look in his own eyes had taehyung's dad raising his eyebrow.

"taehyung, be a man. remove that scared look from your face. go to school if you want, i don't give a fuck, you're doomed to fail anyway." he muttered that last part out, but taehyung still heard it. he wouldn't believe it. he would make them proud. he would succeed.

not bothering to change his pants, he slammed the door and called jungkook. he forgot to charge his phone, but he didn't care. after two rings, he instantly picked up. "meet me at rocky road, fast as possible. see you there pretty boy." he hung up without waiting for a response from jungkook.

rocky road was the place they kissed, the place he hadn't shown anyone yet. taehyung wouldn't fail, taehyung couldn't. he had to be a man.


jimin woke up from jungkook's excited voice and him jumping around to change his clothes. even from a different room, he could hear his stomps. jimin sat up and realized he was in yoongi's arms. yoongi was sleeping, his mouth slightly agape. he barely remembered last night,

"hey min, the truth is, taehyung sent me to distract you..."

those were the only words jimin remembered. jungkook was in trouble. he jumped out of yoongi's arms, quickly setting a blanket over his shoulders. he wasn't a monster after all, not like taehyung.

the door already shut, jimin was running out of time and he couldn't find his phone. "min why are you in a rush? it's like 6 am dude." his morning voice could make anyone stop what they're doing and just admire the man, but jimin didn't have any time. he needed time.

"what you said to me last night, taehyung sent you. he's gonna do something with jungkook, i'm gonna follow him and see what he's up to. thank you for telling me but i need to go." his cold stare pierced into yoongi's soul, jimin had a million thoughts in his head but could only focus on jungkook. he didn't want him getting hurt like he did. jimin wasn't gonna let jungkook end up like him.

"min i know what taehyung is like, trust him." he clasped jimin's wrist but was easily thrown back and lost his grip. "how can i trust you when you were using me? don't get in my fucking way."

he stormed into the living room, namjoon and jin already left and went to their dorm; hoseok fell asleep and accidentally slept over. yoongi ran to jimin and grabbed his shoulder, making him face him. the angry look in his eyes made yoongi back away, but he continued on talking. "i wasn't using you, didn't you hear my last words? 'he didn't warn me you would be the one to distract me. you won a game you had no idea about. you win jimin.'"

the mad look turned into sadness, jimin was starting to believe but he kept denying it in his head. "all of that was true, i promise." yoongi added.

"stop! just stop.. i need to go after jungkook, you don't fucking understand, yoongi." he opened the door and slammed it in yoongi's face, hoping it would buy him some time. unfortunately, it only got him one second of silence, since he was able to open it easily.

"i was never using you, jimin. denying it will only hurt you more, and i wanna help you. i want to join. can i join?"

jimin looked back at yoongi, he was still in his pajamas and a tired look was on his face. "fine. we can talk later, you've proven your innocence for now. i still don't forgive you though, let's go." yoongi let out a relieved sigh and followed jimin, who didn't forgive him but it was still enough. both were following jungkook, his all-black-clothed figure was easy to spot.

jimin needed the extra backup just in case. he just hoped taehyung wouldn't do anything.


"hiya hyungie!" jimin and yoongi caught up a few seconds later and hid in the bushes nearby. they couldn't exactly hear what they were saying, but they could read their expressions. jungkook was smiling and was so energetic, despite it being so early in the morning. taehyung was calm and was shivering a bit due to the cold, but jungkook didn't seem to notice it.

yoongi yawned, and in that time taehyung quickly made a move on jungkook and suddenly started getting closer. jimin nudged yoongi to look but yawned as well.


and while jimin was yawning, taehyung slid his hand under jungkook's shirt; his other hand supporting kook's back so that he couldn't back away. instead of his usual smirk, a cold glare was replaced. this time yoongi nudged jimin, both could see jungkook clearly being slightly uncomfortable with it.

they could also see jungkook mouth out "no" multiple times but instead of stopping, taehyung sucked on his neck, and he wasn't so light about it either. jungkook didn't like the sudden change, and he definitely didn't like how taehyung didn't back away after him saying no. they were talking about the sunrise, but he suddenly just..


it's just that taehyung was always flirty, but he was never this straightforward.

"you're just a toy, got that?" that sentence alone made jimin stand up in anger and made him punch taehyung's face. yoongi also followed, and pushed taehyung away from jungkook, tears starting to form in kook's eyes.

"the fuck taehyung? he said no, i thought i knew you better. you've always respected other people's space, why aren't you like that now? huh?" the statement yoongi blurted out made taehyung freeze. he tried saying something, but the words wouldn't come out.

"taehyung. you wanna know something? this was all a fucking game, we were toying with you, just like how you toyed with me. you left me without saying a stupid single word, this is payback." the words flowed out of jimin's mouth and he couldn't stop himself until he looked at jungkook's eyes.

"hyung... you were using me for revenge? i never agreed to this, i agreed to something else. you dragged me into your problem?" jimin then looked at yoongi to back him up, but his eyes were focused on jungkook. when he finally faced him, his warm eyes were replaced with a blank, cold, stare.

"i'm mad at the both of you, taehyung you fucking invaded jeon's privacy and left jimin without a single word apparently, but jimin--" he pointed his finger at jimin, "you used your best friend for revenge he never agreed to, a situation you never told him. and don't think you're any better than taehyung, in fact, you're just like him. that's messed up. i'm embarrassed to say i trusted both of you. come on jeon, let's move."

yoongi swung jungkook's arm around his shoulder and carried the crying boy out of there, leaving taehyung and jungkook alone.


oooo the final showdown

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