ch. 16

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jungkook had tried to get his mind straight and he tried his hardest to hold back taehyung from messing up namjoon's room. he looked over to joon's water bottle laid on top of his bed; whenever jimin got too drunk, kook would dump cold water over his head. apparently, it got jimin sober so jungkook opened the canteen up and held tae close. he turned it upside down and poured it on both of them. jungkook could finally get ahold of his mind.

taehyung... well, taehyung is taehyung. didn't do much, but at least he wasn't making a mess of the place. jungkook sighed in relief, "hyuuungie, come sit on the bed," kook sat on the bed himself and gestured for him to sit. tae collapsed on the mattress, dragging jungkook down with him. "koOkiE, i'm t-t-t-tired, sleeeeep." kook noticed tae's shirt was kind of see-through due to the water, and realized he was staring when he looked up to find taehyung smirking at him.

"i'm not staring, go to sleep." that was all it took for taehyung to cling onto jungkook, his arms wrapped around his waist, his head snuggled up in his chest. "huh, you tired? you're gonna wake up with one hell of a headache you know. oh! we're not supposed to sleep, oy hyungie, wake up!"

"mhmm stoooop it jungk-k-kook," taehyung started shivering since he was covered in water. without saying anything, kook took off his and tae's shirt so that they wouldn't catch a cold. getting taehyung's shirt off was a challenge, cuz he kept on moving around, but nonetheless, he got it off.

jungkook couldn't focus on his bet, his challenge, he just wanted taehyung to be okay (and maybe because tae being half-naked was too overwhelming for him). and taehyung.. this boy could barely even remember his challenge. jungkook grabbed the blanket and pulled it over them. both let out a groan when the warmth hit them. "damn that feels good, jungkook-ah come here."

it's not often jungkook hears his name from the other, so he shot up his head when he heard his name, and smiled. he inched closer to the boy, chests bumping into each other. "you know, i would be all over your body right now if it wasn't for the fact my mind isn't in the right place. i want to hear your whimpers, i want to see my marks on your body, but i know i'll want to be sober when i do that, so i can remember it."

taehyung's breathy voice was driving him crazy. jungkook had no words. none, nada. was he flustered? yeah. but he had to carry on and win his bet, so sadly kook couldn't become all submissive like. "just go to sleep, the faster you go to sleep the faster you'll become sober."

"oh? looks like someone wants me to fuck them." oh boy. the poor boy had to keep calm, and stay calm. and once he got his feelings under control, he pinned taehyung down on the bed, causing tae to raise an eyebrow. "that's it. someone deserves a punishment." kook had no idea what he was doing, but he wanted to give it a go. he's only seen other people do this around the school, but it shouldn't be that hard, right?

jungkook leaned into taehyung's neck, and after a few seconds of hesitating, he dived in. it was even better in his situation because tae's neck was sensitive. he gave kim taehyung a hickey.


"FUCK JUNGKOOK HELP, AH SHIT IT HURTS" taehyung woke up at a stunning time of 5:56 am when the body decided to jolt him with the pain. jungkook quickly woke up seconds after he heard tae's screams.

jin and namjoon arrived a few minutes later, after kook got him settled down. "shh, shh, it's okay. the pain will pass hyungie, it'll be okay." he kept kissing tae's forehead since he went by the "kiss it better" principle.

jimin always kissed jungkook's injuries better, and it would always help him, so he thought it would help taehyung. and it surprisingly did help, a lot actually, because after the first peck, tae calmed down instantly. there was something about kook that made him feel safe. of course, he wouldn't admit that out loud because that sounds like something a bottom would say.

"here, painkillers & water," jin said as he and namjoon placed down the water and pills on the table next to the two. after taehyung took them, joon noticed something on his neck. "hey what's that on your neck taehyung?" he said, pointing to the weird bruise. jungkook panicked and told them that it was from when tae hit himself while he was drunk.

he was embarrassed, and didn't want jin and namjoon to know that he gave him a hickey. "hey what happened to jiminie hyung, yoongi hyung, and hoseok hyung?" kook asked, trying to steer away from the bruise topic.

"we told them that you two went out and afterward, slept at taehyung's house. it was hard convincing jimin, but it eventually did it so you two owe us, we even cleaned up your shirts which were drenched in what i hope was water," jin responded back. "i suggest getting your clothes and finish up on your homework-- since you probably have some."

taehyung and kook whined. "it's around 6 in the morning, can we sleep some more?" tae pulled the blanket over him and jungkook so that they could sleep some more, but it was pulled away by namjoon. "we have school soon too, so you guys better get ready or else both of you will get detention."

so they eventually got out of bed, sleepily putting on their clothes. "i like your shirt, it's comfy." taehyung put on jungkook's shirt last time, after they slept together, and had no other clothes; therefore he put it on once again. "o-oh thank you hyungie!"

tae hesitantly stumbled out a few letters, but since kook didn't understand, he asked for him to say it again. "did i do anything stupid when i was drunk?" now, how was jungkook supposed to answer this question? he knew that saying "nothing" would be too suspicious, but saying too much would be too embarrassing.

"nothing too much-- it was me who did something stupid," he mumbled that last part out as he slipped the hair tie from yesterday morning on his wrist. "weird; i'm gonna go to the bathroom, be right back baby!" jungkook didn't realize that meant taehyung had a higher chance of seeing the hickey, until he yelled his name out.


oh no.


guess who's bawling his eyes out bc of a story? the one and only, your lovely author :D

but seriously, i suggest reading Tunnel Vision (yoonmin) bc ITS SUCH A GREAT MINI STORY

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