~Yummy bear~

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Lefty POV

He... He said my name
"Molten? You can talk now?" He slowly nods his head. "That's great!... Guessing you're a bit shy right?" He nods again. "It's ok take your time ok?" Im just happy that he can talk now... And he said my name...

I started to blush. AAAHHHH I do have a crush on Molten but does he even like me?... I mean we meet a while ago... Like a few months... Can he catch feelings fast or what?...
"L-Lefty..." I blushed more. He sounds so damn hot.
"Y-yea? What's up?"
"Y-your f-face... R-red"
"My face?... Oh! My face is red... Yea... I know it is hehe" stop being so nervous how come I'm feeling nervous now? Because this is my first time hearing him talk? Ah fuck! Ahhhh wait wait wait wait wait don't make him worry
"I'm fine Molten... Just have to get used to you talking you know?" He nods. "So! Anything you wanna talk about? It's ok if you don't wanna talk"
"W-what do y-you like? T-to do?"
"Oh! I like doing a lot of things!"
"I really enjoy performing for kids even though I mess up a lot and Freddy gets mad when I do"
"What about you Molten?"
"... I-I like bei-being with you!"
"Me too! I like being with you Molten! You make me very happy" Molten smiles so I smiled back. He makes me very happy... Hopefully we can become a thing soon... I hope so.

Molten POV

Lefty is very nice... I really enjoy being around him... And there is something else... I felt this also around Foxy... Do I like Lefty?

(Molten talking about Funtime Foxy)

No... I just meet him... But still... I... I don't know... Maybe I do maybe I don't?... Should I ask someone about this? Wait no! I know what love is... But still...

Am I really ready to be in another relationship?


I don't know...

"Molten? You ok?"
"J-just thinking"
"Oh ok... You want anything? Imma go into the kitchen"
"I-I'll do w-with"
"Ok!" We got up and walked out of Lefty's room. I wonder... What if I kissed Lefty? No no nope!

Don't think that... Don't think that...

What if he doesnt want to?

Meanwhile is Lefty's mind


Back to Molten

I... I don't know... Mmm...

"Oh hey guys!"
"Hey Chica and Bonnie what you guys making tonight?"
"Chicken" Chica said as she held up a knife
"Isn't that cannibalism?"
"Who said Im a chicken?"
"So you're a duck"
"NO! I'm no duck Lefty!"
"But you just said you're not a chicken"
"Forget the chicken Bon... You're having bear tonight"
"Bear?... Oh shit!" Lefty ran while Chica ran after him.

"Those 2..." Bonnie said then sigh. "You'll get used to it Molten" I nod.



End of chapter
Hey it's been a while

How are you?

A Quiet Love {Molten Freddy x Lefty}Where stories live. Discover now