Ryunosuke Akutagawa

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Thanks for the request 

Sorry if he's ooc.____.


"Man that mission sure was tiring," I yawned after leaving Mori's office. "I can't believe that stupid were-tiger wasn't defeated by me yet!" Akutagawa said. "You really need a new hobby," I mumbled. "What was that?" he asked irritated. "Nothing." We walked down the hallway when I got an idea. "Hey since we're both off tomorrow wanna come spend the night at my place?" "No." "I have that tea you like." He sighed. "Fine." "Come it'll be fun!" I teased. "I can still say no." "Just kidding," I quickly said. I grabbed his hand and dragged him to my apartment. 

"You can shower first if you want since we're both a mess from the mission," I said. "Sure." He walked off to shower and I went to go make some of the tea he likes. "Maybe I should make a move tonight," I mumbled to myself as I heated up the water. "Then again he's probably not interested in me when he has Higuchi." I let out a sigh as I poured the tea into a cup. "I mean I guess I never know, but he always seems annoyed with me. I could barely talk him into coming over tonight." I sat the tea on the counter and spaced out a bit. "(Y/N) you can go shower." I snapped out of my thoughts and tripped over my feet. I was about to hit the ground when I was caught. "You're lucky rashoumon was able to catch you in time," Akutagawa sighed. "Anyway go shower you're grosser than me." I laughed and walked off.


I got out of the shower, got dressed, and brushed my hair before heading back out. I saw Akutagawa laying on the couch watching some movie. I lifted up his head before sitting down and laying his head in my lap. I started playing with his hair. "What were you doing?" he asked irritated. "Your hair is really soft," I replied. I heard him mumble some incoherent words so I removed my hands. After a couple minutes Akutagawa spoke up. "Could you play with my hair?" he quietly asked. I smiled at the request, who knew Akutagawa could be such a softy? I laced my fingers back in his hair and felt him relax. 

After the movie was over I was about asleep. Akutagawa sat up and noticed how tired I was so he  moved and pulled me down so I was laying on the couch next to him.  "Rashoumon cover us," he quietly commanded. Rashoumon lightly wrapped around us, leaving barely any space between us. "Are you really okay with being this close to me?" I asked. I saw a light blush appear on his face. "Higuchi said something about how cuddling can bring two people closer. She was probably just going off about some girl thing." I giggled. "No she's completely right. Do you want to be closer to me?"  "Maybe." With that he wrapped one arm around my waist and the other cradled my head, pulling me closer until I was against his chest. "I didn't know you had a side like this," I teased. "I can't help it when your stupid face makes me happy." I pecked his cheek and snuggled into his chest. "Your stupid face makes me happy too," i said before falling asleep in his arms.

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