Chuuya Nakahara

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A/N: This was inspired by a dream I had the other night where we were 15 and Dazai pushed me and Chuuya into a lake then I kissed Chuuya, so kinda weird but I hope you guys still enjoy 😂


"What the hell do you want Shrimpy?" I angrily asked. We had just gotten back from a mission and we were already fighting, it was a common occurrence. "Why are you so mad at me, what did I do?!" Dazai and Mori sighed as they knew this could be a while and get bad fast. "That's enough you two," Mori said as Dazai grabbed our arms to prevent us from using our abilities. "Now then I'm going to continue." Shivers went down my spine as Mori sent us a look, he sure was terrifying sometimes. He finished talking about the mission and told us we'd get a few days off. Thank goodness!

"Hey Dazai tomorrow wanna go to the arcade and walk by the docks?" I asked him, purposely trying to piss Chuuya off. He caught on to what I was doing and smirked. "Sounds good, but just the two of us right?" We could tell Chuuya was getting annoyed. "Hey what about me huh?" He finally snapped. "Oh man I really hoped it would just be us," Dazai sighed. I nodded trying to not smile. "Well it's not like I want to hang out with you!" I laughed at this. "Your included on that," he said looking at me. Okay that hurt as much as I hated to admit it I really really liked Chuuya. I looked down and tried not to look upset, but I think he could tell it affected me. "Hey wait I didn't mean-" "Save it," I cut him off. "Be there at 12 if you want or don't, I didn't realize I burdened you that much." I walked out and Dazai followed, we were roommates after all.

"Stupid stupid stupid Chuuya," I grumbled into the pillow on the couch. Dazai patted my back, I was like a sister to him so he didn't like Chuuya upsetting me. "Just get revenge on him tomorrow," he said. "Revenge?" He smirked and I knew he wanted the entertainment of Chuuya being humiliated. "Yeah you should find a bucket of bugs or worms by the docks, he hates those." I laughed at the idea. "Alright that sounds actually really funny thanks Dazai!" "Of course of course, and after when he's all mad you confess your feelings." I stopped and looked at him. "Noooooooo!" Dazai laughed at my misery. "You know he's probably more hopelessly in love with you than you are with him," he said. I blushed a bit. "No I'm fine he wouldn't like me I mean we argue so much." "Sure sure, but if something happens you're welcome," he said before waking to his room. What did he mean by that?


"Gawhhhh how did you win again?" Chuuya yelled and stomped the machine. Everyone was looking at him weirdly. "I'm just that good," I shrugged. "Alright let's make a bet than," Dazai suggested. I smirked and Chuuya looked at us wide eyed. "Fine!" "What are you scared you're going to lose?" I teased. "No I'll beat you this time damn Dazai and (Y/N)!" Dazai was going to make the bet and I wasn't sure how much I trusted him but I knew it'd be funny. "If I win you're going to take our lovely (Y/N) on a nice walk by the docks. If you win you can have us do whatever you want for the rest of the day," Dazai said. Chuuya and I both had pink tints on our faces and yet he still accepted. 

"HOW COULD I LOSE AGAIN?" Dazai was laughing and teasing Chuuya over his loss while I stood there blushing more than I already had been. A walk alone with Chuuya how could this go? Was this a date? Or did Dazai just want me to get my revenge? "Let's go," Chuuya said and walked by me. 'Get revenge and confess or else', Dazai mouthed. I flipped him off and walked out. 

We got to the docks and sat down on the side, it was awkwardly quiet the whole time. I decided to be a little brave and I reached my hand over to his. I felt him tense up by lace his fingers with mine. I shifted over slightly and he leaned his head on my shoulder, since I was a bit taller than him. "Too short for me to lay on you," I teased. "Shut up," he mumbled, wrapping an arm around my waist. It was a nice moment until my phone buzzed. I pulled it out to see Dazai had messaged me. 'Hurry up and do it'. I sighed as much as I didn't want to ruin the moment I knew this would be funny. "Hey Chuuya I'm going to go find a bathroom I'll be right back alright." "Uh sure okay," he said, he seemed almost out of it. 

"Damn it Dazai I'm not so sure about this now," I said. He had met up with me and handed me a bucket of worms and bugs. "Aww are you sad because I ruined your little moment. Look just throw the bucket at him and I'll record it." I sighed and took the bucket, "Fine Dazai but you owe me for this." "Of course of course."

When I got back Chuuya was standing looking over the water. It felt as if time stopped. We weren't in our work clothes and with the lighting you would think he was just a normal teenage boy. Is this what love felt like? Wanting to see the person you care about the most in a happy or calm state? I felt my heart thump out of my chest when I walk toward him, his jacket was sitting near the side, luckily that wouldn't get dirty with this. "Hey Chuuya," I called. He turned around, "Yes?" I threw the bucket at him and he was covered in gross worms and bugs. "WHAT THE HELL (Y/N)?" His face was red and he was freaking out. "LOOK YOU MADE ME UPSET THE OTHER DAY SO THIS IS GETTING YOU BACK FOR IT! I GET YOU HATE ME BUT I JUST WANTED TO HANG OUT WITH YOU!" "SINCE WHEN DID I SAY I HATED YOU IDIOT?" The arguing continued until all of a sudden we were both pushed.

"AHHH" We both crashed into the cold water. It was deep and I wasn't a great swimmer. "Chuuya!" I called out. He had activated his ability and was sitting at the top of the water. "(Y/N) grab my hand!" I reached out and he used his ability to help me float in the water. "Thanks," I said hugging him. "I'm glad you're okay, where is that damn Dazai? He pushed us in here I know it!" I thought about what he said earlier. 'When he's all mad confess you're feelings.' 

"Chuuya look at me," I said. "What is it?" I quickly pressed my lips to his. His eyes widened and he gasped causing me to deep the kiss. I pulled away and looked at him. He was avoiding my gaze and his was bright red. "Chuuya is everything okay?" I asked. "You don't like Dazai?" I looked at him, did he really think I liked Dazai? "Of course not silly! Dazai is like a brother to me, the person I love is you!" He kissed me again. "Well I love you too," he said looking at me. "Now let's get out of this lake." 

Using his ability we got back to the docks. "Great now I'm cold and my shirts see through, shit!" I cursed. "Here." I turned around and Chuuya put his jacket on me and zipped it up. "I can't have my girlfriend cold and uncomfortable," he said. "Awww Chuuya who knew you could be so sweet?" I teased. "Shut up! At least Dazai isn't here." "Surprise!" "DAZAI!" He walked over to me. "You're welcome I got it all recorded for you. Now go enjoy your date and lovey doves stuff I'm leaving. I don't want to see this," he said and walked away. Chuuya and I looked at each other and laughed. "Well now he isn't here to ruin our moment," Chuuya said. We leaned forward and kissed one more time before sitting back on the dock and watching the sunset. "I guess this is the one time I'm ok losing to Dazai," he said and I laughed. I'm glad I listened to him for once too.

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