Edogawa Ranpo

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"(Y/N)! Can I come over to have some of you really yummy cookies?" Ranpo asked. 

I smiled and nodded. "You know you're always welcome to come over Ranpo. It's nice to have someone who tastes and enjoys my treats, especially because they aren't anything special," I said rubbing the back of my neck awkwardly.

"You shouldn't say that, you're treats are really good! If they weren't I wouldn't eat them. The best detective can only have the best treats!" He exclaimed. "Plus I would've told you right away if they weren't."

I could tell he wasn't lying. My ability was 'The Truth Shall Be Known'. Basically I could tell if someone was lying and then find out the truth of the situation. Ranpo and I were made partners because our abilities worked well together for mystery cases. He could find out who was guilty and how they did it with his 'Ultra Deduction', and I could help with the investigation. We had been partners for about 2 years now and it only got better. 

"Are you two dating or something?" Kenji innocently asked.

 "Huh?! N-no we're just really good friends and partners!" I quickly answered.

 "You sure? You seem pretty nervous, plus you're always at each others houses. You guys aren't doing anything are you?" Dazai teased.

"(Y/N) would be correct in this case. Although we may hang out quite often, we are only friends and work partners. Our relationship is strictly professional," Ranpo said.

"Yep exactly." A part of me broke when he said that and I agreed. It was probably obvious to most of the members, but I had a major crush on the childish detective. I joined the Agency 3 years ago, and we officially became work partners are my first year. After about 6 months of us working together I began to get feelings. Since then they have done nothing but grow. "Anyway let's get back to work, cases won't finish themselves," I said.


"(Y/N) which way is your house again?" Ranpo asked me as we walked out of the Agency.

"Follow me," I said grabbing his hand. "For someone so smart you still can't figure out your way around town, that's kinda sad," I teased him.

"Mean! Maybe I shouldn't come have your sweets and just go buy some from the store," he said.

"Alright alright I'll stop." 

I realized I was still holding his hand and blushed a bit. Did he not mind or was he just being nice? Maybe he realized he needed to hold my hand to help find my house? Or maybe he liked me back and enjoyed holding my hand! I shook my head at that thought. He probably liked Yosano, I mean they've known each other for a long time and got along really well. Not to mention she is way prettier than me.

"Hey is something wrong?" Ranpo asked. 

"Nothing's wrong, just got lost in thought," I responded. He probably didn't have time for a relationship right now anyway. He was a very busy detective.

"You're lying," he said bluntly. "I can tell you are. Why won't just tell me what's wrong?" 

"Don't use your ability on me," I angrily said. "I said I'm fine so don't push on the subject. It's stupid anyway!"

"You don't need to get mad at me. I'm just trying to look out for my partner." He released my hand and walked a bit in front of me. Part of me felt empty without his hand holding mine.


We had finally arrived at my house. The rest of the walk home was quiet and tense. Neither of us talked or would even look at each other.

"The cookies are on the counter," I said. "I'm going to go change, I'll be back out in a few." I walked over to my room and peeled off my work clothes, and changed into some shorts, a shirt, and a sweatshirt I had borrowed from Ranpo a while back. Walking back out I collapsed onto the couch.

"The cookies are really good," Ranpo complimented. 

"Thanks," I mumbled from the couch. I was too tired to get up. 

"You know if you're so tired you should go to sleep," he said. He sat on the couch and lifted my head than placed it down on his lap, one of his hands playing with my hair. 

"I should be awake if I have someone over." My eyes were really starting to droop now, this was relaxing.

"It doesn't bother me, and I know this doesn't bother you. After all you like me," Ranpoo bluntly said, a smirk apparent on his face.

I immediately sat up. "How do you know t-that?!" 

"It was really obvious. It's okay though because I like you too!" he said hugging me. 

I relaxed into the hug and started drifting off again. 

"Goodnight Sugar," he said, kissing my forehead as we both fell into a nice sleep.

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