Junichiro Tanizaki

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I'm just gonna say it unpopular opinion (maybe it isn't idk) I REALLY dislike Naomi. She just has no personality and she's super annoying with Junichiro. Idk maybe you guys like her but yeah my hatred for her inspired this one shot so enjoy lol—————————————————————————————————————————————————

"Big brother you can't go out alone, what if something happens?" I rolled my eyes as I heard Naomi complain to her brother about him "abandoning her". I got along with everyone in the agency except her, and she didn't like me either. We constantly got into verbal fights and even physical ones on occasion, which didn't make Junichiro super happy. He always told me that she wasn't that bad, but I never listened. She hated me because Junichiro and I were very close, and because I called her out on her clingyness. Little did she know I was actually her brother's girlfriend. 

Junichiro and I had gotten together about two months ago, shortly after he joined, and we loved being together, but Naomi made it difficult. We both agreed that she couldn't know about our relationship for now, and unfortunately that meant we could only show PDA if she want around. Luckily the others promised not to tell her. 

"Big brother I'm going to spend the night at Haruno's tonight," she called to him. "Just be careful of certain girls while I'm gone," she added glaring at me. "At least I give him space and have a personality that isn't being annoying and loving your brother in a weird way," I snapped back. "Hey you two let's not start anything right now," Junichiro tried to interfere. "Don't be jealous that I'm closer and more liked by him!" she yelled at me. "You never know he might be sick of you by now!" "I'm more liked by the agency!" "I actually have an ability and aren't just a part time secretary here!" We both had gotten closer to each other and were fuming. "I'm actually useful here unlike you, so get that through your head," I snarked. She then pulled her hand back and a loud smack echoed the office, and all hell broke loose.

"Let's go the bitch!" I yelled, sending a smack to her too. I also managed to grab her hair, but she tripped me and we both fell on the ground. She scratched and twisted my arm while I kicked her and pulled her hair. "THAT'S ENOUGH YOU TWO!" We looked over to see Kunikida pissed, Junichiro was right behind him and didn't look any happier. "(Y/N) go the infirmary. Miss Haruno please take Naomi," Kunikida instructed. I walked to the infirmary grumbling about how she started it, and because of her I had quite a few bruises and some bleeding scratches as well as a mad boyfriend.

I sat on one of the beds waiting for Dr. Yosano to come help me. The door opened and I saw Junichiro instead. "If you came here to lecture me I don't want to hear it," I said. He ignored me and walked over to the desk before coming over to me. "What are you doing?" I asked. He started placing bandaids on my scratches and lightly placed kisses on each injured spot. "My girlfriend got hurt and it's my job to help her," he said. "Thanks." "That doesn't mean I'm thrilled about what just happened, but it was Naomi's fault and I know you are frustrated with her so I'll let it slide this time. Plus since she'll be out tonight do you want to come spend the night?" I quickly nodded. I loved when we got to have sleepovers. "Perfect let's head to my house." I got up and he grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers as we said goodbyes and walked out of the agency.


"I'll let you shower first," Junichiro said as we arrived at his house. "Do you have some clothes I can borrow?" He nodded before going to his room and coming back with a shirt, shorts, and a sweatshirt he knew I liked. "Thanks Sweetie," I said, and headed off to the bathroom. 

The warm water felt nice against my bruised skin. I noticed he had gotten some of the soap I liked too, he was so sweet. A certain thought had been bothering me though recently, would he breakup with me because of my relationship with Naomi. Woukd it become too much for him? Would he pick her over me? I shook my head, no he wouldn't! I'll just have to show Naomi that she isn't taking him from me. A smirk grew on my face as I came up with an idea.

"Thanks for the clothes Juni, and I noticed you got the soap I like," I said as I walked out of the bathroom. "No problem. I'll shower than can I braid your hair?" he asked. He was pretty good at braiding. "Of course you can." He rushed off to get showered and I decided to make some grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner.

I was in the middle of making them when two arms wrapped around my waist. I leaned back and he kissed my cheek. "Dinner smells delicious," he said. "It's only grilled cheese silly," I laughed. We sat down and at dinner. "So Juni you- you aren't going to leave me because of the way Naomi and I are right?" I hesitantly asked. "Of course I won't!" I was a bit startled by his reaction. "I wish you two got along better, but I love you and I'm not leaving you I promise." I smiled and nodded, his reassurance was all I needed for now.

"Do you want to watch (movie)?" "Yes!" I replied, after all it was my favorite. We grabbed a bunch of blankets and pillows and make a comfy bed like area on the floor. We turned on the movie and he wrapped his arms around and me I snuggled into his chest. Moments like these were some of my favorites, but I needed him to hurry up and fall asleep. 

About 40 minutes had passed and Junichiro was out. He was so cute when he slept too. I looked at him and admired his sleeping face, lightly rubbing my thumb across his cheek. I then looked down at his exposed neck and smirked. "Sorry Juni but somehow she has to find out," I whispered.


The next morning we walked to the office together and I was a bit more chipper than normal. Luckily Naomi wasn't there yet and Junichiro hadn't noticed anything yet. The rest of the office on the other hand did. Atsushi got flustered while Yosano, Dazai, and Ranpo smirked and high fived me. Kunikida sighed knowing this would most likely cause another problem.

The door opened and she was back. "Good morning brother~" she skipped over to him. She engulfed him in a hug and then a weird screech was heard from her. "WHAT'S THAT ON YOUR NECK?" she freaked out. His face got really red and his hand immediately went to his neck. "WHAT?" She got out a small mirror and positioned it so he could see the purple and red hickey left on his neck. "(Y/N) DID YOU DO THIS WHILE I WAS ASLEEP?" "Maybe," I smirked. His face got more red and he got shy, which was adorable. "YOU DID THIS?" Naomi yelled and marched over to me. Before she could do anything, her brother stopped her. "Naomi you need to know (Y/N) and I have been dating for about 2 months know. Sorry we didn't tell you, but you need to start being nicer to her," Junichiro sternly said. "B-but it's not  fair!" she yelled before storming out of the office. "She'll be fine," Haruno assured us. 

I went and sat on Junichiro's lap since his sister was gone. "I can't believe you left me a hickey while I was asleep," he mumbled still embarrassed. "Well it showed her you're mine so it was worth it." "Maybe," he sighed, wrapping an arm around me while we worked. I guess you say (Y/N): 1 Naomi: 0.

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