Chapter 32

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It's been years.

How many?

Maybe 2 or three, and my dream is coming true. Currently I live in America, playing in the NBA as I have always wished for. Although, I don't play much, there are tons of talented men on this team and I happen to be the youngest.

However I happen to be visiting back home because I've "injured" myself.

My knee is tweaked a bit because I played my all for a game so they want me staying off it for a month and three week, even though it'll heal next week. The reason they want me to stay off it is so I can build it back up to strength in the gym before going out and ruining it again.

I'll be heading back home in a few days, well, at least I thought I'd be going back to my apartment, alone at least.

"Wait what?"

"Yeah, we are going to come with you."

I blinked staring at Ryota. "Why?"

He pouted and Aomine sighed. "So we can watch you play, dumbass. Besides, I know why Akashi wants to go, and now I want to."

I rose an eyebrow confused. Akashi and I were supposed to meet up to discuss something, however these two knuckleheads happen to be in the area and see me. Though, they will leave when he gets here, just so we can have a meeting in peace and private.

"Wait why?"

Aomine rolled his eyes and the bell rung to the shop. "Ah, there you are, Taiga. Oh, hello Ryota and Daiki." Akashi said.

Everyone is basically on a first name basis after we've known each other for years. Though I still call Aomine-Aomine and he calls me Kagami.

"Yo, we were just heading out." Aomine said with a small smile as greeting his friend.

"Alright. Thank you then. I did want to discuss this alone."

"Discuss what alone?" Ryota asked and the other two looked at him like he was stupid. Which he kind of is an airhead when it doesn't come to basketball. He is stupid smart, and it's a little weird. He makes good money though, as a model full time, college basketball player who has a well known name for himself in the country, as well as good grades.

Good for him.

Aomine is playing in college, but also tons of street ball and tournaments where he makes people look silly and improves his skill every day. I'm pretty sure he's about to go global with it.

Akashi plays here and there, plays for a small club team, and still practices with us when we all get together, though he doesn't play for college. He's focusing on school and I heard he got a girlfriend who is a handful. She's even scarier than him, but much more energetic.

Shintaro has won competitions all over the place for shooting, and he plays for a small club team with Takao, who plays for his college team. They both go to the same university.

Momoi us finally allowed Aomine to be on his own, as she follows her dream at her dream university. She helps a lot out with many sports, not just basketball anymore. We rarely see her but when we do, it's a special occasion. Mostly our birthdays or some old reunions we throw together.

Murasakibara is actually playing still. Though he isn't playing for his college team, he actually playing in an adult division because they give him more of a challenge than you believe. I think he's actually enjoying himself. He comes to America every so often and I do go see him play, it's quite amazing to see he actually smiles while on the court.

Everyone has gone their own way but we stay connected not only through our phones, but through our bond we created as few years ago when we began playing together.

And him?

I don't have a clue what he's doing now.

I've seen him on the news. I've seen him in newspapers. And I've seen him in social media, however it's always something different. He's grown. Not too much, but grown. He seems to be enjoying himself as to see him with a smile every time he's in social media or the television. But I don't actually know how he is personally.

I've tried to contact him before, and he once sent back a text message but it was on accident. It was meant for someone else, and I happen to be asleep when it happened, so when I texted back: no response.

I have no clue where Kuroko actually is.

He's no longer JUST in New York, as I found out where he grew up. He now works for his family company, which I heard he'll take over one day as to his elder brother and sister already having a business. Kuroko is all over the news, and luckily it seems he is still playing basketball.

I mention he was in the news and on the television a lot.

But I mean, A LOT.

Apparently his family is famous. I found that out a year or two ago when I was searching up some schools and connections for basketball for America, a banner showed up and it was of his family's sponsorship to some teams.

Tons has happened over the past few years.

It's hard to keep track.

"Good to see ya, Taiga," Seijuro said to me.

I smiled, "Same to ya. What's up? Why'd you want to meet alone?"

He sighed and rubbed his head. "I've already discussed the matter with everyone else. They were not excited nor confused. They were more terrified and unsure. Me? I happen to believe the same, though I was also confused."

I was utterly confused at this moment of time.

"I received a text the other day. From an old phone number that I thought was no longer owned by this very person. But it seems to still be owned by the original user." He pulled out his phone and handed it to me.

There was a text, green bubble.

"'Let's have a chat, shall we?'" I said out loud to myself and Akashi nodded.

"The number." He told me.

I looked at the number and my eyes widened.

No. No way, what is this? This can't be.

"Judging by that face you're making, I assume you know that number just as much as I do."

"Of course. But, what does this text mean?"

"I wondered the same thing, until he called that very night. Saying two words, "It's time" he said to me. I wasn't sure what it meant until he continued talking and I understood. That is one of the reasons we have decided to join you back to America."

"You mean," I began but was cut off as if he knew was I was going to say.

"We are going to see him again."



I want to apologize for everything with these slow, super slow actually, updates. Sink error, grammar errors, etc etc. anyways.

I've been swamped with school and my sports teams. Basketball will end in three weeks and I'll definitely poor more of my time into writing more chapters.

Hope you know what going into the future from this chapter means.

Only a few chapters left guys. SADNESS.

There still will be quite a few chapters, however it will be coming to an end whenever I get the time to write.

Sorry again. Thank you for your support. Stick around for more.

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