Announcement! (Good)

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Hello to all.

I want to say a few things before actually getting into the why and good.

So first of all, thank you so much for all the support given and I'm so happy you all have stuck around with my crazy stupid uploading process (not done yet), and I hope you all will continue to support my stories even after I finish this beautiful work.


First off, I want to say I'm so sorry. So sorry I've been away not uploading or finishing anything. I literally have three account and I haven't been on any so please don't feel like it's just this account. (Not telling my other accounts)

I've been in a very emotionally unstable place for a a little bit now, nothing too bad and it's gotten so much better as I try to better myself. So I apologize for not uploading b it please know that I was taking most of my free time to take care of myself into better metal condition.

Second, I am happy to say that I'm ready to continue and hopefully finish this story soon. A few more chapters should do it so I do have some request:

(Message me privately all of your ideas)

1. Any idea what twist i should maybe add?
2. Should I do a chapter per quarter of the final game, or should I do half's/full game.
Should I even do the full game?
3. Would you like to see any appearances?

And finally, who do you think will win?

Lol if you have any ideas you'd like to share I'm open to all. Thank you for everything and all things. Love you,

From Me!

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