Chapter 5

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Thx Sis

It's been a few months now since I've been doing the training regimen and working out. Plus, June does not hold back as a coach. We worked on dribbling for a month until I she felt that we should work on shooting. Then from shooting, we went to passing, which I needed to find my old technique and combine it with my newer one as the phantom. I was in great shape, not what I was years ago but better than before.

Kaho said a few more weeks and I'd be back to my normal ripped self, then we'd focus on more of what she wanted me to improve. Mostly my speed and reflexes. I still haven't felt that spark I did so many years ago. Like I said, a few months have passed, but I actually mean half a year. I've been doing online school so I can practice when ever I want, my parents said I'd have to attend school next school year though, as a Junior. May was about to come to an end which meant June would have a lot of free time from school. We'd be making a trip to Miami, Florida for summer for vacation. But to June, it was a test to see how much I've improved. She already signed me up for a street tournament and I have a partner I've never met, but June said he's a relative of hers that plays for a college. A D2 school but it's still impressive.

At the moment, I'm standing at the half court line and just staring at the basketball hoop. Not thinking, not wondering, no dreaming, only staring. That moment, I didn't even feel myself but I was about to shoot the basketball. Right as I was about to release the ball, I heard a loud voice disrupting me, "Tetsuya." I flinched and the ball flew hitting the rim and bouncing off causing it not to go in.

I look over quickly as Kiki who's waving and running into the danced area of our cement basketball court. Behind her was June looking at the back of Kiki's head like she was about to kill her.

(Inside June's brain)

If Kiki didn't say anything at all, Tetsuya would have made that shot perfectly and it would have show that his potential and true form was regaining consciousness.

But of course, the dumb blonde has to say something. I really am aggravated by her sometimes. Though, she is a sister to me. Oh but I really want to hurt her now. He was so close to taking a big step.

(Back to Tetsuya's POV)

I didn't want to know why she was glaring though. "So, what's up?" I asked my older sister.

"So, you know how amazing I am? And how much you love me?" She batted her eyelashes and gave her a look.

"Did you break something of importance?"

Kiki gave a face, "What? No, of course not. I have a gift for you. But close your eyes." I rolled my eyes but did as told, "Good now, I'm going to lead you towards your gift so please cooperate." I nodded. After hearing shuffling, hands we in my shoulders and I was being forced to move forward. I complied.

"Where are we going?" I asked Kiki but she stayed quiet. For once.

After minutes and minutes of walking, we came to a stop and Kiki took her hands off my shoulders, "Okay open your eyes." I open my eyes to the bright day and see Kiki in front of her workshop shack my parents built her. After all, Kiki is a crafty person. "Introducing, the knew best line of clothing, Tetsu Fame." I hated the name but when I caught of glimpse of what Kiki had created, I didn't care about the name any longer.

It was a black jersey with lilac and light blue stripes around the sleeveless part and hem of the shirt. The number 1, pure white in the middle of both the front and back, the front number being smaller than the back. My last name was also on the back in white. The shorts, also black, lilac and blue stripes on the shorts lower part, and then the shoes. I couldn't stop staring at them. "Oh yeah, I got a gig with Nike for a personal design and ta-da. I call it Naru, and you know that means begin. First it was because I finally began a sports brand for my fashion designs but then I though, it's also because you are about to begin something big. And I wanted to contribute." My sister smiled at me but I didn't see her smile. I was staring at the high tops in front of me.

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