Chapter 5: Crossing the Line

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(June 25, 1950)

A man in his early thirties ran as fast as he could. He was at the market when he heard that the North Koreans are advancing south.

"Eomma!" His tanned skin glinted in the sun, his feet burying slightly at the dry ground. He passed by the nearby theater and is approaching the door to their restaurant.

"Haechan..." The old woman spoke in a hushed tone, terrified at the look her son is giving her.

"Eomma! We need to go now... but separately." He frowned at his idea but he knew that it's safer for his family to go on their own. His parents are too old and his adopted brother is too young to be used in the military, but, if the North Korean Soldiers find him he knew his fate won't be the same. He would rather die than become one of them. Without him, his loved ones can easily go unnoticed by the enemy since they can't get anything from them.

"Hurry!" His voice carried the urgency almost leaving his lips like a shout but he managed to compose himself while he stuffed some bags with a few necessities his family will need.

Several minutes flew by and the preparations were done. They're now standing outside their restaurant... the restaurant they've been running for their whole life, and might never see again.

"Hyung!" A small voice called from behind him loudly.
"Hyung where are you going?" Hurried footsteps quickly ran towards him and he felt tiny hands wrapping around his leg.

Turning around, he swallowed the lump on his throat. His eyes stung when he fought the tears that threatened to fall.
"Hyung is just going to go somewhere for a while ok? You need to be brave and take care of mama and papa hm?" He tried to smile, patting his brother's head. His family is going to live in their hut on the hills of Mokpo while he planned to go to the nearest Republic of Korean (ROK) infantry division.

"Hm!" The child energetically nodded in response extending his short chubby arms to hug his hyung.

Haechan held his brother tightly before picking him up and placing him down near his parents. Giving them all a smile, he then darted past the panicked mob blending with the crowd ahead disappearing from his family's sight.

North Korean Soldiers crossed the 38th parallel supplied by the Soviet Union. Among the soldiers is a well-built man carrying a tiny stuffed bear hanging on his pack. Taking it, he looked at it for a good second before placing it back securely inside the small pack. Before they broke through towards the South he took something that used to belong to his younger brother. They were orphaned at a young age and supported each other all throughout the years but a week ago his brother passed away from an incurable disease. Looking ahead he felt no fear anymore. For him there's no point in living, so he'll fight in this war hoping that along with it he will die too.

"Jeno, you alright?" His companion asked him as they walked through the trees after crossing the Imjin river.

The man just nodded without looking at the guy who asked.

The surprise attack from the North rendered the Army of the Republic of Korea scattered behind the front and had no choice but to pull back. On the 27th of June 1950 Seoul fell to the hands of the North. Stationed at the South of the Han River the outnumbered South Korean soldiers tried to defend what's left of the country from there but the lack in munitions and soldiers proved to be too difficult to overcome. They needed reinforcement as the government tried communicate with the US. The United States delayed their support since participating in the war could lead to a full scale global war. Deploying only a few hundred American soldiers (the 8th Army) to the South, they tried to hold their ground but within a month and a week they lost Pyeongtaek and Daejon. The 8th Army and the rest of the South Korean Soldiers retreated to Busan and there the intense defensive line was set-up to protect the only remaining soils untouched by the communist. By 4th of August 1950, the Busan perimeter is protected by the United Nation troops composed of South Korean, American and British soldiers for now.

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