Chapter 12: Fallback

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In the dark it was not the stars that illuminated the night but huge blasts from the bombs dropped by the fighter planes as the Soviet Union aided the Chinese troops in their advance to the South. Jisung watched his troops lay on the ground lifeless and he couldn't help but feel his heart getting ripped out. Eyes blazing gold he left his foxhole and rushed to their bodies, lifting them and laying them down on a safer ground. Crystal tears gleamed through his light eyes as he turned around and went back to the line getting more. They've been in battle for three days straight ever since he had parted from Chenle. The consecutive sleepless nights wasn't taking much of his strength but his heart agonized over the increasing men who had fallen and the coming of more daunting days. Only the alphas are now holding out the line while the omegas who had volunteered are kept as key force in assisting those who are wounded and taking charge of communication.

Outside the hospital tent Jeno stood aghast, unable to move from his place. The amount of severely wounded and decapitated men poured in that his heart wavered at how everything was not enough. Many of them are probably close to the age of his brother and in their faces he saw the same fading light.
"Jaemin?" He spoke urgently entering the tent again.

"Hm?" The doctor had no time to look and just answered as he received the patients.

"I need to go." Looking at the younger he uttered those words earnestly.
He then added that he had to do something before this gets out of hand.

Something inside Jaemin felt desperate to say no but he knew that it was not for him to decide. Opening his mouth he exhaled deeply before saying "yes".
Finally looking up he watched the soldier's back and the name just slipped right out of his lips,

Turning around the older gazed at the slight frown sitting on top of the man's brows. Walking back hastily, he then lay his fingers gently on each side of the beautiful face, pressed a soft kiss on the lovely lips and then to his forehead.
"I will come back." He whispered.

Nodding they finally let go of each other.

Jeno called loudly approaching fast the alpha in the ground, sliding right beside him.
"You cannot stay here."
He hushed heavily.

"We have no choice. This is the only route that has the least adversaries."
The younger reasoned out.

"There is... another." He hesitated.

The taller eyed the man intently listening for what he has to say.

Taking the map, the older told Jisung of the elevated slopes marking it on the paper as it wasn't found there. He elaborated that this gives them a good vantage point and will hold the line better than their current position. After explaining his idea he caught the furrow in between the younger's brows and realized that if they leave there's still a need for several regiments to remain here.
"Give us your instructions and I will try to hold the line here." He spoke reassuringly giving several taps on the taller's back.

It might have been better if Jeno will accompany them but they will be separated into two groups that will surround the opponents' divisions. Looking at him he finally decided to agree with the earlier suggestion that the older stays here with the rest of the regiment's officers.
"Thank you." Jisung gave a small smile before contacting the rest by radio.

There they toil day and night to resist the North from ever penetrating the South. They were pushed back and shouts of commands rang through the dirt, ashes and smoke.
"Fall back! Fall back!"
The UN forces retreated a few meters back running through the bullets and bombs. All the men there looked at the sky and felt that they have forgotten what the sun really looked like. They were covered in mud and their morale are dampen by the endless count of death. All hopes of conquering the North had faded and on the night of the seventh day they were back at the border.

The battle that ran for a week ended and through the days that had passed it was getting clearer and clearer that they were at a stand still. There's still blood being spilt, every now and then a great offensive will break but no one moved past the 38th parallel. Talks of peace treaties resurfaced and yet it didn't end the war at the moment.

Military jeeps are loaded as it traveled back and forth as the old troops are exchanged with new recruits. Jisung and a few of the marines arrived back at the hospital tent
and it was Jaemin who met them as they hopped off the vehicle.

Eyes peeled on the overloaded jeeps for a certain man he felt like he was about to faint when Jeno isn't one of those who returned.
"Jisung..." Pausing to take a breath he blinked a couple of times to settle his restless heart.
"Where's Jeno?"

Biting his lips he couldn't bring himself to answer it for a moment.
"H-Hyung..." The taller choked.
Holding the older on the arms with both hands he continued,
"We tried. We tried to look for him... but we failed."
"We lost him."

Strength leaving his legs he crashed into the younger's arms. It took him quite a while to believe the news and when it finally dawned in on him he sobbed in agony.

"Mnm... Mnm..." Humming a song while playing with the tiny fingers that curled on his index finger Chenle held the child closer to him. His eyes kept sneaking little peeks at the folded newspaper resting on top of the low cabinet as he sway gracefully, slowly lulling the baby in his arms. The news of Jisung possibly coming home to him at last made him nervous. He cannot bear it if his husband...
"No... we cannot think like that." Closing his eyes he kissed the forehead of their child before putting him back on the cradle.
Opening the curtains a bit he looked outside through the high windows with wide breadths, concealed by the thick curtains being moved to the side by a few inches.
The garden was filled with magnolia trees. Scanty white flowers dotted across the healthy foliage, late bloomers and fleeting.
His eyes widened, bright light seeped through the spaces in between the branches and he could hear the sound of tires against the concrete driveway.

His feet hurried down the stairs, nimble against the marble floors of the entrance hall of his family home. Opening the double front doors, the familiar figure standing meters ahead made his heart jump like it was caught somewhere in his throat restricting his breathing.
"Ji- Jisung." He whispered running down the concrete steps, through the road and jumping up to hug his man. They stayed like that for quite some time breathing in the calmness of their scent. Finally being placed back on the ground they look at each other moisture glistening on their cheeks.

Glittering specks of golden stardust seem to float in the dark sable eyes that gazed softly on the smaller. Sniffling he wiped the drops that dwell on his wife's face.
Their irises appear to mirror each other as the omega and alpha in them felt at ease in their presence.

Chenle maintained their mellow stares, leaning against the touch of his husband. Smiling he welcomed the kiss that greeted him, arms wrapping around the wide back he missed so much.

"I love you." Jisung spoke in a low tone.
"I'm sorry for putting you through so much... and thank you for loving me despite falling short." Leaning down they kissed one more time.

Now inside the house, the omega asked if the younger had eaten. Jisung told him that he'll eat later, he wants to see their children first.

"I won't touch them yet because I haven't change out of my uniform." He spoke whilst opening the door to the nursery for his wife.
"Was it hard taking care of all four?" Wrapping his arms around Chenle's waist he rested his chin on his shoulder, pulling his back closer to his chest.

Shaking his head Chenle answered,
"My parents are very fond of them. They barely leave us alone."
He chuckled.
"By the way I haven't given them names yet. I was about to but when the news came I wanted to name them together with you."

They talked about the names for quite sometime and discussing happily how the eldest looked like Jisung and the youngest a copy of Chenle when they were young. It lasted for several minutes when the smaller suddenly spoke out of the blue.

"I love you Ji." Taking the younger in his arms he whispered it again.
Closing his eyes he savored the feeling of strong arms tugging him closer.
"Let's go downstairs. I'll cook something for you. We were expecting you to arrive tomorrow morning so we did not prepare anything." He chuckled.

"Ah!" Chenle squealed. Lifted up, he held on to his husband's shoulders.

"Let's go?" Jisung smiled confidently.


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