Chapter 9: Mine

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⚠️Warning: This chapter contains explicit contents (smut). Please skip the middle part or the entire chapter if you find this uncomfortable.

A/N: I do not write well especially scenes like this, so please don't be too hard on me.

The crescent moon gave little light to the dark night that offered a scarce glimpse of the stars that were hidden by the quickly gathering thick clouds.

Mark was walking towards the volunteers' quarters when it started to rain. He ran to seek cover when the scent of lilac started to grow stronger. The sweet fragrance was quickly swallowed by deep musk scents that alerted him, scanning the tents that were there he headed to the direction of where the scent is coming from.

Opening the flap on one of the tents that was at the far corner, he was met with a horrifying scene. The omega was pinned to the ground by hungry and ruthless alphas, skin red with shallow lacerations, hair disheveled and lips bleeding. His cries were muffled when a brute alpha forcefully shut the mouth with a hand around the pitiful man's jaw. Not everyone joined the disgusting act but no one is helping the omega that's been whimpering and scratching the ground to try and free himself from his captors.

Mark is enraged at what he saw. He grabbed an empty chair that's been standing near the entrance and threw it to the group of molesters.
Eyes glowing a deep red he raised his alpha voice,
"No one touch him."
Ribs were cracked, torsos crushed and legs were snapped at each attempt at him.
He glared at the defeated men when he took his own uniform off to cover the omega.
Gently scooping the trembling man off the ground he left the scene and carried the omega back to his own quarters.

There he cleaned the injured guy and changed his clothes. He then tucked the man on his makeshift bed before going inside his sleeping bag right below.

Rain fell down the estate dimly lit by the lamps outside the house.
After being told to change his clothes by his wife, he went up to their bedroom and watched the pattering rain on the window pane.
He was by the bed when he started to unbutton his uniform down and heard the door open.

"Jis-" Chenle stood frozen by the doorknob when he saw his husband's exposed chest, his eyes tracing the line in between the curves down to the covered torso with the button still held by Jisung's finger.
Swallowing a sigh he stuttered,
"I-I thought t-that..."
Not even bothering to finish his sentence, he cleared his throat, turned around, and went back outside closing the door.
Resting his back against the wood he blinked and patted his own heart.
Blushing furiously he ran down the stairs and went back to the kitchen.

Arriving there, he stared at the pot sitting on the stove containing the soup he made earlier and yet he was unable to move away from the kitchen counter still thinking about what he saw upstairs.

"Chenle..." The smaller heard a deep voice right by his ear calling his name.
Turning to the side he was met by soft lips against his own.
His fingers crawled up the chest of his husband, grazing his fingertips on the exposed skin while he gasped for air that Jisung is taking away from him with every press and suck on his reddened lips.

The alpha is still on his half-buttoned down uniform grasping Chenle's waist with both of his large hands burying themselves on the soft cotton. Muffling the smaller's yelp he pressed harder on the moist pair molding his lips in an exasperated urge while he lifted his wife on top the counter.

"Jisung..." The smaller moaned clutching his slim white fingers tightly around the strands of hair in his hold when the taller dipped down.

Trailing open kisses on the smooth thighs, the taller slowly slipped upward the white cloth, while his other hand pulled Chenle closer grabbing tightly the back of his knees.

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