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Gently, he lifted himself up from his chair, "Thank you Mrs. Han, kindly tell Mr. Park that I will join him in the library shortly".

The young gentleman in his late twenties looked as handsome as ever, his light mahogany hair and soft curls gave him that bright innocent look. His soft but vivid green hazel eyes, mirrors the intellect in the long bloodline of nobles coursing through his veins. His cherry lips carry that curious smile as he talked, like it held a secret promise of fun and mischief.

Drawing a good short breath, the servant then prompted,
"Yes sir...
Your sister brought some tea from her trip to the southern part of asia, would you prefer that or the usual?"

"Just the usual Mrs. Han, thank you." The man replied.

"As you wish sir", the housekeeper gave a short bow and took her leave.

Shifting his glance from the disappearing back of the old lady, he then stared at the garden outside his window.
The magnolia trees are still in full bloom, forget-me-nots edged the pathways and the rhododendrons near the benches are tempting him to enjoy the view outside.

"What a waste of color and beauty when I have to go and hide myself in the library", he thought as he turned his back from the window and reluctantly make his way to what used to be his grandfather's study.

The doors are half opened, and he could see Mr. Park already sipping a cup of tea.

Jisung has long been associated with the family, he was of humble beginning but his unmatched genius and expertise on his craft kept him in constant connection with the aristocrats. Indeed, he is very well respected in the high society and very much loved by all other walks of life.

"You came to see me Ji, may I inquire as to what brings such a surprising visit?
I heard you were supposed to be out of the country, in Rome to be exact. Weren't you invited there by the pope himself?" Beaming his charming smile he asked, trying to hide his concern with his usual cheerful tone.

"Chenle" The taller uttered calmly.

The younger gentleman is always at the best of his composure. In fact, in all of Chenle's encounters with him, he's always amazed by the serenity of his movements.

"I apologize for coming here without notice", Jisung spoke while standing up and closing the door.
"I cannot delay however and I need your answer tonight." His dark sable eyes meeting the smaller's light ones.

The taller's serious and yet tranquil voice made the older unsteady for a moment.
He then caught himself immediately, taking a step as a counterbalance,
"What is it that you require of me Jisung ?"
Pretending not to have any idea, he did his best to keep his voice as nonchalant as possible while tearing off his gaze from the younger and reaching out for a cup of tea as he could feel his throat running dry.

The younger noticed the nervousness behind the older's pretense and realized that his urgency might have caused this.
Softening his gaze he walked turning his back and diverting his attention instead on the luscious garden outside through the clear glass panels of the window.

"I'm sorry, I know that this arrangement was made by your parents and you may not see any significance in this but the world is changing Chenle. I may not be someone you can love-"
The gentle man paused furrowing his brows at the ache in his heart, dejected by his own words of truth.
"But I am sure that I am someone who can protect you. You will see this sooner... that if you'll say yes."
Turning slightly around he kept his hands behind his back and waited for the older to say something.

What the taller had said is true, besides it's not like love will do anything for him. The one person he thought he could fall for has gotten married already and has even announced the christening of their child a month ago.
"There's no use clinging on to such futile idea such as love."
Being an omega doesn't do much for him even though he came from such an affluent family. He needed an alpha and Jisung is not just an ordinary one.
Placing down the cup, Chenle gathered himself and faced the younger properly.
"I agree. My answer is yes. Let's get married Jisung."
He managed a grin when their eyes met once again.

ChenSung| Under the Magnolia TreesWhere stories live. Discover now