Chapter 7: An Unexpected Confession

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Approaching the shore Haechan's eyes traveled from one floating raft to the other. He does not know what those are but they looked like they were inflated boats. A few others have already climbed aboard and when it's his turn he tried to maneuver his boots upward but unfortunately he lost his balance.
A light throaty groan came from behind him and the next thing he knew a hand was already supporting his back and his waist.

"Here you go." The man spoke in english while the tanned beauty's eyes made its way to the soldier's uniform.

"He's a marine. The one who saved me is indeed a marine." He thought.
Finally settling himself on the inflated raft he just noticed that he was the last one to aboard and the guy he was curious about took the space next to him.

"LEE M."
Haechan's eyes widened at the name on the uniform. Darting his gaze from the man's face to his name he was curious if what nationality the darker uniform belong.
It was too late when he realized that he just blurted the words out.

Looking away he quickly plastered a nonchalant face ignoring the man and the rest of the group that heard him.
Arriving on the ship that was waiting for them a good distance from the beach, Haechan again was the last to get off from the inflated rafts.
His left foot was not even out of the inflated watercraft when the man from earlier stood to his right and helped him out.

"I'm Canadian but my parents are Korean." The man spoke in fluent Korean smiling at the shocked male that is now standing in front of him.

"A-Ah... ok... T-Thank you... for helping me out and saving me." With that Haechan smiled shyly and left because he's too embarrassed to actually engage in a conversation.

The Canadian followed the increasing distance between them with a subtle stare.
"An omega?" He asked himself for multiple times today whilst breathing in the faint scent of lilac that was left by the tanned handsome guy.
An omega does not usually have a position in an infantry division because they lack the physical strength, the rare and exceptionally smart ones can have a position in the intelligence department because they rarely engage in physical battle and focus in gathering information and enemy analysis.
"A volunteer?" Mark sighed deeply, frowning in the process. The war called for many volunteers but he did not expect an omega to bravely choose this path.
Usually the omega volunteers are in charge in some other tasks but never direct combat.
Shaking his head in disbelief he walked towards their office his head still filled with the curious omega he just met.

Kim Il Sung wanted to end the war by 1st of September 1950. Thus the Korean People's Army (KPA;North Korean Army) started an offensive plan to attack the remaining Busan perimeter.

On the night of the 31st of August, Chenle, the only division intelligence officer ran the whole day to relay the plans of the KPA. They need to stabilize the line and Jisung ordered transfers and breakdown of men in strategic points.

"Chenle..." Jisung breathed engulfing his wife in a tight hug the moment the smaller slid down the soil into their foxhole.

"Jisung." The older lifted his arms and wrapped them around his husband's neck calming himself. In the taller's arms he felt safe even though they're nowhere near peace.

Separating from their hold the two bent lower inside their foxhole and took a raincoat to pull over their heads. Fully covered Jisung pulled out a flashlight and spread the map.
"We're here." He pointed to a spot near Daegu indicating their position.
"I went to the companies around us and instructed them basing on the information you've intercepted.
We have to hold out for at least 15 days more Chenle and wait for the reinforcements from the UN commanded by General MacArthur. There are three locations for them to land. The most likely place the KPA expects from us is to land at Kunsan. I've sent a message earlier to the American general heading the 8th Army, if my calculations are correct from what you've been reporting to me these past few days the best landing spot will be at Incheon." The general spoke pointing to the city.

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