-Oliver- Slut

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I'm sorry Gryffindorks, Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws, but you're a Slutherin in this story. (Yes, I said Slutherin, I'm hilarious I know. (Please tell me that you understood my sarcasm.) You're a Slytherin and a Slut, so yeah.)


Edit: I've updated this, I was re-reading it and there were A LOT of messy mistakes..

'Y/n Y/l/n. The slut of the school!' I hear a thick Scottish accent say, I turn around to see the Gryffindor Quidditch Captain.
'Hello Wood, how can I help you?' I ask him, while glaring at him.
'Oh nothing, just wanted to know with which boy you're going to bed with tonight.' He says laughing. Normally Oliver is a nice guy, but to me, not at all. Fred and George started a rumor that I go to bed with every boy in the school, doesn't matter if they're a 1st year or a 7th year, I go to bed with them. Well, that's what everyone thinks, in reality I'm quite shy, I never had a boyfriend, let alone touch a boy.

'It's probably Draco. Aren't you his personal slut? I heard that you'd do anything for him.' George says.
'Draco and I are nothing. He's just another Slytherin. Do you need my help with something else? Or can I continue my book?' I ask them. It isn't completely fake what I told them, but it kind of is... Draco and I are indeed not dating and I'm not his 'personal slut,' but we are something. Draco's father has a sister and well, she's my mother...

'What? This book?' Fred says and he grabs the book out of my hands. I stand up and try to get my book back, but he's just too tall.
'Whatever! I don't need that stupid book. You know what, I'm gonna go. Have a good day.' I pack the rest of my stuff and start to walk away, but a hand turns me around and pulls me close.

'Not so fast, Slut.' Oliver says.
'What is it?' I spat. I try to get my hand back, but I can't. He's too strong.
'You still need your book back.' He says, gripping my hands harder. I know that I said that I'm not really a slut, but I'd rather have these hands around my neck, then around my hands.

He let's go of my wrists and hands me the book. Red marks are starting to appear on my wrists.

Great, now I really look like a slut.

'Awww, scared that everyone will see those marks and think that you're an even bigger slut then you already are?' Oliver teases me. I don't know what it is, when other people bully me for being a 'slut' I get angry, but with Oliver it's kind of cute?

I take the book and walk away. I put on my robe and hide my wrists under them. I go to my dorm, that I share with Pansy and sit down on my bed.

What is it that makes Oliver different then the rest? I mean, I have no friends, well, I have 1 friend. Pansy Parkinson... Everyone bullies me and I always get angry when they do it, but when Oliver does it, I don't get angry, I just get annoyed, but it also gives me the feeling of butterflies in my stomach? I get lost in my thoughts, but quickly get pulled out of them when Pansy is right in front of me.

'What do you want Pansy?' I ask her. All she does is point at my wrists. 'What? What is it with my wrists?' I look down at them and realise what she's talking about. 'Right, the marks.' I sigh.
'So. Who was it?' She asks. I look at her and sigh again.
'It was no one! You know that I've never touched a boy before!' I say, but she just shakes her head.

'Y/n, you know, I want to believe you and I always did, but this is just prove that the rumours are true. So, don't be scared and tell me! I'm your best and only friend! You can tell me!' She says.
'It was no one! Oliver grabbed me by my wrists when he was bullying me and he just put in a lot of pressure!' I say annoyed.

'Wow, okay, I'm sorry. I didn't know that you'd become angry!' She apologises, she knows not to mess with me, because I broke Blaise his arm one time, but she was the only one that saw it.
'It's fine. Y'know, maybe I should live up to what people expect from me. Maybe I should become a slut. I mean, people already call me 'Slutherin', so I don't see the harm in it...' I sigh.
'Do what you want. It's your choice.' She smiles.

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