-Sirius- It has always been him

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I didn't know a plot for this one and the only thing that came to mind, was his death, so take that.

'Ron! Where's the dog?' Harry asks Ron.
'He's the dog! He's an animagus!' Ron exclaims scared, he points at a man. I look at where my student is pointing at.
'Sirius?' I gasp as I see my husband after 12 years. He looks horrible. Messed up hair, skinny, Azkaban uniform.

Hermione jumps in front of Harry and Ron.
'If you want to kill Harry, you'll have to kill us too!' She says bravely.
'No. Only one will die tonight.' Sirius replies, he doesn't even bother to look at me.
'Sirius please! He's just a boy. He has enough problems already!' I exclaim, but before he can reply, Harry starts yelling.
'And that'll be you!'

He runs over to my husband, he grabs him by his neck and throws him on the ground. Sirius is laying om the ground and Harry sits on top of him, with his want pointed at his forehead.

'Are you going to kill me Harry?' Sirius laughs.

This isn't my husband, my husband was innocent. My husband loved Lily and James, he couldn't have killed him, yet the man infront of me tells a different story.

'Expelliarmus!' Remus yells as he enters the room. Harry's wand flies out of his hand and he looks scared at his teacher. Remus motions for Harry to get away from him and so he does, he stands up quickly and runs back to Ron and Hermione.

'Well well, finally Sirius. Looking rather raggy don't we?' Remus says as he walks over to Sirius. 'Finally the flesh reflects the madness within.'
'Well you know all about the madness within, don't you, Remus?' Sirius replies. Remus lowers his wand and he helps Sirius stand up. When he's back on his feet, the two males hug.

'I found him, I found him!' Sirius cries.
'I know, I know.' Remus pats his back.
'Let's kill him!'
'No! I trusted you! And all this time you'd been his friend! He's a werewolf! That's why he's been missing classes.' Hermione states.

'How long have you known?' Remus asks the girl.
'Since Professor Snape sets the essay.' She replies.
'Well well well, Hermione, you really are the brightest witch of your age.'

'Yeah yeah yeah! Come on Remus! Let's kill him!' Sirius interrupts.
'Wait!' Remus yells back.
'Very well, kill him.' Remus gives my husband his wand. 'But wait one more minute, Harry has the right to know why.'

'I know why. You betrayed my parents! You're the reason they're dead.' Harry states.
'No Harry, it wasn't him, someon did betray your parents. Someone I believed until quite recently to be dead.' Remus raises his voice at my student.
'Who was it then?' Harry yells back.
'PETER PETTIGREW.' Sirius yells. 'He's in this room! Right now! Come on Peter! Come on!'

'Nice one James!' Memories are flooding back as I see my ex-husband fight.

'Oh come on Y/n, it's just one date. I'm not that bad!' He tells me, I exept his flower and look at him.
'Only one?' I ask him.
'Well, if you want to go on more, we can always do that, but that's up to you.' He winks, I feel butterflies in my stomach and my cheeks grow red.
'Fine, I'll go on a date with you.'

'AVADA KEDAVRA!' Bellatrixes voice booms through the ministry. I watch Sirius fall into the archway and disappear.

'Y/n, I love you with all of my heart, will you do the pleasure in becoming my wife?' Sirius asks me, as he reveals a beautiful ring. My eyes fill with tears and I nod my head.
'Yes! Yes! Of course!' I smile. He places a beautiful ring around my finger and he kisses me.

'NO! NOO!' Harry yells as he watches his Godfather disappear.

'Why Sirius. Why! It has always been him, hasn't it.' I ask my husband.
'No! Of course not!' Sirius says back.
'Really? So every time you went to Remus and you came back way happier ghen you were, you didn't fuck him? Every time you came back and had hickeys, you thought I didn't notice? You think I didn't notice the tension between the two of you?' Tears are streaming down my face.

'Y/n please-' I cut him off.
'No! I'm talking. 'Oh come on Y/n, it's just one date! How bad can I be?' You told me, I accepted, I accepted since you were a good guy! You think I didn't saw Remus's sad face when you asked me out? 'Y/n, I love you with all of my heart, will you marry me?' You proposed to me, I felt the happiest I've ever did. Yet, something said to me that you didn't want to get married to me, but I ignored it. Sirius, it has always been him.'

'Sirius...' I gasp. 'No.. No... NOO!' I yell, I let go of Hermione and sprint over to the archway.
'Forgive me Y/n...' Are is last words, he has now completely disappeared.
'I love you...' I whisper, with tears in my eyes.

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