-Draco- Draco's assistent (Request)

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Heey! Before you start reading, I want to say THANK YOU SO MUCH! I hit 2K reads! I can't believe it! Anyways! This was another request by The person who blocked me. For your information, I will be closing my requests for a while and I will probably not update for a while. I have a lot of exams on school, so yeah.. Wish me luck! Also! Happy valentines day, even though I will upload this after valentines day XD (In this oneshot Draco is portrayed as a good guy, but in my opinion he isn't, don't come for me. Thanks.)

'Finally, some time for my own!' I say when I enter my dorm, that I share with Hermione

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'Finally, some time for my own!' I say when I enter my dorm, that I share with Hermione. 'No Hermione, No Harry and none of my cousins!' I grab my diary and start writing about my day.

16/06/1997 - 9:45PM
Today I had Potions, Dada, Herbology and transfiguration. It wasn't a very event full day, but it was still fun. Ron (my cousin) made a few very funny jokes. Something about a cat and something about Snape. Although the Snape one was quite mean.

'Hey Y/n! Do you know why Professor Snape isn't a Herbologist?' He asked me, I looked at him in confusion and shook my head. And he casually said 'Because he can't keep Lilies alive.' It was the meanest joke ever! But it was kinda funny, Snape heard it and Ron got 3 weeks of detention, I got 2 days, because I laughed at his joke- I dropped my quill. 2 males appeared in my room. To be more exact Lucius Malfoy and Voldemort.

'Grab her!' Voldemorts voice boomed around the room. Lucius grabbed me and took me with him. Everything began to spin and then everything went black.

'Oh look, she's awake!' Bellatrixes voice sounds. I look around, the place isn't very lively. I see Mrs. Malfoy holding Draco. Lucius is standing next to Voldemort. 'Did you sleep well, sleeping beauty?' She asked me. I look at her in disgust.

'Manners, Bella.' Voldemort says. His voice sends shivers down my spine.
'What do you want from me?' I yell, I try to stand up, but I'm tied to a chair.
'We need your help.' Lucius says to me. I furrow my brows at him.
'And why would I help you?' I spat back. Voldemort waves his wand and he shows me Harry, Hermione and Ron laughing.

'You see your precious little friends?' He asks, his swishes his wand again and he shows me a vision of Hermione being tortured by Bellatrix, Harry laying in the dungeons, with blood on his face and Ron being tied up. Being forced to watch his best friends in pain. 'This is what will happen to them, so the choice is yours.'

'Choose wisely dear! You don't want to make the wrong decision, do you?' Bellatrix taunts. She puts her wand under my chin, making me look up at her. I move my head away and look at Draco with pleading eyes. His mother turns him away from me.
'What do you want me to do?' I turn my attention back to Voldemort.
'Good decision.' He explains me what he wants me to do and Lucius apperates me back to my dorm.

'Y/n?' Hermione turns her attention to me. 'Why are you so late? I was worried about you!' She walks up to me and hugs me. She didn't see Lucius, which was probably better.
'Oh, I-I was at the Quidditch pit, don't worry about it.' I brush it off.
'Oh okay, well you better get some rest.' She smiles, I nod in response.

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