-Ginny- Gryffindor party

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Hey. This is fem x fem again, so if you leave hate, I'll block you. Also, alcoholic drinks will be mentioned, but I've never had alcohol/been drunk, so if I'm saying something that is incorrect, I apologise. There is a lot of kissing in this oneshot.

'Hey! Y/l/n!' Ginny yells at me, I turn around to face her. 'Wait up!'
'Oh, h-hi Gin-Ginny.' I avoid her eyes.
'There's a party in the common room tonight, you coming?' She asks me, as we continue to walk together to our next class.

'Erm- Well, I-I still have some homework a-and...' She gives me puppy eyes. 'I have s-some other stuff to take care off....'
'Please?' She pleads.
'I- erm. Fine. I'll go.' Her smiles grows and she spins me around.


I'm in my room, changing from my uniform to something more comfortable, yet cute. I do my hair and put on some make-up.

I'm walking down the stairs and I hear the music blast from downstairs. Once I'm down, Ginny immediately grabs me to the side.

'Y/n... Have I ever told you that you're so fucking pretty?' She smiles, she smells like alcohol and even tho she's probably drunk and doesn't mean it, my cheeks burn up.
'Erm.. N-No, you haven't. Gin, are you drunk?' I ask her, as I take her cup away.
'Me? Drunk? Nooooo, what're you talking about?' She says sarcastically. I smell her cup, Firewhiskey, I take a sip and let the burning sensation go down my throat.

'How many did you have?' I look her in her eyes. Her beautiful dark and deep brown eyes.
'Uhh. Like 5?' She grins.
'5?! Ginny! The night has just begun! It's only 8PM!' I exclaim worried.
'So?' She grabs my chin and pulls herself closer to me. 'Is that a problem?' She sits me down on the couch and she sits down on my lap.

'Ginny, I don't think that-' I get cut off.
'Y/n! Ginny!' Ron says and het pulls us in a hug. 'Let's dance!' He smiles, he also smells like alcohol. I comply and walk with them to the dancefloor.

We've been dancing for quite a while and I've had multiple drinks, so I'm pretty drunk now. Ron has left us to go to Hermione and Harry, so that left Ginny and I. Our bodies are pushed together, hands all over each other.

'Hey Y/n!' Ginny yells. 'Lets sit somewhere and have another drink!' She grabs my hands and walks over to the couch where we sat earlier. She hands me a shot, I drink it quickly and put the glass back down on the table.

When we've both finished the shots, she sits down next to me. She places her hand on my thigh and looks me in my eyes. She leans in and our lips touch.

We spent minutes exploring each other's mouths, till I pull away.

'Are you okay?' She pants. I say nothing, I just lift her up, place her in my lap and reconnect our lips. Her hands are around my neck, while mine are on her hips. I tug lightly on her lip and a small moan escapes her lips. I start moving her hips lightly and another moan escapes her lips.

I look her in her eyes, her dark, deep, mysterious eyes. Her eyes are full of lust and sinful. I let go of her lip and we kiss again.

'Hey Ginny, do you know where Geo-' Fred, who is still quite sober, says. 'Oh, uhm, I'm sorry. I didn't know you were busy, I'll go look for George myself.' Ginny pulls away and I stop with the hip movements.
'His dorm, Angelina. There.' She lazily points at his dorm and reconnects our lips.
'Oh, okay thanks. Don't do anything stupid!' He yells, as he walks away. Once he's out of sight she starts grinding on me, I help her pick up the pace, by guiding her hips.

'Gin, I think we should take this upstairs.' I say against her lips, in between the kissing. She nods and gets off of my lap. We quickly run to our dorm.


I wake up with a terrible headache. I look around and see my bed on the other side of the room. I look down to see Ginny cuddling me. I smile at her, but I soon realise that our clothes are lating on the floor next to the bed.

Don't panic Y/n.. We are just laying in Ginny's bed. Naked. I think to myself. I move some hair from her face and her neck. Her neck is filled with red, purple bruises. She groans lightly and pulls me closer. I let out a shriek.

'Shhh, don't be so loud. You'll wake Y/n up. She's laying next to me.' She mumbles. I lay back down and put my arms around her.

We cuddle for another hour, till Ginny wakes up.
'Hello miss Loudmouth.' She smirks, her voice is raspy and I feel my cheeks heat up.
'I-I-I'm sorry?' I stutter.
'You don't remember last night, do you?' She asks and I shake my head. 'Guess we'll have to do it again then.' She grins.

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