-Fleur- Uhm, oui?

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Bonjour! Excusez mon Français, je ne suis pas Français j'utilise Google Translate. s'il y a des Français de lecture et je fait une erreur, s'il vous plaît dites-moi pour que je puisse le corriger! Je parle un peu Français, je suis Hollandaise :) (Heey! Excuse my French please! I'm not French, I use Google Translate. If there are any French people reading this and I made a mistake, please tell me so that I can fix it! I only speak a little but of French, I'm Dutch :) )

I'll put the translation of the French sentence in the comments!

'Please welcome the lovely ladies from Beauxbatons and their headmistress Madam Maxime!' Dumbledore announces. Beautiful, elegant girls waltz through the room. Their headmistress walks behind them. All the boys are mesmerised by them. Most girls from our school look jealous that the other girls are getting so much attention from the boys. Not me though, not many people know this, only Luna, Neville and Ginny, but I'm gay.
'Bloody hell, that's one big lady!' Ron says. I turn my attention away from the girls to look at Ron. I roll my eyes with a smile and go back to looking at the girls. Just when I turn around this beautiful girl is right in front of me, she sends me a smile and she waltzes further. Blood rushes to my cheeks and I feel all tingly inside.

Dumbledore announces some other stuff, but I can't seem to focus. I'm far into my thoughts, thinking about the pretty girl that was just infront of me.

'What are you looking at?' Ginny whispers to me, I look at her and my cheeks flush.
'Ooh, so it's a g-' She starts, but I cut her off. I place a finger on her lips and shush her.
'Yes, now shut up.'


After dinner we all go to the common rooms. I'm sitting with two of my best friends, Ginny and Neville. The girl hasn't left my mind once. Just thinking about the way she smiled at me makes me feel butterflies.

'Y/n, are you listening?' Neville says. I don't respond. He waveves his hand in front of me and I finally snap out off my thoughts. 'Earth to Y/n.'
'Hmm? What?' I turn my attention to him.
'What's on your mind? You haven't been focusing on anything since the feast. Is everything alright?' He asks concerned.

'Everything is great for her, she just spotted a girl. A very pretty girl, didn't you, Y/n?'
'You did? You have to talk to her tomorrow!' Neville exclaims exited.
'No way! Have you seen her? She's way too elegant for me! I'm this muggleborn, poor, idiotic girl, she's a French, probably rich, extremely elegant and beautiful girl! She's way out of my league!'
'Y/n, you're a winderful girl! Just talk to her! I'm sure that she would want to get to know you!' Ginny tries to talk me into it.
'Fine.' I roll with my eyes.


'I want you to make page 132 and 133.' Snape's voice booms through the classroom. 'You can go now, class dismissed.' I quickly throw everything in my bag, I want to get away from here as fast as possible. I'm lucky that it's Friday and that this is my last class of the day.

'Are you going to look for that French girl?' Neville asks me, I nod in response. 'Goodluck!'
'Thanks, Nev.' I smile at the boy.

Where would she be? Courtyard maybe? Maybe the room with the Goblet of fire? I'll look in the courtyard first... I run through the hall, till I see a group of girls in blue uniforms.

'Uhm, bonjour?' I try to say in a French accent. The girls turn around and smile at me.
'Bonjour! Comment ça va?' One of the girl asks me. She has a dark skin, with beautiful dark brown hair and brown eyes.
'Erm, oui?' I say confused. She laughs and switches over to English.
'I asked you ow you are.' She says with a French accent.
'Oh, I'm good. How are you?' I smile at the girl.
'I am great, merci!'

'I uhm, I'm looking for a girl from your school, could you maybe help me?'
'Oui, who are zyou looking for?' The brunette asks.
'Oh, I don't know her name. I saw her yesterday and she looked really nice..' I explain.
'What 'does she look like?'
'She had blonde hair, blue eyes, ponytail. All the boys were mesmerised by her, she had a pretty smile, one that makes you feel butte- at home.' I explain, the girl looks at the other girls and they start whispering.

'c'est peut-être Fleur?' One of the girls whispers.
'je le sais! tu n'as pas entendu ce qu'elle a dit? tous les garçons sont hypnotisés par elle, elle a «un sourire qui vous fait vous sentir chez vous», ce doit être elle!'

'We tink that you are tzalking about Fleur, she iz in te library.' The girl smiles.
'Thank you! I hope I see you guys around sometime! You seem nice.'
'Oui! You too!' She says to me. 'c'était bizarre...' She whispers to the other girls. They continue to talk in French, while I go to the library.

I step inside, immediately spotting the girl.

Okay, it's okay Y/n... She's just a girl, a very pretty that is, but still. She's still just a girl! I think to myself.

'Bonjour, tu t'appelles Fleur?' I ask the girl, she looks up and smiles at me. Her smile sends butterflies all through my body.
'Oui, je m'appelle Fleur. Comment tu t'appelles?' Her voice is sweet as honey.
'Y/n, is it okay if I switch over to English?' She sends me a nod, I sit down on a chair next to her. 'How are you?'
'I'm good, 'ow are you?'
'I'm great, I just wanted to say that you're really pretty and ask you if you maybe wanted to become friends?' Am I really doing this? Oh my Godric, stay calm, stay calm! You can do it, just be yourself, but what if she says no? My mind is racing.
'Of 'course and tzank you! You are very pretty too!' She tells me, she's probably only saying it to be nice.


'Go Fleur! You can do it!' I yell, she runs through the Quidditch pitch. The normally empty pitch is now filled with rocks, a dragon and most importantly. The golden egg.

She runs and runs. She dodges every flame the dragon spews. She keeps on running, throwing spells and charms along the way.

'Tu peux le faire!' A French girl next to me yells.

The dragon spews a flame and it almost hits her. Everything seems to go in slow motion, in the last few months I've started to care a lot for her. The moment I saw her I knew that she's the one I wanted and now, three months later, I've fallen completely in love with her. She dodges it perfectly and grabs the egg. Everything goes back to normal speed. She runs back to the tent. Everyone applauds and cheers. I stand up and run towards her.

The moment I see her I throw my arms around her neck and I pull her into a kiss. She's shocked for a second and she freezes, but after the shock fades, she kisses me back. She drops the egg and it starts to scream. We pull away from each other. A deep red is spread over my face, she quickly grabs the egg and closes it.

'I-I'm sorry...' I stutter.
'For what?'
'For kissing you,' She sets the egg on the ground. 'I shouldn't have don-' She pulls me into a kiss, which I eagerly return. Sparks fly through my body. I almost immediately swing my arms around her neck.

'So I'll ask you again, why are you sorry?' She asks me after pulling apart.
'I-I don't know, I thought you would hate me...'
'Y/n, I could never hatze you, you're amazing. You are pretty, funny, nice, I can make an eight page long, what is zthe word? Assignment? No.. Well, it doesn't matter, what I mean to say is that you're perfect.'

'Hey, Fleur?' Ginny walks into the tent. 'Is Y/n here...' She looks up at us in complete shock. 'YOU FINALLY DID IT?'
'Erm, Je ne pas parle Anglais?' I try to say in French, so that I don't have to answer Ginny's questions. Fleur lets out a small laugh and I turn my attention to her. 'What? What's so funny?'
'It's Je ne parle pas Anglais, not Je ne pas Parle Anglais.' She laughs and pulls me into a hug.

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