-James- You, me, date, tomorrow night

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Smut, because I'm a whore UwU (I never use UwU, that was weird lmaoo) You'll probably feel some cringyness (I don't know how to spell it/say it), but that's the whole point of it. I like to make ya'll feel embarrassed, it's funny :D

'Okay! Y/n. Who do you have a crush on?' My best friend Lily asks me. We're having a girls night in our dorm, with some other friends of ours.
'Uhm... I-I don't want to say it...' I say, my cheeks flush red and I avoid everyone's eyes.
'Oh come on! Everyone else said it!' She tells me, I look her dead in the eye.
'Yeah, but it wasn't my idea, so I'm not telling you. I didn't want to do this!'
'You're no fun!'

'Lets play something else! How about truth or dare?' Lily says, we all nod and we start to play the game.
'But let's do it in a more fun way! Let's add truth serum.' One of our other friends says, she stands up and grabs a bottle out of her bag.

After a few rounds it's my turn.
'Y/n, truth or dare?' Lily asks.
'Erm... Truth..'
'Take a sip.' She hands me the potion and I take a sip. 'Okay. Who's your crush?'
'James Potter.' I cover my mouth with my hands. 'You nasty rat!' I yell, I grab a pillow and throw it at her.

She catches the pillow and places it on the bed, after that she stands up.
'I knew it! Girls, we've got some business to do.' She smiles.
'No. No. No. No. You're not going to anything. And definitely not something stupid!' I say, she just giggles and nods her head.


'Class dismissed.' Professor McGonagall smiles. I stand up and place my stuff in my bag, I turn around, but get blocked by a taller figure.
'Hello Y/l/n.' A voice says, I look up and I lock eyes with James.
'O-Oh, hello Potter.' I smile awkwardly.

'So, what do you think?' He says, I look at him in confusion.
'Think about what?' I question.
'You, me, date, tomorrow night.' He winks. My cheeks heat up and I blankly stare at him.
'I-I would l-love to.' I stutter. 'Wait- It's a school night, though...'
'So what? I'll just sneak you out. Be ready at 7PM! Later Y/l/n!' Before I can answer he walks away.

Lily comes up to me and places a hand on my shoulder.
'What was that about?' She lies.
'Oh. My. Merlin. Lily Evans, I fucking love you!' I smile and hug her.


'You think he'll like this?' I say as I look at my dress in the mirror.
'Y/n, stop worrying. You look amazing!' Lily ensures me.
'But what if he doesn't like it?' I complain. 'I should put on something else...'
'Y/n Y/l/n. He asked the girl in a uniform out, do you think he cares about your clothes?' She states.
'You're right. Thanks.' I smile.

I look at myself in the mirror one last time, before heading downstairs. I walk into the common room, seeing that James is already there.

'Hey James.' I smile, as I tap on his shoulder.
'Wow... H-Hi Y/n! You look beautiful!' He exclaims.
'T-Thank you...' I blush.

'Just go already!' Sirius yells, James groans at his friend's statement, while I let out a giggle. James places his hand in mine and he walks away with me.

We arrive at the Quidditch pitch, which is illuminated with beautiful lights.
'Wow, James, it- it's gorgeous!' I exclaim.
'Just like you, darling.' He chuckles. My cheeks grow warm.

'Please, sit down, love.' He says. He sits down at a table and motions in front of him. I sit down on the chair and food appears on the table.

'Only the best for you M'lady.'
'Okay James, I like you and all, but please stop the nicknames.' I laugh.
'Nope!' He says and he pops the P. I roll my eyes at him and laugh.

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