-George- Detention

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Swear words!

Readers POV:

Being friends with George and Fred meant a lot of detentions. I'm about to have one with McGonagall, which is okay, since we have are quite close. Well close as teacher and student of course, not something weird you dirty minded swine.

I was still sitting in the common room with George, Fred, basically almost all the fucking Weasleys, Harry and Hermione.
'Goodluck in detention Love.' George says, I roll my eyes at him.
'I don't understand why I have detention and not you two! It was your prank, you did it! All I did was laugh, but here I am, with the detention that you two should have.' I say annoyed. 'You two are lucky that I have detention with McGonagall and not Snape, because I would've killed you if it was with Snape.'

'Kill us?' Fred started and looked at his brother.
'Naah! You're too small to do that, you have to grow a bit for that..' George finished. I glared at the two. 'Y'know what Y/N? We'll get you out of detention.'
'We are?' Fred raises his eyebrows at his brother. George nudges his arm as a reply. 'Oh right, yes we are! I completely forgot about that!' Fred lies.
'Fred. You are a terrible liar' I laughed at him. 'So, how will you get me out of there?' I ask the two.
'You'll see.' George smirks evil. I glare at the two of them, always their stupid pranks. They always get ME in trouble, but it's their prank!

'Well, I have to go. I got detention.' I say with a not so friendly attitude. George isn't buying it grabs my wrist and turns me into him.
'Are you gonna go to McGonagall with that attitude? Don't think that she'll like that.' He says. 'Maybe you have to learn some manners.' He smirks. Me knowing that he is a horny teenager and not wanting to do shit with it, I wiggle my wrists out if his grasp and walk to the door.
'George? If you're so horny, go look for a girlfriend or help yourself, but don't ask me. I don't want to help you with that.' (Authors note: Tbh George, I would help you with that ;), but that isn't the point..) I say in disgust, before walking out of the portrait hole.

I'm at McGonagall's office and as I'm about to knock she opens the door.
'Well, look who it is.' She smiles at me.
'Hello Professor McGonagall,' I smile back.
'So, what got you in detention this time? Was it the twins again?' She asks. She knows me quite well and she knows that I normally don't do stuff like this.
'Yup, but it's fine, I don't mind helping you with this stuff!' I say looking around her office. 'But just know, Fred and George are probably gonna come in here and do something.. they said that they would get me out of detention and I asked them how, but Fred didn't know and George said that I would see how.' I explain.
'Oh Merlin, we'll see what they're going to do..' She chuckles.

I was cleaning a cage with an owl in it, when I heard yelling from the halls.
'I think that these will be your princes on white horses.' Professor McGonagall laughs.
'I think so too.' I chuckle.
'Oh professor McGonagall?' Fred yells from the halls. She stands up and walks to the halls.
'Yes?' She asks. There was no response. She stands there for a second, till she gets hit in the face by a pie. 'Fred Weasley, detention. You don't throw pie's at teachers!' She yells. But because her face is covered in pie she doesn't notice George slipping inside. He hands me my wand, so that I can clean the cage with magic.

'Oh professor McGonagall? I'm done..' I tell her.
'Yes yes, you can go!' She says to me.
'Thanks! Byee!' I yell and grab Fred and George by the ears and take them with me.
'Ow ow ow ow' is all I can hear from them.

When we get to a place where it's just us three I wait for them to explain.
'I told you that we could get you out of there!' George chuckles.
'Yeah, he did tell you that Y/N!' Fred says. 'He just didn't say how!'
'George you idiot! You are lucky that you're cute, because if you weren't I would've killed you!' I yelled at him. He froze in place and Fred strarted laughing uncontrollably. 'What?' I ask them annoyed.
'So you think I'm cute?' He asks with a smirk and he places his hands either side of my head on the wall.

'W-What? I never said that!' I say.
'I think you did darling.' George says.
'Erm, I'll be in the common room if you're looking for me..' Fred says awkwardly and backs away.

'I did not call you cute!' I try to say again.
'Yes you did!' He says and he comes closer. I feel his body against mine.
'George, I swear I didn't.' I try again.
'You did darling, just admit it! You like me!' He says as he grabs my chin, making me look up at him.
'I don't like you.' I try to say annoyed, but deep inside I am dying.
'Darling if you didn't you would have taken my hand of your chin.' He smirks down at me.

I stare into his eyes and I couldn't help but flicker my eyes onto his lips. I place my arms around his neck and lean in, I feel him do the same. As our lips almost touch he says, 'I told you that you liked me.' And I feel his lips brush against mine, I lean in even further and we start kissing. He moves one hand down my waist and pulls me closer. One of my hands travels to his hair. I tug at his hair a little, which gives me an entrance to slip my tongue inside.

He now places his other hand also on my waist. He deepens the kiss and his hands start to go up and down my waist. I moan into the kiss, which earned me a smirk. He picks me up and I straddle his waist. He backs me even further into the wall. He starts to kiss his way to my jawline and the to my neck. I throw my head to the side to give him more space. He keeps kissing, biting and sucking places on my neck, till he found my sweet spot. As he starts to kiss that I let out quiet moans and whimpers.

'What exactly do you think you are doing, mister Weasley and miss Snape.' Professor Snape says says. George stops the kissing and just has his lips on my skin.
'I asked you two something. I am certain that you are not deaf, so don't make me repeat myself.' He says, George puts me on the ground and holds my hand.

'Well professor, I was giving your daughter Y/N here, some art pieces.' George says smugly.
'May I see the art pieces?' My father asks us.
'But of course Professor!' George shows my dad my neck. He looks in horror at us.
'Detention both of you and Y/N we are going to have a talk one of these days.' My dad says and turns around.

I grab George his hand and I pull him along to the common room, giggling and laughing among the way.

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