-Sybill Trelawney - Christmas! (Request)

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Hello! Quick before you start reading, this was a request by @rugratsfan101 ! I hope you like it :) (The request was for a female reader. I'm gonna do the rest of the one-shots for all genders, unless that person asks different!) Also, sorry if there are more mistakes then usual, I'm writing this in a car XD I'm going to my dads house and that's almost 2 hours away from my moms.. Okay, that's enough. Let's start the story XD

It's Christmas 1995, my parents are rich pure-blood wizards and because of that they're good friends with the Malfoys

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It's Christmas 1995, my parents are rich pure-blood wizards and because of that they're good friends with the Malfoys. Since my parents have known them since before I was even born, Draco and I were quite close. We grew up together, got our letters together, went shopping together, we even spend all of our Christmas's together.

Draco and I had a fight last week, he kept calling one of my best friends a Mud-blood, I didn't tolerate that and he got angry. It was quite a stupid fight, but because I was angry I told mt parents that I wasn't goimgbto come for Christmas. We normally spend Christmas at the Malfoy Manor, but I just didn't want to be with Draco this Christmas.

I'm currently sitting in the great hall eating with my friends, well the ones that are still here. This year hadn't been great, last year the Triwizard Tournament took place, people from Durmstrang and Beauxbatons were here, Cedric Diggory got killed. People say You-Know-Who killed him, well Harry and Dumbledore say so. I don't know who I should believe if I'm being honest, the Ministry or Harry... We got our DADA lessons from Mad-Eye Moody, or we thought we did, but it was actually Barty Crouch Jr. with Poly-Juice potion and because he wasn't actually our DADA teacher, we had to get a new one, like every year. This year we got someone from the Ministry. A pink lady that looked like a toad, but not any toad, no, a very ugly slimey disgusting one. Her name is Dolores Umbridge, but we call her Umbitch, she's changing the whole school! The Weasley twins aren't allowed to use their fun stuff for pranks anymore, boys and girls aren't allowed to be within 6 inches of each other, she even checks our mail! I'm telling you, she's hell!

'So, do you have any further plans today Y/N?' Neville my best friend asks me.
'No, not really.. I think I'm going to go to Professor Trelawney after dinner though.' I tell him, Professor Trelawney is my favourite teacher, people think she's weird, but I think she's really sweet!

So like I said, after dinner I went to her office. I'm about to knock when the door opens.
'Ah, miss y/n! I was expecting you! Come in come in!' She says, I was a bit surprised, but I didn't complain.

'Hello Professor Trelawney, how are you?' I ask her.
'I'm good, how are you?' She replies with a smile.
'I've been good! I brought you some Christmas cookies, would you like some?' I say as I put the cookie jar on the table. She nods happily as she grabs a cookie.
'Thank you dear.' She smiles. 'Would you like some tea?' She asks and I nod.

'So why are you not at home this Christmas? Not that I want you away from here, it's just that I was just curious..' Trelawney mumbles.
'Oh, I had a fight with Draco, we normally spend our Christmas's there, so yeah..' I explain.

After a while of talking she offers me a Butterbeer and me being me, I don't say no.
'So normally you spend your Christmas's at the Malf-*burp* oh, I'm sorry...' Trelawney mumbles embarrassed. I laugh and also let out a loud burp. She looks shocked, before laughing and like this a burping contest starts.

'No, no, no, no! I can definitely burp the loudest!' I exclaim laughing.
'No way! I can do it way louder!' She yells.

'Okay, try to do the alphabet!' I yell excited.
'Okay. *burp* A *burp* B *burp* C......... *burp* U *burp* I can't go any further, it's starting to hurt.' She laughs.
'Wow! I'm really impressed! I though tou wouldn't go further then F!' I laugh.

In the end she had was the loudest, but it was really fun!

After a while of talking, a lot of laughing and burping and like 4 Butterbeers, I decide that it is probably best to go to bed. As I'm walking away and reach the door, I remember that I still have a present for her.
'Oh, Professor, I almost forgot, I got you something!' I say and I walk back.
'Oh, dear, you didn't have to!' She says as I'm looking in my bag. I hand her a wrapt box. She looks at it a little confused, but decides to open it anyways. In the box that I handed her were 2 teacups, tea and 2 chocolate forgs.

'I know that it isn't anything personal, but I remembered that you said that you needed new tea and a few new cups, so I bought them for you,' I say with a smile. She walks up to me with a smile and tears in her eyes.
'Thank you so much dear, I really appreciate.' She hugs me as tears are starting to flow.
'Are you alright Professor?' I ask ger as I feel a tear on my shoulder.
'Yes, I'm alright, just a little bit emotional.' She chuckles.
'Oh, okay.' I smile.

'Merry Christmas Professor!' I smile and walk away.
'Merry Christmas Y/N!'

Okay, this wasn't my best writing, mostly because I'm not here with my mind. I wrote most of this in the car like I said, so the grammar mistakes are from that, but the bad writing is just me. My hamster died last week and my cat is about to die. I loved both a lot, so I hope you understand! Anyways! I think I'm going to write another one-shot real quick of Fred, because he owns my heart and my other one was really bad. I think I'll make that a smut story, I'm not sure tho.. If I don't write that one, I'm wishing you a merry Christmas and a Happy new year already, if not then you'll see the other one after this :)

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