♢S P E C I A L C H A P T E R/ PT.1♢

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4 years later...

Happiness is found in somewhere where love has it's presence as well, no matter what kind of love it is.

Your happiness was your husband and your entire family, your children and your best friend's.

Big smiles, loud laughters, sweet words and jokes were the most used things in that Saturday night when you and your family and friends gathered together in your house.

It was so amazing, having Taehyung his wife and his two sons, SeokJin his wife and his daughter, and the newlywed couple Jungkook and his wife, all in your house. The kids all playing, having dinner all together, and so many other things wich brought only happiness.

"Okay lemme lighten up the mood with my jokes yall!" SeokJin, with his loud and cheerful voice informed them as you entered the room, going and sitting beside Jimin.

He rested his arm on the back of the couch behind you, sending you a smile before focusing on SeokJin again.

"Oh please! Your jokes aren't even funny Jin! They don't even deserve a smile!" Ella, Jin's wife whined at her husband. The rest laughed at the face SeokJin made at his wife's remark. No one dared complaining about SeokJin's jokes.

"Who on this earth said that my jokes doesn't deserve even a smile?! The deserve EVEN an Oscar award!" Jin said out loud in one breathe, his ears and neck reddening.

"Okay, stop shouting tell us your so called joke." Jimin softly said, a playful smile on his face.

SeokJin sent him his infamous chef kiss then cleared his throat. "A man was walking on a street, but all of the sudden, he fell into a big hole!! Hahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahah!!!!"


"Hahahahahahahahhha!" Everyone brust into a deep laughter, including Ella too. Little did poor SeokJin know, they were all laughing at the awkward minutes right after his joke.

"What are the kids doing?" Jimin silently asked you, looking directly at you eyes while drawing lazy circles on your arm.

"Just playing with the others." You answered him then looked at him. A thick lock of his silky hair was on one of his eyes and you removed it, your fingers taking thier sweet time in his soft like cotton hair.

"You're so hot in that dress, lovely." He whispered on your face, a lazy smirk appearing on his face.

You rolled your eyes at his comment, taking the hand wich was on you arm away from you. "I'm supposed to be cute in this." You replied.

His hand returned to your body, but this time it landed on your thigh. His eyes roamed over your baby blue dress, then looked back at you. "You always look temping love, with a simple out fit, PJ's, dresses, or naked-"


The rest became silent at your loud voice and you looked at them wide eyed while removing Jimin's hand on your thigh. You blushed as you shyly smiled at them. They again focused on thier own conversations.

You looked back at Jimin, glaring at him while your cheeks were still burning. "Jimin I swear to God! Stop it!"

He worked hard on suppressing his laughter at your cute red face. Teasing you was like drinking water for him, easy and important for his life.

The night ended like any other ones. You bid all of them goodbyes and went inside with Jimin. "Seoyeon! KiJoon! Where are you two?!" You called out for your babies.

"We're in our room mommy!" Ki Joon shouted his answer.

You and Jimin both walked to thier room, and when you entered, you found them tidying thier room. "Did you brush your teeth?" You asked them, as Jimin leaned against the door frame with his arms crossed over his chest.

✓ 𝐆𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐌𝐄 𝐀 𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘  ،، 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝗸 𝗷𝗶𝗺𝗶𝗻Where stories live. Discover now