♢F O U R♢

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Sitting on a chair - of a table - in the middle of a café, you had the attention of all of the people who were there.

Everyone knew who you were. Kim Y/N! The most famous fashion designer in Korea!

Even if you weren't famous, you still could steal everyone's eyes, because of your beautiful figure, and your always calm face.

After 1 week of thinking about Jimin's favor, you finally decided what you'd answer, your first and last answer.

You knew you promised him to not take long, but you did anyway...

Why? Were you still unsure? Or do you want him to wait for you?

You were waiting for him to arrive. You catch everyone looking at you when you look up, but they all look away right away, embarrassed of their shameless gazes.

Also, let's not forget about the annoying voice coming from the other line of the phone, making you almost bury yourself alive.

"What are you wearing?" Jennie asked.

"Why do you even have to" You stopped right away, knowing that argument had no use when it came to Jennie. "Wide-white pants, with that pale blue shirt we bought together." You answered, your left hand massaging your temple.

"Hmm... Your hairstyle?"

"Damn, you and your shitful questions Jen." You angrily, your voice low, said.

"Your. Fucking. Hair. Style?"

"I just tied it in a high ponyt-" You stopped as soon as you saw the person entering the café.

He was looking for you, and once he saw you he smiled sweetly and came towards your table.

"Jennie he's here bye." You said and didn't wait for her to respond as you hung up and placed the phone on the table, your movement faster than a flashlight.

You stood up, heart pounding in your chest just by seeing him. You couldn't help but smile. A beautiful one, that made the butterflies in the boy's stomach fly like crazy.

"Hi, Y/N." He said, reaching his right hand out politely while the left one was under it, gesturing a handshake.

"Hello, Jimin." You replied, accepting his handshake.

An electric wave runs down your spine, touching the soft skin of his hand. It was the very first time touching each other, and damn like Jimin thought.

Eyes and hands locked, their sweet smile never fade away.

Your handshake lasted for more than enough, you both were lost in each other eyes. What's this feeling? Why are they feeling this?

If you didn't notice the situation you guys are in, Jimin wouldn't bother to move, he was even ready to do more. You slowly released your hand from his grip, your cheeks burning.

He cleared his throat as he looked around, and waited until you sat down.

A silent atmosphere filled the place and, you looked around giving the ones a smile who was looking at you, and Jimin looking at you as well, not able to remove his eyes from you.

"May I take your orders?" A male voice that belonged to the waiter broke the silence.

Even though he was asking both of you, his eyes were only on you, a not-so-pleasant-looking smile on his face.

"Oh yes please, I'd like to drink an Espresso." You said and he writes down on the small pad note in his hands, only to look at you again afterward. He didn't even bother to ask Jimin.

✓ 𝐆𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐌𝐄 𝐀 𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘  ،، 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝗸 𝗷𝗶𝗺𝗶𝗻Where stories live. Discover now