♢T W E L V E♢

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After taking shower, you went down stairs and straight to the dining room. Like usual you found Jimin sitting there, fresh from shower, his cologne filling up the room, and he was waiting for you so you can start eating your breakfast.

You sat down on your usual place, the first chair of the right side while Jimin was in the head of the table. "You know, I forgot to wish you a good morning?" He said with a smile.

You looked at him with a 'are you serious' face and sighed. "Yeah. Good morning JM."

He stopped in his tracks. Eyes wide glued to yours.

Did she just call me JM?

Did she just make a nickname for me?

You were smirking seeing his reaction, taking all the shit down to his- ehm.

"Y-you-just called me-"

"JM. It'll be your name from now on." You smiled.

Damn he was so happy. Too happy for his liking. He smiled too. "As you wish, Lovely girl."

Then he looked down at your plate to check if it's what he has demanded the maids to be. And it was exactly egg and cheese sandwich, your favorite, but there wasn't the Espresso coffee. "Mya!"

You startled. Within a minute, Mya came while you were still confused.

Everything that's needed for a breakfast is here.

What else does he want?

"Mr Park?" Mya asked.

"Where's her coffee?" Jimin asked Mya, his index finger pointing at the space infront of you, eyes full of anger while his voice sent frightful shivers down your spine.

The poor girl gulped. "I.. uh.. I-i-"

"Quite stuttering!"

"Yes. You said s-she's always drinking it after her breakfast. And i-"

"Go and bring it right now, I don't fucking want this to happen again, you got it?" He demanded in calmer tone than before, but his voice didn't fail in scaring Mya.

She bowed. "Yes Mr Park, I'm sorry." And she went out.

You were still looking at Jimin, not believing what just happened. You blinked your eyes as you knitted your eyebrows together. "What was that?" You asked.

"I called Taehyung yesterday to know what's your favorite for breakfast and he said it's egg and cheese sandwich and Espresso coffee. I told Mya to take care of it, but look she didn't bring your coffee." Jimin angrily explained.

Okay But that just alone made your heart flutter, your cheeks pink, and your stomach flipped.

He was caring about you to the point you immediately remembered your dad. The way Jimin cared about you was like your dad. He always made sure you're getting everything you wanted, your favorite foods, just like Jimin did. And that just made you like him more.

When you were still silent, shocked by his words, he looked up at you, and a smile slowly formed on your lips. "Two more days, and it's your show. I can't wait to come." He said, wanting to put you at ease.

You snapped out of your thoughts and arranged his words in your mind to know what he said. "Oh... um, yeah. That's right. I mean, I'm excited t-too."


Two days later, SeokJin, Jennie, Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jimin were sitting, along with a lot of important people, watching your last fashion show.

The group of thoes four handsome boys were sitting in the first row, all of them were wearing black suits, all looking so professional, the people around them not knowing that each of them were a whole different person inside, who always were trying to bring happiness to thier family members and thier loved ones.

The smile on Taehyung's face only showed how proud he was that the owner of thoes beautiful designes was his sister.

The people around were only here to look at the designes you made, expect Jimin who was here to look at you, as well.

Soon enough, the last model came out from the back stage along with you, you hands intertwined, your and her smile as bright as the lights wich were illuminating in that hall.

You were in a dark sparkling green selvesless dress, your hair braided to a side. Braids were only made for you, Jimin said. You were so beautiful with them, too beautiful that it damn near stopped his heart.

Your shining silver jewelries matched with your high silver heels. A light and simple make up was your complement.

The crowd were clapping and cheering for you, as you looked at them and bowed your head with a smile.

Then your eyes fell on one certain person, one person who always stood out all of the people around.

Your eyes locked with eachother. The way he was sitting, one leg over the other, clapping, and smile on his face, you didn't know why but your stomach flipped in a pleasurable way. And let's not forget, your eyes made the butterflies in HIS stomach go crazy.

For God's sake...

I'm a - so called - MAN!!! What's these fucking butterflies?!

Once the crowd calmed down, and one of the staff members brought you a mic, you broke the eye contact and looked away, clearing your throat.

You took a deep breathe and brought the mic near your mouth. "Hello everyone. First of all, I want to thank you all for coming and attending this show. I appreciate it.

There's something I wanna announce here tonight. This show is my last one for this year.

There always is a reason behind everything, and I have one for this break.

There's something wich needs my help to be done. And that thing belongs to someone who saved my life 10 years ago...

...They're the reason that I'm here, still breathing, my heart beating, speaking with you all. So I'm more than glad to help them.

Once again, thank you all for your appearance here. So... this is my goodbye for now." You bowed, barely holding back the tears that formed in your beautiful eyes. The crowd again started clapping, but this time stood up as you turned around and disappeared in back stage.

Jimin cursed himself, he ran his fingers through his hair multiple times, he didn't like this, and he was the reason of this.

But she said she's more than glad to do this... right?

But he was selfish, he wanted you all for himself. Even thought it wasn't for the rest of his life, he still wanted to do it. It of course was going to hurt him on the end, letting you go, but he still wanted it.

It was like you were his oxygen, electric for his heart beat, light for nights, and his everything.


End of chapter twelve.

Sorry it was shorter than the previous chapters. But I was too lazy...

Okay, hope you all enjoyed 🌸.

Bye for now👸.

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