♢T W O♢

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"Give me a baby." He said.

You felt like someone came and took all the oxygen away from you. You couldn't breathe, or move. Your eyes only stayed on his, your mind only repeating that sentence, and your ears only hearing that same sentence.

As for Jimin, he regretted saying those words right away. Right after they left his mouth.

I should have left that desire. I should have said that I don't want anything.

You couldn't stay there anymore. All you wanted was to run out of here. You wanted to hide from him, from his shadow.

This was just so hard for you. And would be hard for any other woman.

Giving a man a baby without anything between them?

With a pounding heart, you stood up and stormed out of the room without letting out a single word.


It was 5 PM when you arrived home, opened the front door, then closed it behind you.

When you turn around, you see your brother standing there with a worried face looking at you.

He knew what you just heard before coming back.

"Please not now Tae." You said, holding your right hand up as soon as you saw him opening his mouth to speak.

And you went upstairs, heading to your room, leaving Taehyung all by himself downstairs.


Two hours later.

Taehyung knocked on the door of your room but to no response. He opened the door and went inside, finding you on your bed still wearing the dress you wore when you went to meet Jimin.

"Papino?" He called out while walking towards you.

When he saw you were sleeping, instead of being a man, he started shouting. "Yah! Are you sleeping?! At this time?!!" His loud deep voice boomed in the room.

He then started shaking your body, while you pretended that you were sleeping.

Her eyes are moving fastly under her eyelids. Her breathing is fast as well. Mf, she isn't sleeping.

He let out a sigh then crossed his arms over his chest and with a calm voice he said, "I know that you're not sleeping. Come downstairs, someone's waiting for you." And he went out of her room.

When you heard the door shut, you buried your face in your pillow. "I hate you and your fucking abilities Kim Taehyung!!!" You shouted on your pillow.

You stood up and went towards your closet, taking out some comfortable clothes to wear, ready to go downstairs to see who was waiting for you.


Jimin was sitting on the couch with his back facing the big windows of Taehyung's house, speaking with him, who just come back from Y/N's room.

"Tae? Who came-" You asked as soon as you reached the living room but got interrupted by Jimin's presence.

Your eyes immediately locked together.

Jimin was mesmerized, seeing you in another form. And the same went for you.

That white shirt that had a pig pink heart on it, pink sweat pants, and your hair styled in a messy bun, your bare face as beautiful as it is with the light makeup you always put on, was enough for Jimin to feel what he felt just 2 hours ago, but in a different way.

✓ 𝐆𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐌𝐄 𝐀 𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘  ،، 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝗸 𝗷𝗶𝗺𝗶𝗻Where stories live. Discover now