♢T H I R T E E N♢

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It had been a few days after your show. Despite the sadness, you still could feel happiness, and for that you had to thank Jimin.

It was 10 PM. "I think it's time for me to leave, you coming Jennie? I can give you a ride if you want to." Taehyung said as he stood up.

"Oh Taehyungie, yes please. I haven't brought my car." She stood up as well, pocketing her phone.

It was a normal day, actually night, Jennie and Taehyung came to visit you. "Why so soon Tae? Stay a little bit more." You said as you were still sitting next to the proud Jimin.

Proud because you sat next to him that night.

I'm a dumb ass right?

Say that to my face and see if I have a fuck to give.

I'm just happy, the end.

"Papino it's late. I'll visit again, don't worry." Tae smiled. "Oh yeah! I'm throwing a party this weekend, both of you are invited. I'll send you the adress Jimin. It'll be at 9PM." Then his smile turned into a smirk.

He was the party guy. He always liked it. Whenever your parents went out for a trip with out you and him, he'd always invite his friends and would turn the house to a mess.

"wHaT AbOuT mE?!" Jennie pouted just like a little girl as she stomped and turned to look at Tae. You and Jimin laughed.

"Only business men's - who's me, Jimin, Jungkook, and Jin - are allowed to come, Jen. That means you are not allowed, Miss."

"The fuck?! Y/N isn't a business man, nor a business woman! Then why in the hell she's allowed but not me?! I bet JUNGCOCK is coming as well, he's not one too!!" Jennie fought back.

"You forgot that's he's working in my place now, didn't you? He's one now." Jimin played along with Tae, teasing the poor girl who was desperate to go to a party. You just sat there enjoying the drama by your brother, best friend and the guy you liked, laughing every now and then.

"Jimin-ssi!!" Jennie whined. "Y/NNNN YOU SAY SOMETHING PLEASE!!!!"

You laughed a bit. "Jen they're just playing around, you'll come with us, is there any party without you?" You reassured her with your soft tone.


After saying goodbye to both of them, you and Jimin made your ways up to the stairs, heading to your room.

After that night, the night you gave Jimin yourself for the first and the last time, he continued to sleep there with you. But nothing special happened, expect one thing...

He barely hold himself back from touching you. But the urge to hug her from behind was undeniable. And when you noticed you had no problem with that, when he noticed you couldn't sleep without his arms wrapped around you from behind, he just continued doing that. Along with another thing....

After changing to more comfortable clothes, Jimin came and laid down beside you.

Instead of scooting closer and engulfing you in his embrace, he just laid down on his side, looking at you.

When you noticed, you did the same. You and him both laid there, for God knows how long, just looking at eachother, admiring eachother, happy that you are together, but sad that you couldn't share happiness, that you couldn't touch eachother.

That he couldn't make love for you.

You slowly closed your eyes, pretending to be fallen a sleep. And a rush of happiness went down his spine.

✓ 𝐆𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐌𝐄 𝐀 𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘  ،، 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝗸 𝗷𝗶𝗺𝗶𝗻Where stories live. Discover now