♢F O U R T E E N♢

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"It's been seventeen years, but everyday I wake up, I feel like it was all a bad dream. It takes me several minutes to cope up with the fact that he's dead, that he's gone forever..."

You looked as he poured his heart out infront of you, you looked at how sad he was. Your heartbeat fastened and without you being aware your eyes filled with tears.

It was odd for you to get teary immediately, you always had control over your emotions, but right now, you couldn't help, you had no control.


Is that because I know how it feels when you loose your father?

Or what?

The changing of your feelings took you off guard, but you had Jimin to care about right now. "I-i'm sorry for that JM." You said, your voice trembling and cracking at the end of your words, just then your un wanted tears started sliding down from your eyes.

The view infront of him startled him, made him shocked. You were crying. Right in front of him. He had seen you crying once in his life before, and it was when you were infront of your burned house, crying for your parents. You were a teenager back then, but now you're a grown up lady, your crying was more affective for him.

And she's crying because of something, or someone related to him.

God, burn me in hell for making her cry.

Wasting not more than one second, he snapped up from his chair, and charged towards you.

Knowing that he's gonna hug you, you stood up, and for unknown reasons you cried harder silently. You just wanted to cry, not more than that. Meeting his hard - but warm chest, you rested your head against it.

It feels so good to in be Jimin's arms.

It's so warm, so safe, his smell is so good, everything is so beautiful.

I wish I could stay in his arms forever...


Dinner time, the dining room. Jimin's Mother was sitting next to Jimin and they both were facing you sitting at the opposite side of the table.

Mrs Park's eyes were on you the entire time with that smile wich was similar to Jimin's, making the heat to stay in your cheeks the entire time.

"She's so beautiful, Min." She whispered in her son's ear. Jimin let out a heavy sigh. He was annoyed by the fact that his Mother kept on saying that you were so beautiful, even thought she knew that her son won't do relationship things. She was aware of each and everything that was happening in her son's life, she knew you were only giving him only a baby, but couldn't help but wish you were something else to her son. Of course like every other Mother, she wanted the best life for her boy.

But that won't happen. Mrs Park thought. But who knows what future holds?

Mrs Park cleared her throat, "So, Y/N-aa how are you doing these days, are you comfortable here?" She asked you with a sweet voice.

You looked up the the elder woman across from you, gulping, but also thankful because she made you stop eating wich you were very uncomfortable by its smell that if it wasn't for Jimin and his Mother, you'd throw up on it. "Yes Mrs Park, everything is good." You smiled nervously.

Jimin's Mother smiled widely. "That's good then." Her loving gaze remained on you, her eyes filling with tears as the thought of the beautiful lady infront of her growing up with out a Mother crossed her mind.

You made Mrs Park remember her own old days. The days she spent without mother, just like you.

That's why she promised to be with you from now on. She wanted to make up for thoes time you spent with out a person who's the backbone of life, for the times you probably spent hardly without the person who brought you to life, by being with you, helping you with everything possible.

"Can we talk later-" She turned her head to look at Jimin who was sitting beside her "-without Jimin." She stated the last sentence a bit harshly as she glared at her son.

Jimin widened his eyes and opened his mouth widely, as he put his hand on his chest where his heart is. "Moooomm!" He whined, reminding you of a little boy whining at his mom for not giving him candies.

At his face you couldn't help but laugh. His cheeks were flushed, and you've noticed they'll get that color whenever he felt un wanted.

"What? Are you trying to butt in women things? I didn't raise a boy for that!" Mrs Park yelled at now her red son.

Jimin looked at you, then at his Mother, back at you, and finally down at his food, continuing eating it, mind telling him that fire will raise above him out of embarrassment.

Like Mrs Park said, she and you went to the balcony of Jimin's room.

Outside was already dark, stars twinkling in the black night sky, the moon shining in the center. The lights of the cars were glitching from far away, thier sounds filling the background, showing a busy night of Busan city.

You and Mrs Park were both sitting on the two wooden chairs, you fidgeting your fingers, and Mrs Park admiring you.

"I want you to know one thing Y/N." Mrs Park said, gaining your attention. "I'm gonna get to the point right away. I know you don't have parents, and I'm like you, but my dad was alive. I grew up without a Mother too."

Your eyes widened at her words, she grew up just like you. You and her were same. You of course felt sad for her, you understood her, you knew how it exactly felt like.

You understood both her and her son very well.

But you didn't understand why she's telling you this. And before you could ask, she continued. "And the thing that you should know is, you have a Mother. A real one that can be with you everytime from now on."

Your eyes filled with tears, hot ones wich burned the back of your eyes. What was she telling you? Were you hearing it right? However, the tears in your eyes slide down one by one, leaving the skin on your cheeks burning with its heat when Mrs Park said her last words. "And that Mother is me."

You could not believe. She was the sweetest woman you've ever seen in your whole life after your mother. The thought of having a Mother again melted your body.

I'm gonna have Mother again...

You needed a Mother, everyone needed, but you swore no one wanted one as bad as you. That's right, Mrs Park couldn't fulfill your real Mother's place, but at least, she could teach you how to ba a great woman. You were gonna go through so many new things you've never experienced in your life before. Being pregnant, wich had so many difficulties, giving birth... thoes were somethings wich were in the list of "I don't know thoes things."

But lucky for you, you had a Mother, who was ready to teach you anything you wanted.

The happiness made it harder for you to not hug your new Mother, so you engulfed her in your embrace, locking your arms around her as tight as possible.

"So can I call you.... Mom?"

"Of course, my baby."


End of chapter fourteen.

Kay, lemme say smth here. How am I supposed to continue this story while there's no one muttering a word out? 😂 if you don't feel like commenting, just say that "I'm here", please.

I just like reading comments 😢

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