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Faaris walked around his office thinking about Alishaa. He is confused why he is thinking about her and how it felt good to him. He always thought he only girl he will think about is his sister.

He stood by glass window his hands stuck in his pockets, he remembered from the first day he met her to the first day they talked before becoming friends. He then remembered the day he saw her freaking out, he noticed she hates darkness and also thinks like she had a bad past or something. He didn't ask her the other night because he saw how uncomfortable she was, probably waiting for him to ask her the question and when he didn't, she looked comfortable afterwards. His phone started ringing. He walked to the desk and took looking at the screen he frowned deeply.


"Wa'alaikumSalaam son, normal people say mom or something after it" Replied a slivery female voice. Faaris hoped she called because she remembered which day is today, but decided not to show her, he cared.

"What happened?" He went straight to the point knowing she called him for something, like she normally does, he still hoped it's because she remembered the day.

"Can't a mother call her son without a reason?"

"We all know you are not that type"

"You know me too well! When are you coming back?" She asked her voice sounding a little serious than earlier


"I am done with your games Faaris, the company doesn't wait for you before it crashes.. You get back within one week or you'll hate life itself" A sad smile appeared on his lips for stupidly thinking that someday maybe she will change.

"I am just waiting for the fashion show and i would be back"

"You keep saying the fashion show since when? About a month?"

"Yeah and it still didn't happen, it will in two days InshAllah, so after it i will come"

"Whatever-" She started but stopped, Faaris heard her voice downwards but what she was saying wasn't clear, as if  she is talking in shush tone.

"Are you there mother?"

"Oh right, yeah i was just talking to the weekend ladies" Faaris frowned turned into a sad face and he sighed. It seems like he is getting his hopes up way too high. She kept talking about one of their daughters not that he was paying attention.

"Alright, i have a meeting to attend to" She didn't finish about the girl when he ended the call. He sighed again looking up and stared at the now orange sky.

The sun is setting, people walking out of their working places to their vehicles and some walking to the bus stop. He thought about how people take life too serious. The people who saw him but never noticed the emptiness in him only his money, then there is people like Alishaa and her mother, who took care of him before even knowing him. And Alishaa was tried showing him the fun part of life that disappeared since the last five years. His eyes became red as he began remembering the last year he smiled and cried.

He removed his glasses, put his hands in his hair stressfully. He heard the door open he turned and saw Alishaa who had a puzzle look on her face before smiling, he raised his brows looking at her.

Alishaa happily entered Faaris's office, knowing work is over and he didn't have any guest, not that she cared. All that she cares about is taking him with her. She opened the door to find Faaris running his hands in his very black hair. Which made her think he is an Australian Arab at first. His glasses in his hands, leaving her witness his beautiful ocean blue eyes.

How can someone have this much beautiful eyes? And to top that a male. Alright steady yourself Alishaa, or he will catch you!


"So what?"

"What are you doing here?"

Straight to the point huh? When is he not!

"Let's go"

"Go where? I don't have time to waste Alishaa don't annoy me and leave" He said sternly putting his glasses back on. She puts her hand on her waist looking at him, who is being serious, she rolled her eyes remembering he is always serious.

"I know that Mr Grinch, you don't have to show me the attitude. Just like a break, it's after work hours after all, so you have break"

"Noo, i am not going anywhere now leave" He pointed to the door

"Okay, i just wanted to be nice, you've been working non-stop since I met you, i just thought you might want to take a break. But it's okay I get it, you don't need my help, i will leave" She sadly pretending to make teary eyes. She picked her bag that she threw earlier on the floor when she came in and started walking to the door. Hoping her act will work on him, she turned and gave him one last look before opening the door.

"Fine, let's go" She stopped and smiled widely turning around

"Really you are coming with me? Really?"

"Yes, but i might change if-"

"Let's get out of here" She grinned and they walked out of the office. After a series of Alishaa talking and Faaris Ignoring her they reached Faaris's car.

"Give your car keys"

"Why?" Faaris looked at the keys then back at her.

"Because I am taking you out so I should drive"

"Forget the car, you are taking me out? I always knew you have something for me"

"Oh god! Faaris when will you believe i don't have a thing for you, now give the keys-- thank you, now get in, i don't like waiting" She said in an almost serious tone. Making Faaris roll his eyes.

Sorry for making this chapter short but can't ruin the surprise~~

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