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For the first time since joining Nifaas, Alishaa walked into the company with a smile on her face. After nervously stressing out the whole weekend, she decided to show her designs to Director Ma on Monday, today. She knows her work is top tier and could be used by Nifaas, but she was still in doubt.

She went to Riyaa's office with her book tightly held in her hand. She met with an empty office, she stopped by door thinking where she could be at, when her name was called.

She looked back and closed the door, going to the direction the voice. Sarah stood by her desk, scrolling through phone, "Oh god" Alishaa mumbled, slowly down her pace a little.

"Yes" she answered walking closer to the table. Sarah looked her up and down then rolled her eyes, saying, "Took you long enough. Anyways," she tapped on a few folders on Alishaa's table, "Director Ma said to give you this and get it done" she stated and started walking towards the elevator, Alishaa's heart dropped looking at the files, work! A lot of work!

"Er, wait where is she? Director ma?" she asks putting behind the idea of walking on the files, "She is out" Sarah replied shortly, and walked to the elevator, her heels echoing around. Alishaa looked at the files, then her book and smiled sadly. She placed everything down and started working on the files, deciding to show director ma later.

Finally finishing the work, she submitted it to the design team and went looked for Director Ma. On her way walking she heard from one of the staff's Director Ma is in the designing room, she turned and walked towards it. She recited Ayatul Kursi and entered the design room, Riyaa and the design team were circled around the huge desk looking at a dress hologram.

She let out a sharky breath and walked in. She stood next to an anxious looking Riyaa, "Hello ma'am" she said, Riyaa looked at her and let out a relief breath, "Ahh Alishaa, thank God you are here! Go down to the shooting place and change the suit for model number 3, this blue suit should be used instead" she said and placed the suit on Alishaa's hand roughly, it started slipping down but Alishaa was quick to catch it.

She nodded blinking her tears away, she moved backwards. "Err, were you saying something?" Riyaa asked, furrowing her brows. She shook her head, forcing a smile, "No, i will go now" she quickly replied and stomped out.

She didn't let cloud her mind until she reached her car, she settled down in the car holding the steering wheel tightly. "It is just another chapter Alishaa" she whispered, cleaning her eyes.

A couple minutes later she managed to control her emotions, she drove out of the company's parking lot.

Faaris sighed and leaned on his chair as Rashid walked out, he stopped and looked back saying, "Bro that's my food, I will be back" Faaris looked at the leather and nodded.

Seconds later, he sat straight and opened a box of sandwiches that was kept on the table before him by Rashid. He rolled his sleeves and was about to dive into his lunch when he saw Alishaa, walking around the shooting place preparing for the next shoot, while all the other employees were having lunch.

He closed the lid to his sandwich box and got up. He opened a white leather next to his sandwich box. He took both the leather and sandwich box to his desk then walked to her. She squatted on the floor picking up specks of dirt that could ruin the shoot, he stood behind her waiting for her to stand up.

She got up with jolt and stumbled backwards, noticing Faaris, "Laaa! You scared me" she said, putting the dirt in a bin.

He rolled his eyes and stuck his hands in his pockets, "Follow me" he said, and started walking towards his office, she stood there watching him, raising her left brow, "Ah no, I have a lot of work, I cannot waste more time. And I don't want to be fired because of-" she stopped rambling as he said, "I am the CEO?" she closed her eyes and sighed.

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