_Chapter {56}_

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CHAPTER FIFTY-SIX; Past misunderstandings

Maraam walked out to the balcony of her house wanting to get some fresh air, the cold breeze outside, she looked down and saw Faaris jogging back to the house clearly his mind was anywhere but at this mansion. She guessed he is probably thinking about the girl he brought, anyone can see how he care about her.

She heard a door close she looked back into the room, Aheel came in with his phone attached to his ear, he looked up at her and she quickly turned her head and then later left the room.

He sighed as he saw her walk out of the room, he took the file he came looking for and walked out, he walked down to the second floor, he saw Maaram by the stairs using her phone. He held the file tightly and opened it looking at it as he walked towards the stairs. He heard some noise and quickly looked up he saw Maraam slipping he ran fast and held her hand dragging her to him.

"Are you okay? I always tell you to not use your phone while walking! What if you fell? I-" He stopped scolding her after seeing the look she is giving him, right there he saw a glimpse of the woman he fell in love with. They got interrupted by her phone ringing they turned and looked at the screen, seeing Madam Noon he went cold.

"Wallah I have personal hatred for those ladies" He said

"Well great that I do not care" She replied

"Till when will we keep being like this?"

"Don't turned that on me, you caused it all"


"Forget it, I have work to do" She said and got out of his hold and walked down quickly without turning back, she heard chuckles the moment she reached the floor something that hasn't been heard in a long time at the mansion.

She followed the sounds which lead her to the kitchen, she saw Faaris and Alishaa who looked like she is cooking but her attention is on Faaris who is laughing. She saw Fatima the head maid standing by the kitchen backdoor, looking at them with a huge smile on her face.

She hadn't seen him laugh since six years back, she moved backwards and walked to the living room, thinking about how she snatched the happiness from her family.

After seating for awhile in the living room thinking about life for once forgetting about work, she decided to go to the dining table for breakfast, she saw Alishaa, Faaris and Aheel having a good time. It seems like Alishaa is giving the light she couldn't give the household, she cannot help but envy her.

"Ah family time huh?" The laughter died down as she walked in which didn't go unnoticed by her.

"Good morning Auntie" Said Alishaa standing up

"Hum" She replied

"Good morning" Said Faaris, she replied him and sat down by the table next to Aheel.

"I will have to go to work now, Alishaa thank you for the breakfast, it already made my day"

"You are welcome Uncle, I could always cook for you"

"Ay Faaris, your wife is trying to make me fat already" He said with a chuckle, which Faaris smiled to. He looked over at Maraam and then left.

"You go and get ready, I will clean up" Said Alishaa to Faaris, he told her he will give her a tour around.

"Don't worry about it, Rima will clean it up"

"Nahh I prefer cleaning my mess remember"

"I will tell Mama-Nadee, her training is still intact" He joked and left the table too, Alishaa looked over at Maraam who is still talking on the phone, she waited for her to finish and asked her if she needs anything.

"Don't need to act all nice, they are gone"

"Huh?" Asked Alishaa looking confused

"I meant no need to act Faaris isn't here anymore"

"I wasn't acting"

"Yeah right, I know outsiders like you, you come in and destroy the home taking over all the assets" Alishaa's heartbeat increased as she tried not to get angry at the fact that she called her a gold digger and went for the easy way to deal with the situation.

"I don't know what you face Auntie but trust me, I didn't even know Faaris is this rich because it never crossed my mind to think about it"

"Then why are you with him?" Alishaa kept quiet thinking about the right answer

"Because he is has been there for me more than a lot of people in my whole life, his arrival alone changed my whole life, I know I cannot be able to repay him or even be enough in your eyes"

"But my mother always said do not judge best on experience come closer and understand" Maraam raised her brow looking at Alishaa

"Alright then, we have a little get together later in the afternoon with the women in my family and my friends why don't you join us? So I can understand you and not judge?" Her words might seem normal but the tone she used and her expressions said otherwise, Alishaa gulped and went in for it.

"Well then see you later, I will be off to work now" She said and got up, Alishaa let out a cry leaning on the seat the moment she went out.

"I am so dead bro!"


"Are you sure you will be okay?" Asked Faaris for the tenth time after Alishaa told him her plans with his mother

"Yes, I have to do this to gain her trust"

"But she is not the same with those ladies around"

"Calm down Faaris trust me okay?"

"Okay, I will be with Naadir and Rashid, call me when you need anything"

"Okay" He cannot help but feel like his mother is planning something against Alishaa, though she is his mother she can be very mean sometimes. She smiled at him and walked out to the garden, he went out to his black G_wagon 63 that was parked by the front door and drove to the flower house where Rashid and Naadir are waiting for him.

"We thought you will ditch us" Said Rashid

"I almost when Alishaa told me she is spending the afternoon with Mama and the weekend ladies" Naadir chocked on his drink and Rashid removed the cucumber on his eyes and ate it in shock.


"Yeah, and I cannot find any peace at all"

"Well Alishaa is good at handling people I hope they don't do too much" Said Rashid

"But what is the worst that could happen?"

"She will ask for a divorce?"

"But you already told her how they are right?" Asked Naadir, Faaris nodded

"Alishaa is an American girl no matter how she looks and yes she is strong but when it comes to her family she lets go of everything so I am just praying they don't force her to react" Said Rashid thoughtfully.

"Why don't we go?" Said Rashid suddenly

"Go where?"

"Spy on them and when we see it is going wrong we become active"

"Nahh that is crazy man" Said Naadir

"I say we try" Said Faaris which they both gave him a weird and shocking look

"Faaris in love is something I will not get used to" Said Naadir laughing. They decided to race along the way to the Ahfaad's mansion and as Rashid predicted Faaris won it.

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