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"So you pretended to be sick and that too with cancer to get us back all the way from America?" Faaris asked his mother as he sat on the couch, looking at her who is typing on her phone and his father who is looking at a paper.

"Yeah, still a big deal anyways besides Naadir suggested it and I thought he's your better half so why not!"

"You lied to me with cancer! A deathly disease, because you don't want to be embarrassed in front of those women" He said his voice becoming low, she kept the phone and looked at him

"They are your aunties Faarisy, give them respect"

"First of all they are nowhere near that to me and second no one is allowed to call me that name not even you" He said and left the living room

"You need to change your act you are pushing your son, just like the way you pushed me" Said the father keeping the paper in his hand

"Don't even start, i am not pushing him away but i don't need to explain myself.... And also when were you ever here for the both of us?" Yelled Maram as she stood up

"Just go enjoy with your weekend ladies, we are not Young to argue anyway" He stood up and left the living room. Knowing if they continued the argument it wouldn't end well like every time, especially that Faaris is around.

I am not trying to run Maraam, but with those ladies, you and i can't seem to be what we once were!

Maram sat on the couch as a tear escaped her eye, she closed her eyes remembering past events. After some minutes she opened them cleaning her eyes.

"Not again will i cry! I will enjoy like you do!" She cleared her face. Taking her bag and phone, and walked out of the house.

Faaris came back home, with the staff telling him, his father went to a meeting in Dubai and his mother is in a meeting. Even though it was pretty late, but that's how he has always lived. He stood on his terrace looking at the empty sky, thinking about the difference between living in Newark and Beirut.

He remembered how that place felt like the home he missed five years back, the love and everything. He looked at his phone as he watched the videos and images they took there, with Alishaa, Nadiya and even Renzo. Small smile on his face as he looked at Alishaa's face, on the day of his birthday, happiness was visible on her face as if it were her birthday.

He thought maybe he should call her but he decided to go against it. But all he could think of was her. Just as he was about to shut the phone, it started ringing. The saw person he has been thinking of calling him, his face light up and immediately he swiped and answered.

Alishaa paced on the rooftop, thinking whether she should call Faaris or not. She has been looking at the phone for a while now. Making up her mind she dial the number, after a ring it was answered, which surprised her.

"Aww...i see you miss me that much!" She teased him. He smiled as he had her voice

"I should be the one saying that, the fact that you called first!"

"I knew you were thinking of calling me too, but i called first and you won't admit"

"Actually yeah, i have been thinking of calling you but i thought you were sleeping" She blushed as a smile appeared on her face. She always like that Faaris is honest even though sometimes he is too honest. She thanked God that he wasn't looking at her at the moment.

"Why are you awake?"

"I couldn't sleep and imagine Renzo kept me working till 7 today"

"I thought you are the fashion designer now and not an assistant?"

"Renzo doesn't think that way! He thinks i am a robot or something, he kept asking me if I created something new for the past three days, i almost cried" She said whining, Faaris chuckled, shaking his head.

"Renzo needs stop this!"

"No, do not stop him, i get free coffee and food everyday delivered to my office" She grinned as if he was watching her

"The company's coffee is free, including the food"

"Yeah but i am too lazy to go down and get it, he brings it to my office... Oh right you need to check my office it's so beautiful and so comfy" He smiled at the thought she actually liked the way he arranged her new office.

"Don't tell me you sleep on the couch?"

"No i am civilised at work, Druvh's always here because of the couch" A frown appeared on his face at the mention of Druvh's name. Instantly he remembered what Renzo and Naadir told him.

Keep refusing to admit and you lose her

The question kept running in his mind, could it be possible that he loves her? But Druvh's problem was more disturbing now, knowing he isn't there to stop him.

"The weird friend goes to your office?"

"Yeah all the time like he even eats lunch with me, it's just like old times are getting back and when will you stop calling him the weird friend?"

"Until he changes his personality"

"Oh no his personality is good, it's likable" He tensed at what she said, his frowned face turning into a sad one.

"So you like him?"

"He's my friend so yeah?" After some silence he responded to her, as she kept telling him stories about her and Druvh's friendship. Noticing his change in behaviour she decided to ask him as she started understanding his moods even on call.

"Cool" He replied to her last story

"Hey, what's wrong Mr Grinch? You sound down? Is it my too much rant? I talk a lot right?"

"No it's good, i was actually listening to you"

"Is it the Druvh conversation?"

"Yeah or no, i mean he's your close friend i can't say anything about it, i am just your-neighbour" He closed his eyes running his hand in his hair, thinking why he suddenly said those things.

"Oh come on! You are not just a neighbour you are my Mr Grinch" He smiled widely at what she said even though he appears to hate the name he actually loves it when she calls him that, and that she mentioned him being her Mr Grinch.

"I knew you have a crush on me"

"Oh get over yourself!!"

"It's okay if you don't want to admit it now, the time is coming"

"As I said earlier you wish!! I will never have a crush on you" She crunched her nose, she still smiling

"Alright you should sleep, you have a long day ahead of you" He said after hearing her yawn for the second time in three minutes

"I called you and you are sending me out! Really?"

"I am not sending you out, you and i both know you are tired and sleepy that's it, i can never get tired of you" She blushed and looked down at her lap at the other side

"You win this time, good night"

"Good night" She hanged up the phone and immediately slept with a smile on her face.

Nadiya opened the bedroom door, to see if she was still talking on the phone or not. She found her cuddling up with her blue dragon, a smile on her face. She smiled to herself and shut the door.

"I need to get this two together!" She smiled evilly walking to her room, along the way thinking of things that could get them to get together.

Bruhhhh!! I am tired

Anyways later💫

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